

My name is Patrick Logan. I am a therapist in Fort Worth, Texas. I do many types of therapies, but I try to be holistic in my approach to health care. I have been taking (iGH7) for several years, but as I have nothing or very little wrong with me, I have not seen any special changes. But with other people, that s a different story!

Two years ago, my youngest son, Steve, then 27 years old, was trying to start a fire in his back yard. It was starting to rain and the woodpile just would not catch fire. Steve then slowly poured 2 gallons of gas on the wood and it finally caught fire and blew up at the same time. The fire ball went completely around him. The fire took the skin off both of his legs. I took him to the hospital with second and third degree burns. The doctors said he would be in therapy for months and require plastic surgery. I started giving him eight (iGH7) a day, the day of the burn. I took him to therapy every day in a wheelchair. He needed a pain shot going into therapy and coming out.

He walked out of therapy in three weeks and in a few months you could barely tell that he had ever been burned. He never needed surgery.

A more recent case around three months ago concerns a 61 year old lady with shingles (Herpes Zoster). When I first saw her, she had around one week to live. Shingles is not usually life threatening, but if it starts in the neck and comes up and around the face to the eyes, blindness will result followed by death. The hospital would not admit her. They as much as told her to go home and die. I did everything I knew to do including eight (iGH7) a day. I needed the (iGH7) to heal the immune system, the nerves were eaten up in her face and neck and also to heal the skin itself As I said, I used other therapies in conjunction with the (iGH7), but I had one week to bring her back. She looked like a leper with huge running sores that would have taken many months to heal, even if her life were saved. She began to heal right away and she returned to work three weeks later. In two months, her skin looked normal.

I believe (iGH7) to be a miracle of the highest order. I am 52 years old and take eight (iGH7) a day myself. I don t have anything wrong with me and with my good eating habits, exercise, stress management and (iGH7), I plan to not have anything wrong and live to a ripe old age with perfect health.

I have many more stories to tell about (iGH7) but I m sure you get the idea.

Patrick A. Logan, Sr.

Forth Worth, Texas


The following concerns immediate members of my family. My mother, my son and my wife. My name is Charles Still of Stephenville, Texas. My mother is 84, a widow and lives alone. My son is 13, and until recently was a vigorous and active young man. First, my mom. Hazel, two months ago began experiencing intense pain between her shoulders in her back. After thorough examinations by two orthopedic specialists, she was diagnosed as having osteoporosis. Fitted with a brace, she was sent home with “pain” pills to more or less live with it. Taking up to 15 extra strength Tylenols daily plus the pain pills offered little relief. This continued until June 9th. My son for the past two months has had difficulty swallowing due to stress/anxiety as diagnosed by his pediatrician. Upper GI barium x-rays and complete lab work showed no physical disfunction. We were sent home with valium and hoped for the best. Perhaps the cause was school and we would see improvement as summer vacation was here. He had lost 30 pounds to his present 120. June 9th, (iGH7) arrived. A friend told us of these vitamins. June 11th, 48 hours after starting my son on (iGH7), his symptoms began to vanish. His appetite returned, his fear of choking was gone, his overall demeanor was visibly improved. His sense of humor returned. This day, his weight loss stopped. Since the 9th, he has continued to return to normal. Now, he s fighting again with his little sister, into everything and is eating with no problem. Only a slight sinus problem remains. After beginning (iGH7), within 48 hours, we saw results. Now, my mom starting her (iGH7) on a tuesday, in bed, unable to function, by thursday she was out of her bed clothes, up and about. She was around town in her car, grocery shopping, going to her bank, taking care of business. Two days. Today is the 2 1st. It s been 12 days since Hazel began her 1st (iGH7). She now is taking 6 daily. She has had one Tylenol in four days. Yesterday, she was again visiting her friends, out in her car, living a pain free, drug free normal life. Her varicose veins have flattened and are fadding in color. A “hammer toe” which was curled up is now flat and the callous on top is gone. Age spots on both arms have completely vanished. Her legs have quit cramping at night as they have for years. Her eyes have quit tearing which they have done for 40 years. Several bumps on her forehead which would not go away, plus they itched, are gone. My wife Kati for the first time in 7 years has no lower back pain at night. As if this isn’t enough, Tank, our 160 pound Bull Mastiff dog is starting to hear better. He’s been getting one (iGH7) per day for 3 days now. Me? At 50 and a heavy smoker you’d think there would be something I could comment on. Please excuse me, I must go now. I am going to chase my child bride, Kati around the house some more. It’s kind of fun. She’s getting easier to catch.

