Infinity Cell Extension has partnered with health product manufacturers to provide the best choice and most advanced source of USP Pharmaceutical grade supplements. Innovative super antioxidant nutritional formulas and all natural diet supplements.

Our Commitment to Quality Assurance

Our dietary supplement GMP standard manufacturing process subject all raw materials and finished products to stringent test criteria and validation protocols of the highest order. We take all the necessary steps to ensure the quality and potency of every product we make.

Certificate of Analysis

The Quality Assurance program starts even before we order or receive the raw materials we use to make our products. To begin with, the suppliers of all ingredients send a Certificate of Analysis for each and every ingredient we plan to order to the Health Quality Control Director. After reviewing the Certificate of Analysis provided by the supplier, the Quality Control Director, approves or rejects the ordering of the ingredients based upon their meeting the quality and potency specifications for the product.