Nerve Pain


Some years ago, I had surgery and it left me with nerve pain that radiated down the left side of my neck and left arm. I heard about (iGH7) at a health and wellness fair. I ordered (iGH7) and after using it for a few weeks all pain was gone.

Karen Yore

Lake Forest, Illinois


Three years ago I was diagnosed as having Tic Douloureux, a painful nerve condition of the face. Irritation of this nerve causes severe pain that may last a moment, but sometimes keeps coming back many times a day. The doctor put me on Legretol. I only took them for about two weeks as they made me groggy and I couldn’t concentrate at my job. I decided to live with this. Then we heard about (iGH7) last August. I had been taking them only about one month, when I noticed the pain had disappeared and I haven t had it since. So I guess I will be taking them the rest of my life.

Omer Bentsch

Glencoe, Minnesota


Our whole family is so very thankful that we were introduced to (iGH7), and pray to God that it will soon be recognized by our medical profession for the phenomenal benefits of this product.

Our daughter was in a terrible accident two years ago and was burned over thirty-five percent of her body. She had to undergo many skin grafts and many reconstruction surgery s since the accident. She also had severe nerve damage to her right arm, and we were told that she may never have feeling in her arm.

After her third reconstruction surgery, the doctor told her that her appearance would not improve more than five percent a year if she was lucky. She was very upset because she was not satisfied with her appearance at all. She was still very scarred. It was about a week later that a very dear friend introduced us to (iGH7). We put our daughter on five to six pills daily along with Catalyst water which she took four ounces three times a day and also she sprayed it on her body. She recently started using Vitalize Cream.

In about a month, we noticed that the scar tissue she had on parts of her back surrounding the skin grafts, had totally disappeared and the skin tone on her back and arm were returning to normal.

Two months later, she had another surgery under local anesthesia. When the doctor gave her the first needle, she felt pain and told him. He stopped what he was doing and looked at her and said, “You can t feel that can you?” When she told him that she could, he said, “In all my years as a specialist, never has one of my patients regained feeling in such a short time after such a serious injury) He was shocked, the nurse verified it with the doctor and told him that our daughter squeezed her hand every time he gave her a needle.

Our daughter knew then what (iGH7) had done for her. In four months she had nerve activity in her arm. She knew her cells were repairing. She is very thankful for (iGH7), and that her story will help others use this wonder pill so that those may be helped who have been through a burn trauma and also anyone who might be burned in tenure. She given us hope now, knowing that each day she will be getting a little better, with the help of God and (iGH7).

Dolores & Charles McNerney

Yorktown, New York


PRAISE THE LORD FOR (iGH7). It has turned my life around. doctors labeled me a “pain patient,” destined for life in a wheelchair. It was most discouraging when doctors, including specialists, told me for years, “Sorry, I cannot help you.” Then came (iGH7). For years I had been taking arthritic medication, continually having to take stronger and stronger prescriptions. The latest one being Naprosyn 500 mg twice a day. After two weeks of (iGH7), I was able to completely eliminate that dreadful drug. I have not had to indulge in Naprosyn since. The true test came just recently, as we just returned from a lengthy trip to the East coast, where the humidity was nearly unbearable, and (iGH7) did its job – NO MORE NAPROSYN! My problem shoulders are much less painful now as well as the chronic bursitis in both hips. Neck pain from structural problems has improved along with the total hip replacement pain. I am able to walk better and with more comfort. One of the most astonishing developments is the absence of the burning pain in the damaged nerves in my legs that has plagued me since 1950, caused by extensive back surgery. The “Doners Spot” pain, in my pelvic, from spinal fusion, is much lessened, as well as the entire lower back. Even the chronically damaged nerve root between my shoulder blades is better. Now I ride a bicycle, which I have not done for decades. I am able to lead a much more active life. The healing of the damaged cells in all these areas is a result of taking (iGH7) twice daily. A miraculous breakthrough for pain relief and (iGH7) to enhance each other for natural healing. Nothing can eliminate all pain. There are no miracles in this world, but by taking (iGH7) daily, my world is less painful and I can now do more and live life more fully and comfortably.