Charlie Still


I felt that I must write to tell you how pleased and excited I am with (iGH7).1 have been taking two tablets twice a day for two months and have already experienced many positive results. After about one week I noticed that my eyes were much clearer and brighter and my skin looked better. At first I just noticed the changes on my face but now my whole body is much smoother and softer. I now use the wonderful Vitalize skin cream and the results are more noticeable now. I also sleep much better. Insomnia was a problem for almost two years. Every day now I feel very mentally alert and have lots of energy – both physical and mental. For sometime I have been under quite a bit of stress. I have been feeling very moody and feeling down. I just couldn’t seem to snap out of it. Since I have started taking (iGH7) I have felt great every single day! I feel serene and confident and able to handle anything. It’s wonderful to have a good attitude every day. If this product did nothing else~ I would continue to use it because of this great benefit to me. I had a wart on the tip of my finger for a year that resisted every possible treatment. After about one month I noticed that it had vanished! My whole family including my husband, three sons, my mother and sister are now using (iGH7). I am so excited to see what positive health benefits they will experience. My mother already notices that she is sleeping better and her restless leg syndrome has vanished. It s great to be able to share something so great with the ones you love and care about. We run the whole spectrum from young adults, middle aged and senior citizen. I m sure that all of our futures will be healthier and happier with (iGH7). I love it! thank you.

Patricia Ham

Virginia Beach, Virginia


I had been taking (iGH7) for many years and will continue doing so. When introduced Vitalize cream I knew it had to be good and ordered a jar. After showering I apply a small amount to my body, paying particular attention to areas that need it the most. Then I take a smaller amount and apply it to my hair. As a result my skin is always soft and so is my hair. Plus, much more manageable.

My sister recently had a baby. From the first day after bringing the baby home she started applying Vitalize cream on her baby. As a result, no diaper rash.

Robert Foster

New York, New York


The acne problems that troubled me as an adolescent left me as an adult, except for my cold sores and an occasional breakout on my face. This was very minor compared to what my skin was like as a boy. I would get cold sores during both the winter and the summer. When one would heal on my upper lip, I would get ans: ier on my bottom lip. I applied many topical products which would dry them, but only ternporarily. They would soon crack open and bleed. These were problems I thought I won A have to deal with the rest of my life. Millie, my wife had other health problems and 91 found beneficial results by taking (iGH3)  which at that time was unavailable where we live. She went to a doctor in Nevada who willingly prescribed (iGH3), assuring her that there weren’t any side effects. Although Millie s problems were not like mine, she wanted me to use it to just stay healthy. After reading H3 in the Battle Against Old Age, I was impressed enough to try (iGH3). Though I don t have any health problems other than those that I have mentioned, I did notice that I felt less stress and I had more energy after taking (iGH3). I waited for new cold sores to appear, but they didn’t. My wife also noticed that the acne on my back cleared up. Since my father and uncles all became bald at an early age, I expected the same. Happily I report that I still have a good head of hair with a slight thinning in the back that is only noticeable to me and my barber. About 4 years ago, (iGH7) became available. My wife and I began taking it instead of GH3. We both liked it better than GH3. After each meal we take Vitamins, C-Dophilus and Cal-Mag.

John Allan

Chicago, Illinois


I lived with acne for about 6 years. I tried lotions, ointments and all else the dermatologist recommended, but nothing helped. I tried hiding my problem with heavy makeup, only to realize I was making the acne worse. The dermatologist then recommended that I take birth control pills, which would enable me to take another medicine which might help to clear up my skin. Not wanting to try this, I decided to look for something with less or no side effects. My father was taking (iGH7) for some time. I took some of his tablets, ground them up with a little water, and made a paste. I applied this paste daily and after 2 1/2 weeks the acne had cleared up.

Joy Hogan

Trenton, New Jersey


I have had skin problems on and off since I was in my early teens. A small amount of adult acne would flare up from time to time and I found that with continued use of (iGH7) I could control it.

However, I also have a skin condition called rosacea which is and adult skin disorder. Sometimes it would be a redness that looked like a blush or sunburn. Other times the pores of my nose enlarged and would slightly swell. Tiny red and purple lines would be visible due to enlarged blood vessels.

Happily, I have this skin disorder under control by applying Vitalize cream twice a day. With continued use my skin is back to normal.

John Allan

Chicago, Illinois


Let me start by saying that I’ll never be without (iGH7). I began taking (iGH7) in March 1994 for the sole purpose of helping PMS. It seemed the older I got (I m 41 years old) the worse PMS became to me. I had strong feelings of depression, anxiety and just not feeling well. Because of (iGH7) my PMS symptoms have disappeared. I have a high stress job and (iGH7) has helped me cope with stress in ways that I’ve never been able to.

In January 1994 I had surgery to have a cyst removed from the right side of my face which left a scar about one inch long. I heard there was Vitalize cream available and I decided to try it on my facial scar. I’ve been using Vitalize cream only two months and the scar is totally disappearing. My plastic surgeon told me that it would take at least a year for the scar to heal. But with (iGH7) and Vitalize cream, it’s healing much quicker and totally disappearing.

I have a cocker spaniel dog that I give (iGH7) to as well. Her energy level has increased and she sleeps like a baby at night. We are looking forward to along happy life together.

Pam Short

Memphis, Tennessee


I’ve been taking (iGH7) for 10 months and what I noticed initially was a feeling of well being. Then, after a couple of months, I felt more alert and cheerful. My work routine was more productive. A couple of my friends said my skin looked different, smoother, and I noticed it was getting firmer and clearer. Much healthier looking. Some people mentioned that I looked like I went away on vacation. I didn’t pay much attention to it, but after awhile, more people commented on it. So, I was convinced that I should stay on (iGH7).

The change that was most dramatic to me was with my allergies that I had all of my adult life. Living in the New England area, I had allergies to Spring, a lot of pollen, and in the fall, ragweed. I was well into the spring season and had been on (iGH7) for 5 months, when I noticed my sinuses weren’t plugging up. They used to be swollen, and my thinking would be unclear at times. Sometimes my equilibrium would be off a little bit. The really dramatic difference to me is though I’m nutritionally conscious, watch my diet, and have been on other health products, I have never been able to overcome the reaction to ragweed, abundant in the New England area where I live. It became literally days when I would not be able to breath through my nose. I would have had a lot of pain over my eyes, dizziness and I wanted to sleep a lot. It’s been an amazing 11 months since I have been on this product, and I have had no allergy reaction to the ragweed, it has completely cleared up. To me that’s a miracle. After 6 months I found my energy levels had improved significantly, and I was sleeping better.

Armand Casale

Waltham, Massachusetts


When you get older, you get all kinds of things that you don t want. One is little growths on the face that are now disappearing, thanks to (iGH7). My skin is much better since I began taking (iGH7) & (iGH8). I am a retired nurse of 50 years and I am in all holistic things because I can’t abide by doctors medicine any longer because of their side effects. I had a brain stem injury and I’m hoping to see results in that area. I had tearing from my eyes that I don’t have anymore since taking (iGH7) & (iGH8).

Sally E. Bruegyeman, R.N.

Mundelein, Illinois


I was introduced to GH3 in May of 1982, when I bought some for my wife, who was suffering from rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, in hopes that it would help as nothing the doctors were doing was alleviating her pain. After watching her health improve during that first month, I began reading everything I could get my hands on that was printed about GH3. I began an in-depth study of the product and discovered a 35-year history to support it. It was then that I decided to take it as a preventative, not even giving any consideration to the personal health problems I had. The first thing I noticed was an increase in energy and a lessening of stress in my profession as an owner/operator of an independent insurance adjusting firm. I also slept better, and I required less sleep. About six weeks after starting on the tablet, I discovered that the weeping and flaking psoriasis I d been afflicted with for many years was gone. My hair texture was thicker and a sheen had developed to it. After about six months on the product, I ran into a friend, whom I hadn’t seen in over two years and who asked me what I was using for my skin because there was a shine or patina to it and I looked so much younger. I was unaware of that improvement because it had been so subtle. I’ve always had callouses on both of my great toes and have shaved or peeled them periodically all of my life. I finally noticed that I no longer had those callouses after about eight weeks on the product. Hemorrhoids were an affliction that I had learned to live with since I was a young man. I treated them with Anusol suppositories containing cortisone to help reduce the swelling, bleeding and itching. Since taking GH3, and now with (iGH7), I no longer use the suppositories and I no longer bleed or suffer the discomfort with the hemorrhoids. I have also experienced a marked enhancement of my libido since taking (iGH7). Another remarkable occurrence is what has happened to my vision. I had worn glasses since I was 20 years old and had to have bifocals for eight of those most recent years. After being on GH3 for about six months, I went to my eye doctor for my regular two-year refraction. I was told that my vision had not changed and to continue wearing my same prescription. Two years later, I went back to the same eye doctor and was told my vision had improved and my astigmatism was gone!! This was exciting because in my wildest dreams I didn’t think that GH3 could remove my astigmatism and improve my far-sightedness, particularly at My wife and I have been taking (iGH7) for several years now, and it totally has changed our lives for the better. We are looking forward to even more improvement health-wise for us in the years to come, particularly since we have begun a faithful regimen of these products and, of course, the Cal-Mag, Vita-Mins and C-Dophilus. Words cannot express our appreciation for these products.