Verna H. Lindstrom

Mesa, Arizona


I would like to tell others about my family’s experience with (iGH7). I have been suffering from chronic back pain for many years from an injury sustained while training in the Armed Forces. I don t use any drugs at all. It wasn’t till last November (1989) that I heard from my wife‘s friend, Pam Simms, about (iGH7). I was quite dubious about how it had helped others at first. I suffer from degenerative osteoarthritis, disc wear and nerve pressure. I have a lot of pain injury neck, mid-back and lumbar area, which affects my left hip and leg. Only people who suffer this pain can appreciate how I feel! When a spasm occurs, I have to take to bed rest and/or walk around the home with crutches at times. This leads to some depression and anger on my part, and it is difficult for my wife and my son, Michael 4 years, and my daughter, Rachel 5 years. I am 52 years old and have lived for years with the fear of being put in a wheelchair eventually. C wily a few days after I began using (iGH7), I noticed a tremendous difference that this started to put on my daily living. I know this may sound corny, but my crutches are now in the basement unused. At first, I had a few spasms like a lightning bolt it would hit me. While feeling pain, it would eventually go away to the point that I could even weight-lift the same day. My daughter, Rachel has a problem with her immune system and gets colds quite often. Her upper lip and nose would flare up and get red and crusty. Like many others, I thought I would put her on (iGH7), one a day for a week or so. Well, to my surprise, not only has this problem leared up, but her personality has mellowed and she is more pleasant. She also sleeps better a longer. Whenever we notice the “sniffles” coming on, we give her (iGH7) and it clears it up. It a o is helping her hair thicken and grow, as she was born with very fine and short hair, which a live years of age is not much longer than her brother Michael’s hair. We have really noticed a difference, as it is quickly becoming thicker and growing longer. “wife, Lesley, for many years has suffered from a 15-day menstrual period and has been quite an LfllC from this factor. As well as being very, very miserable! So I gave her a few (iGH7) for a week and her menstrual period stopped at six days! She is taking (iGH7) on a more regular basis and fed much better emotionally; and in time we can see improvement, as it is cleaning out her uterus. d overall she is feeling better, have little if no pain now, as long as I take my (iGH7) regularly. I tell my people about Dr. Koch s )duct, as so many suffer from so many allergies, bad diet, pills and drugs. I just can’t get over how much energy I have now and how it has helped our family. By the time of this letter, Rachel has chicken pox, with only a dozen spots. People can’t get over it, well she is doing, as we are giving her (iGH7) every day to help fight this. We took her to the doctor yesterday and considering the minimal itching, she is doing well. I m sure (iGH7) is helping the cause. I wish to thank Dr. Koch and all the people I’ve met at the seminars in the Vancouver, B.C. area for sharing their experiences and the zeal they show for the benefits they’ve had by sharing the (iGH7) products.

Willis, Jesley, Rachel, & Michael Devitt

Vancouver ,B.C. V5N2X1 Canada


I’m eighty years of age. All of my adult life I’ve had a circulatory condition resulting in bad leg problems. Even to the point where a doctor told me I d probably need an amputation some day. My left leg in the ankle area was very discolored and I was never without pain. Our son introduced us to (iGH7). After taking the product for several weeks, a terrible inward itching developed in the effected area. It was awful, but I d always been told that itching is a healing sign, so I continued taking (iGH7). Then one day the pain lessened but the itching continued. The pain then let up and the leg was getting a better color. Now a year later, my leg is almost normal color and there is absolutely no pain. May God and (iGH7) be praised.

Mrs. Walker Van Derzyl

Newton, Iowa


I was diagnosed with both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis and was well on the way to becoming bedridden. I had been medicating with arthritic prescriptions such as Naprosyn, Clinoril and Mecloman, to name a few, along with large doses of Extra-Strength Tylenol. Most of my joints were involved with intermittent inflammation and swelling, in any one or all areas and at any given time. The inflammation was often so severe that the area would turn color as though it had been bruised. Climbing stairs was a monumental task and without the availability of a handrail, sometimes impossible. Changes in barometric pressure would send me to bed with a heating pad and increased medication. Sleeping the night through was unheard of as I would often be awakened with immobilizing pain that literally took my breath away. My husband would have to move my hips and body to a different position so that I could try to go back to sleep. It was difficult to get into or out of bed without help. I was unable to wring out a rag, pick things up with one hand and it was becoming exceedingly difficult to type, which was devastating because that was my livelihood. I could not raise my hands above shoulder height as my shoulders were so painful.