Ron Abraham

Bellevue, Washington


My illness stared in 1960. I developed a digestive problem. As fast as I took in food, out it came. I was restricted to the house and only left it for a short time. It would then be necessary to wear a pad for hygienic protection. The doctor diagnosed this as bleeding ulcerative colitis, for which there is no known cure. By 1970, with no improvement and using prescribed medication, with unpleasant side effects, the doctor suggested removal of my rectum and a permanent colostomy. Not wanting to part with an important part of by body, I procrastinated, and I am glad that I did. During that time, I learned about GH3 and decided to use it. Thank God I did!! I am no longer plagued with this incurable disease. Two years ago, I underwent a series of tests to determine just how healthy I was. To my doctor s surprise there was no indication of any health problems. Tests also proved that I did not have any more fibroid tumors in the uterus. I also notice some cosmetic changes. I have less gray hair and better quality hair. I also have a much finer skin tone and complexion. It is great to feel so well! And it is exciting to give my testimony, knowing it will help others who desperately need help as I once did. It has been four years since I started taking GH3, and just recently, I switched to (iGH7), an extended improved GH3.

Aice Esterly

Chicago, Illinois


Four years ago I had a mastectomy. Recently I found a lymph node located below the clavicle bone. It was suggested that I apply black salve to the area and that it might help. I tried it and found after applying it to the node that it left a large hole. It became very painful and was horrible to look at as it was approximately 4 by 3 inches in size. I became quite concerned because it wasn’t healing. I started to inquire about homeopathic remedies that might help to close the hole. Someone gave me some information to read about a nutriment called (iGH7). I was impressed with the results others with skin problems had by taking these tablets. I felt that I too might benefit and ordered some. I started taking 2 a day and then increased it to 7 a day. In just a few days I noticed a dramatic change, the hole was closing! I never anticipated seeing an improvement so quickly.

Jeannine Siemon

Park City, Utah



My story stared in about 1980. I hurt my back at work and landed in the hospital, and through the pain and stress in by back, I broke out in psoriasis. Over a period of time, my body was completely covered, except for my face. So naturally, I went to a dermatologist and he gave me this and that to take. A lot of tar ointments, things like that, and light. It didn’t work so he gave me Methotrexate, which is mild chemotherapy pill, that I took. You take it for a month and let it go. I took that six times, I think, and then my doctor told me “Don t take it anymore. It will kill you.” It did clear the psoriasis up, but in the meantime it was killing me, eh? My memory s not come back yet with the (iGH3) and I kind of – my wife s not here to prompt me so you ll have to bear with me. But anyway, I eventually ended up – my doctor said, “I can cure that in about five days. I ll put you in the hospital and I ll put you on light and this stuff.” And I did that. He put me in the hospital and then he went on holidays. The nurses burned my skin quite badly. I guess I had a third-degree burn on my body. I couldn’t take light and that anymore, so I went back to the specialist and he put me on the Methotrexate again, for the last time, eh? So I took another shot at this Methotrexate, but it didn t seem to do the job this time. So then I heard about the Psoriasis Clinic in Shaughnessy Hospital. I went in there for a month, every day, and when I finished there, the doctor wrote a letter to my doctor -the specialist said, “I recommend that Mr. Nicholson go back on Methotrexate. We can t help him in here.” So this was in the fall of 1982 when I heard about Dr. Fleming – somebody referred him to me. He put me on a vitamin program, but they didn’t seem to do too much, and he said, “Well, I have something else here that I’ve been trying to get for years and I m just able to get it.” So he introduced me to (iGH3) in October and I got my first supply the 1st of November in 1982. By the middle of November, my wife could see my skin was healing, eh? I’ll tell you how bad it was. It was in Penticton and I was in a motel room; and when I changed my clothes, my wife would sweep up two dustpans full of skin; and every time I walked across the room I would leave a trail of white skin behind me. Anyway, by the middle of December, I was completely clear. I go along with Dr. Robert Koch. I was taking vitamins and I was taking other things, eh? But they didn’t seem to work until I took the (iGH3), and I feel that the vitamins with the (iGH3) cleared my psoriasis. So I m very happy about (iGH3) and I m going to continue to take it. Oh, by the way, I was just checking my big toe today – I mean the callous on it, and it s gone.

(Note: This is a transcription of a recorded testimony from Jack on March 14, 1984 at:
PittMeadows, B.C.)

A. Jack Nicholson

Canada VOM 1FO Surry, B.C.


If only I had found out about (iGH3) ten years ago! This thought is in my mind constantly. Ten years ago my problems began. While working at my job, I tripped on some steel plating and hurt my back. After a year of annoying pain, I decided to have something done. After receiving six opinions, all feeling that I should have the problem surgically repaired, the operation done was a success. But a staph infection set in. After four weeks of having bottles and bottles of penicillin pumped into my veins, I was released from the hospital. About six months after returning to work, my back muscles began to ache and sores started forming all over my face, shoulder and back. These sores never seemed to heal. My family s concern and my pain sent me to a dermatologist. He performed a biopsy. This revealed that I had a rare disease know as Lupus. After my wife read the literature the doctor had given me on this disease, she was horrified to discover that it can be fatal and there is no known cure. The pressures of knowing this and the unbearable pain I was feeling began to be too much. I became suicidal. Once again, with my family s support and concern, I began to see a psychiatrist. He prescribed a drug called Ativan and bio-feed-back. I became dependent on the drug and the pain still persisted. Six months later I returned to work again, in the same position as before. A couple of co-workers at work informed me of a new product that had just become available about this time. With nothing to lose, I informed them that I would like to try it. To me, it was a miracle! After using the product for about a week, the sores started to dry up and flake off. The pains I had been feeling were barely noticeable after a month. After two months, almost all signs of the Lupus and all of the pain in my back muscles were gone. This caused me to want to share my experience and excitement of the effectiveness of (iGH3). If any of you have had an experience such as I, please share this with me. As (iGH3) has changed my whole life, I would like everyone to be aware of its amazing success.

John M. Scarth

Milwaukee, Oregon


A very exciting thing has happened to me, and I am so pleased that I want to share it with others…, hence this letter. Like everyone else that is “getting older,” I (at age 63) had begun to experience those signs of aging…, mostly little things. But during the past year, my blood pressure had shot up and for a number of months, my arms felt like they were weighted down with lead and I was extremely tired by late afternoon. I started having headaches daily and my head seemed to be “under pressure.” I guess this was related to the high blood pressure. I saw my doctor and he started me on medication. A few weeks later, while I was still having all these symptoms, a friend told me about (iGH3) (discovered by a doctor in Romania 40 years ago, well-researched, tested, and harmless to the body) that brought about a rejuvenation at the cellular level. And because of that benefit, many people experienced unexpected relief from other ailments. I care about the quality of my health, so I decided to try it. WOW!! In the first 24 hours, I noticed a marked decrease in my “tired feeling.” In a few days, it had disappeared completely. My headaches immediately ceased, and in about two weeks, the “leaden feeling” in my arms was gone. In the following weeks, I noticed other improvements, too. My fingernails, which had been brittle and split easily, were smooth, flexible and strong. The cuticles, too, had improved. My skin was smoother. When I now try t lie “5 second pinch test” on the back of my hand, the resulting ridge is gone in about 3 seconds! I no longer have occasional mouth ulcers and I sleep soundly. My blood pressure is almost back to normal and I have not been on the medication for the past four weeks. Even though I have been taking (iGH3) and (iGH7)  for less than 3 months, overall feeling and outlook is remarkable. I have written down every single “irregularity” that I have (fro i age spots to athletes foot) to see if they disappear over months to come. Recently, I had read a best seller “Life Extension” (Warner Books) that makes mention of Gil -2, and states that aside from accidents, there is no reason why we should not live at le~ t 120 years in good health. Our bodies are made to do that. But due to our eating habits, toxins, air and water contaminants, our body cells suffer from a slow poisoning that 1 ads to cell deterioration and early “old age.” This invites a host of serious aliment, cancer, stroke, diabetes, heart attacks, arthritis, etc. because our cells and immune systems are “too sick” to fight off invaders. This surely “fits” with what I have learned about GE -2! All of my parents and aunts, uncles and grandparents died of cancer (my mother at ~re 49). That leaves a gloom on my own future, but now after taking (iGH3) and living sei. ely, I have no worries about it.

Ned Tuizer

Germantown, Tennessee


As a health-conscious person and someone who practices life extension techniques through large doses of vitamins and minerals, I had to try (iGH7) as a preventative, rather than a cure. It sounded too good to be true, but at the same time it made sense. Well, I am happy to report that the most noticeable effect is the complete disappearance of two warts on my left hand which I have had for about five years. The first week of taking (iGH7) (two tablets in the morning, and two before dinner), I noticed that the pain to touch in these warts had receded. By the third week no pain at all, and the warts were getting smaller. By the fifth week, both were completely vanished. I didn’t expect any noticeable results so soon, but was I surprised! I am continuing to take the (iGH7) because I believe it works! Even though I am in good shape at 36, I feel I can always be better.

Regis Hampton

Tampa, Florida


Dear  Friends:

We thank God for (iGH7) and pray that the medical profession (in our country) will urgently come to acknowledge and utilize the enormous benefits of this product. Our 2 month old baby was diagnosed as anemic with an extremely low hemoglobin count. He was rushed to a specialist hospital where he was examined extensively. The director of pediatrics and 3 other physicians were admittingly perplexed by their findings. They advised that our baby s heart was enlarged and other organs including the liver & kidneys were abnormal in shape and size and were not positioned in the normal locations. There was also a hard swollen area in his abdomen, (considered a possible hernia), and he had a considerably increased heart rate. Since our baby s blood count was only 6 (11 being normal), the doctor s felt an emergency transfusion would be needed and kept him monitored with an I.V. syringe already inserted i a his arm in case the situation worsened. We were told that heart failure might occur if hi ~ blood count did not improve and that a transfusion, the only form of treatment recommended, would offer no guarantees and could further complicate matters as well. My wife and I had mixed feelings about the transfusion. However, we conceded, on the condition that if it became necessary, my wife or I would be the sole donors. It later turned out that neither of us could donate. My wife s medical history and the difference in my blood type were not suitable. On the first day, having learned of the proposal for a transfusion, we began giving our baby (iGH7) twice daily (1/4 tablet dissolved in 1 ounce of a catal: st altered water solution). We studied health and nutrition and specifically food and body chemistry relationships md therefore felt that the vitamin content would be effective in stimulating blood cell development. In particular, a folic acid deficiency was suspected in the milk that we were feeding our baby. Likewise, based on several testimonials I had read, it seemed that (iGH7) might equally normalize the condition of the cells in the blood and various organs. Our baby’s color, which was pale, improved almost immediately on the first day after giving the (iGH7) and by the second day we had reports that his heart rate had slowed do vn to normal and although his blood count did not increase, it stopped declining. This was enough improvement for us to have him released on the fourth day, after which at home we continued the (iGH7). Today, (a month later) he has totally recovered, is 5 lbs. heavier a~ .4 everything appears to be normal.

Lawrence & Iluminada Rumph

Warren, Ohio


Two years ago, my leg started to ache and walking became difficult. I went to the doctor and he diagnosed my problem as Sciatica and treatments were started. The pain not only persisted but became worse. Not knowing what to do, I went to the Texas Back Center. X-rays were taken and showed that my right hip had collapsed. I was referred to Frank Gottschalk, M.D., an orthopedic surgeon at the Texas Medical Center. He examined me and looked at my x-rays. It was determined that a hip replacement was necessary, but he also took a biopsy of the leg bone and the results showed that the bone cells were dead. Amputation was necessary. A hip replacement was necessary. The surgery was scheduled in a month. A hip replacement I could live with, but I could not accept the fact that I was going to lose a leg. A dear friend told me about (iGH7) and I ordered some hoping that it might help. I started out the first and second day with just one tablet and then increased it to eight a day, four in the morning and four in the evening. A month passed and it was time for surgery. That day another bone biopsy was taken and much to the doctor s surprise, there was complete bone re-growth. What good news! Dr. Gottschalk wanted to know everything that I had taken since the first biopsy and I told him about (iGH7). I mentioned that it got it s start in Europe over 40 years ago, known in Europe as GH3. To my surprise, he knew of it as a special vitamin that had been proven effective for many diseases but never knew it could re-growth bone cells.

The post operative check-up looked good. The scar was fading fast and there was little discomfort left from the extensive hip drilling. I don’t want to lose my leg nor do I want any further surgery. I feel great!