In early 1982, a friend brought the good news of GH3 and its availability to us. I received relief from the inflammation of the arthritis within four days and inside of three weeks almost all of the pain had subsided. I stopped taking my prescriptions the day I started the GH3. This isn’t t a recommendation, it s only because I had to know if it was the GH3 that was helping me, if indeed I received help. Today, almost seven years later, I only have occasional arthritic discomfort. That is when I I’ve either been working or playing too hard and not eating the right foods for proper nutrition.

Migraine headaches had been a way of life to me since the age of 13. Again, every medication available was prescribed to: abort the migraine before it became fully involved; to get rid of the migraine when it did become totally involved; to somehow lessen the pain if we could not get rid of the migraine; to stop the nausea and vomiting. As a last resort, I would use a suppository that would render me unconscious and, hopefully, I would awaken without the migraine. The success ratio for that was very small. Oftentimes, I had to go to the hospital emergency room for a shot and I.V. replenishment of potassium. This was because the migraine medications were also diuretics and would reduce fluid pressure as well. If vomiting occurred, my potassium level would also be dangerously low.

Scintillating Scotoma, the medical term for the light show migraine sufferers often have, together with the partial loss of vision in my left eye, happened at least twice a month. This was often the forerunner of a full-blown migraine that would send me to bed in a dark, quiet room with a bucket by the bed for the vomiting that accompanied it. On occasion, I still have a light show when I m distressed or overly tired, but I have yet to have a migraine in all these years.

I Among the medications prescribed for me as preventative measures for the migraines were: Valium (which I took for at least 15 years in varying doses, and Elavil (which I have been taking for four years when I started the GH3. Valium (a depressant) was not as effective as the Elavil (an antidepressant) as a preventative. The Elavil kept me relatively migraine-free for about two years. However, I had to take at least 75 mgs. every night. The Physician s Desk Reference lists over 100 adverse reactions to Elavil (one being death). I tried to wean myself from the drug. Within four days, I was in bed with a full-blown migraine that left me feeling physically ill for nearly a month. I didn’t t try that again until after I had been on GH3 for a month. I decided to stop taking the Elavil because of what the GH3 had done for my arthritic inflammation and pain. Surely it could do as much for my migraines! My faith was reinforced because of the reading my husband had been doing about GH3 where reference was made to its vasodilatation ability. Was this the reason for my hands and feet being warm again? Better circulation?

Due to cancer in 1973, I has a mastectomy and the lymph nodes under my arm were removed. My entire upper arm and chest were completely numb. After about one week of GH3 therapy, I noticed itching in these areas – itching that just couldn’t t be scratched. I d take a dry washcloth and scrub and scrub. I now have all the feeling back in that area. If you re familiar with what phantom sensations are, I even have feeling in the tissue that isn’t t there! I also had edema in my arm that sometimes encroached into the chest and lower arm. It was very painful and often necessitated my wearing of a Jobst sleeve to suppress the fluid. Or I would wear my arm in a sling because it was so heavy. The edema has subsided to where the arm on the surgical side is only slightly larger than the other arm. A physician friend says he can t medically explain what happened. That s okay!

I’ve been taking (iGH7), an improved GH3, for the past four years with even greater benefits. A feeling of well-being is present, even during times of stress. My sleep is of better quality. My skin tone is more colorful and moist, the dryness is gone and there is a resiliency that wasn’t there before.

The toll on my productivity, due to the many medications, is all behind me. For the first time in my life I am taking no prescriptions and that s a miracle! I get weepy when I think with gratitude of all that (iGH7) has done for me. My husband says he has his “bride” back. I know that I will be taking (iGH7) for the rest of my longer, healthier and happier life!!

Marcie Abraham

Bellevue, Washington


I started taking (iGH3) last November, 1982. I had a goiter for seven years. The goiter was very noticeable, about the size of an egg. I quit going to doctors because they wanted to operate and take it out. After taking (iGH3) for a couple of months, I noticed one day that the goiter was gone. I couldn’t believe it! I didn’t have that huge bump on my neck anymore. I also have had trouble with migraine headaches and hypoglycemia. Both have subsided a lot.

Carol DeRosier

Everett, Washington