Martin Johnson

Plano, Texas


“I was born in a small town, and as far back as I can remember, I suffered from Psoriasis. I vaguely remembered being given a bath one day by my mother. This was long before Kindergarten days. I was in a big round galvanized tub in the middle of the kitchen floor, when my mother screamed at my father to come and have a look in my hair and my scalp. My dad’s first reaction was… “He has ringworm.” He probably got it from the cattle. It was not long after that small round patches started to appear on my legs just between my ankles and my knees. When I went to public school, my legs were always covered in long pants and in those days all athletic sports were held in the playground. The public school health nurse started examining all of the kids and when it was my turn, she discovered my skin problem. The public school health nurse did not know what I was suffering from, but she made the arrangements for me to visit with her doctor. Well, it was getting very, very scary and hard on my nerves plus trying to study in class with all this on my mind. At the doctor’s office we went into an ultra-violet light room. In there, the doctor started picking samples of scales from off of my scalp until my head was very sore. 67 After my first of many treatments, I was told not to play with any of the other kids at school or in my neighborhood because the school officials thought that I was very contagious. I remember being sent home with all my belongings out of my school locker. I watched them spray the locker with disinfectant. I was bewildered the day the nurse sent me home. They had stripped be naked, examined me, then gave me a salve and a liquid solution to rub on my sores. They told me that I would be out of school until further notice, but that I should report at the same time to the doctor s clinic every week. Except for the mental strain and the itching scabs on my legs and in my head, I felt physically very strong. When I went back to the clinic the next week, another situation had developed. The liquid solution they had given me had started to make the skin on my hands peel off. The doctor s explanation was to get someone to give me rubber gloves to put on when I was applying the lotion. The pattern never changed through public school and somehow I managed to pass into high school. With my new high school life, my skin problem appeared to take a rest from my legs, but remained in my hair and scalp. The rest was short lived. I had a new outbreak, not only on my legs, but on my arms and elbows. I had to get a note from home to get excused from gym exercises. All went well until a new gym instructor came to take over. He was young and demanded that I wear gym shorts and take gym classes. When I told him in confidence about my skin condition [WHICH AT THIS POINT WAS STILL NOT CLASSIFIED AS PSORIASES] he had me immediately expelled. At this shocking time, I once again saw my locker fumigated and gym clothing taken to the furnace room to be burned. At this point, I mentally and physically gave up. It was only one month away from the graduation date for grade twelve and I was expelled for something no one seemed to know anything about. The town was small, everybody knew each other’s business and health conditions. I could not get a job. It was due to ignorance back in those days. I often heard this told to me, “Sorry fella, but the whole plant may catch what you’ve got!” The year was 1950. It was at this point in time that I left for the city. I was in bad shape. My toenails were thick and hard, my calves of both legs were plastered, my shins of my legs had large patch areas in dimensions of 7 inches long by 3 inches wide of just solid scab. My thighs had large round patches. My buttocks had eighteen to twenty patches. The pit in my back had one big sore which never changed. My stomach area had four or five small patches, my forearms had matching patches as well as by elbows. When I came to the city, I had given up on the doctor s prescribed medicines and salves because I had spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars with no relief in sight. And I read the ads and tried nearly everything on the market. And now that I was here in the big city of Toronto, I had to find a new doctor as well as a barber to cut my hair. The year is 1959. My new doctor, who was in his late sixties, told me I had PSORIASIS and wanted me to try some whitish-pink thick, gritty salve he had in big round can. The salve had a musty type of odor to it and it soiled my clothing as well as the bed linens. The smell was unbearable in my clothing. This salve was only effective in softening the large crusty scales, but only for a day or two. My doctor told me after a medical examination that I should watch my prostrate system closely and if there was any change, he advised me to have an operation. Now I had something else to worry about. My doctor passed away shortly after. The year is 1970. NOW NO MORE THICK SALVE AVAILABLE. 68 I now believed that I would be covered with scabs until it was my time to die. My worst months were usually January and February for new eruptions to appear and take over more of my body. If I placed my fingers behind my ears, there would be a secretion behind my ears that smelled the same as my thick toenails. Even the light weight of the bed linen on my body would cause me burning pain all through the night. My toenails would also pain me. I suffered with this up until 1988. I received a call from Sophia Perlick in the spring of 1988 about a product she thought I might be interested in sharing with people up in Canada. I asked her if it might be good for the prostrate. Her only answer was that it would not hurt to try it. The product was (iGH3). I received my (iGH3) in late April 1988, and after about a week I noticed a change in my complete physical condition such as follows: I was sleeping better, and when I awoke in the morning and got out of bed to go to the washroom I did not have the excruciating pains in my ankle joints that I would suffer with first thing every morning. I also found that I was walking about 50% faster and that my wife mentioned that my scalp was clearing up and she said in passing, “IF THIS KEEPS UP, I WON T HAVE ANYTHING TO PICK AT!” I have also had to wear a hair piece for as long as I can remember to cover the scales, as well as a full beard to cover the scales and massive scab that covered my left cheek and under my jaw and half of my chin. After three weeks of (iGH7), Cal-Mag, and Vita-Mins (of which I take 2 of each morning and night) my Psoriasis started to clear up. First the smell went away, and then the burning itching sensation and almost in no time at all the sores disappeared. The summer of 1988 was the first summer in my entire life that I could wear shorts, bathing suits, sleeveless shirts, etc. I have a very good physique. To be sure of my successful battle with Psoriasis, I had to wait until the January and February of 1989 to see if it would flare up again, but I am happy to announce that it did not! Right now my skin is healthy and my new family doctor has checked me out including my blood pressure and has told me the best advice he could give me is to stay away from my doctor.

Tommy Earlls

Mississauga, Ontario L5C 2B8 Canada


My name is Tasha. My hearing and vision are perfect, but I m unable to speak. I bark. I am a Doberman. I am proud of my appearance, and people stare at me in admiration. I have a glossy red coat, bright brown eyes and strong white teeth. One morning last year, I awoke with what appeared to be a cold sore on my lower lip. I was given special attention, but on the third day it protruded like a cork. The three veterinarians who examined me (all being a difference locations) diagnosed this growth as a histiocytoma, which is a skin tumor. Surgical excision was recommended, and I m sure you can appreciate how my master and I felt about that. When my master asked if there was any medication available for the tumor, the response was, “Tumors cannot be cured with medicine.” She then asked, if we didn’t consent to surgery and just left the tumor alone, would it regress. All three vets said it would not regress and it would get worse. My master didn’t appreciate that and decided to wait before making a decision. I was happy with that as I know surgery meant a cut and then a scar. Knowing how effective (iGH7) had been for her, my master started me on two tablets in the morning and two tablets in the evening. On the third day, the tumor had shrunk in half. By the eighth day, it was gone. The first veterinarian was called and asked if histiocytomas ever regress and she said, “No.” After which, my master explained what she had given me and then asked for a letter showing the original diagnosis. Several calls were made before it was sent. What she told my master at the time of the examination was a contradiction to what was in her letter. She was not going to give credit to (iGH7), but my master and I can do that. I now receive one (iGH7) tablet daily wrapped in a piece of cheese. I am, by far, the healthiest dog on the block.



I was diagnosed with both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis and was well on the way to becoming bedridden. I had been medicating with arthritic prescriptions such as Naprosyn, Clinoril and Mecloman, to name a few, along with large doses of Extra-Strength Tylenol. Most of my joints were involved with intermittent inflammation and swelling, in any one or all areas and at any given time. The inflammation was often so severe that the area would turn color as though it had been bruised. Climbing stairs was a monumental task and without the availability of a handrail, sometimes impossible. Changes in barometric pressure would send me to bed with a heating pad and increased medication. Sleeping the night through was unheard of as I would often be awakened with immobilizing pain that literally took my breath away. My husband would have to move my hips and body to a different position so that I could try to go back to sleep. It was difficult to get into or out of bed without help. I was unable to wring out a rag, pick things up with one hand and it was becoming exceedingly difficult to type, which was devastating because that was my livelihood. I could not raise my hands above shoulder height as my shoulders were so painful.

In early 1982, a friend brought the good news of GH3 and its availability to us. I received relief from the inflammation of the arthritis within four days and inside of three weeks almost all of the pain had subsided. I stopped taking my prescriptions the day I started the GH3. This isn’t t a recommendation, it s only because I had to know if it was the GH3 that was helping me, if indeed I received help. Today, almost seven years later, I only have occasional arthritic discomfort. That is when I I’ve either been working or playing too hard and not eating the right foods for proper nutrition.

Migraine headaches had been a way of life to me since the age of 13. Again, every medication available was prescribed to: abort the migraine before it became fully involved; to get rid of the migraine when it did become totally involved; to somehow lessen the pain if we could not get rid of the migraine; to stop the nausea and vomiting. As a last resort, I would use a suppository that would render me unconscious and, hopefully, I would awaken without the migraine. The success ratio for that was very small. Oftentimes, I had to go to the hospital emergency room for a shot and I.V. replenishment of potassium. This was because the migraine medications were also diuretics and would reduce fluid pressure as well. If vomiting occurred, my potassium level would also be dangerously low.

Scintillating Scotoma, the medical term for the light show migraine sufferers often have, together with the partial loss of vision in my left eye, happened at least twice a month. This was often the forerunner of a full-blown migraine that would send me to bed in a dark, quiet room with a bucket by the bed for the vomiting that accompanied it. On occasion, I still have a light show when I m distressed or overly tired, but I have yet to have a migraine in all these years.

I Among the medications prescribed for me as preventative measures for the migraines were: Valium (which I took for at least 15 years in varying doses, and Elavil (which I have been taking for four years when I started the GH3. Valium (a depressant) was not as effective as the Elavil (an antidepressant) as a preventative. The Elavil kept me relatively migraine-free for about two years. However, I had to take at least 75 mgs. every night. The Physician s Desk Reference lists over 100 adverse reactions to Elavil (one being death). I tried to wean myself from the drug. Within four days, I was in bed with a full-blown migraine that left me feeling physically ill for nearly a month. I didn’t t try that again until after I had been on GH3 for a month. I decided to stop taking the Elavil because of what the GH3 had done for my arthritic inflammation and pain. Surely it could do as much for my migraines! My faith was reinforced because of the reading my husband had been doing about GH3 where reference was made to its vasodilatation ability. Was this the reason for my hands and feet being warm again? Better circulation?

Due to cancer in 1973, I has a mastectomy and the lymph nodes under my arm were removed. My entire upper arm and chest were completely numb. After about one week of GH3 therapy, I noticed itching in these areas – itching that just couldn’t t be scratched. I d take a dry washcloth and scrub and scrub. I now have all the feeling back in that area. If you re familiar with what phantom sensations are, I even have feeling in the tissue that isn’t t there! I also had edema in my arm that sometimes encroached into the chest and lower arm. It was very painful and often necessitated my wearing of a Jobst sleeve to suppress the fluid. Or I would wear my arm in a sling because it was so heavy. The edema has subsided to where the arm on the surgical side is only slightly larger than the other arm. A physician friend says he can t medically explain what happened. That s okay!

I’ve been taking (iGH7), an improved GH3, for the past four years with even greater benefits. A feeling of well-being is present, even during times of stress. My sleep is of better quality. My skin tone is more colorful and moist, the dryness is gone and there is a resiliency that wasn’t there before.

The toll on my productivity, due to the many medications, is all behind me. For the first time in my life I am taking no prescriptions and that s a miracle! I get weepy when I think with gratitude of all that (iGH7) has done for me. My husband says he has his “bride” back. I know that I will be taking (iGH7) for the rest of my longer, healthier and happier life!!

Marcie Abraham

Bellevue, Washington