Weight Loss, Hernia



In April 1988, a friend introduced me to (iGH7). He had stomach problems and a little finger that was giving him lots of pain. He convinced me that I had nothing to worry about as the product was harmless. In 8 months, to my surprise, my gums that had been bleeding for over a year had completely stopped. The dentist had told me my teeth were in good shape but my gum problem would cause me to lose my teeth if I didn’t do something about it. Also without changing my eating habits, I lost over 30 pounds. In January of 1989, I had a blood test whereby the doctor was amazed at one of the most perfect blood profiles he had ever seen. I have hundreds of people all over the country on (iGH7). I m thanked weekly for introducing them to the product. I too thank my friend in New York, Joe Miosi, for telling me about (iGH7)  thus giving me the opportunity to help others. My mother, who had been in constant pain, is now able to walk and move about pain-free. Dr. Ana Aslan, who formulated GH3, deserves a special place in heaven for all she helped during her lifetime, and for allowing us the same opportunity to help others.

Brenda Priddy

Memphis, Tennessee



I feel I had a pretty good vitamin program worked out for myself, but now with (iGH7) added in, I do feel much better. I had some arthritis starting to come into a finger in my left hand, even though I was taking fish oil. After only two and one half weeks, the arthritis was gone. My blood pressure has gone from 136 over 86 to 127 over 76. A pain in my right shoulder has lessened quite a bit. I get up early each morning and feel more refreshed. I have more energy all day long and I don t get hungry as often as I used to. Because of not getting hungry as much, I m losing weight without really trying.

William C. Beck

Fairless Hills, Pennsylvania


I started taking (iGH7) in September, 1988, for the arthritis I’ve had real bad, and also, for the swelling in my legs, hands and face that I’ve had real bad since December, 1987. Doctors, hospitals and a lumbar spine test showed arthritis real bad in my back as well as in the rest of my body. I couldn’t get up out of a chair or in and out of my car without help. I started improving in a little over a week, so friends had me ordering (iGH7) for them. I’ve referred 19 people to (iGH7) since I started taking it. I feel so good and get around so much better. People who know me have noticed the new me. The varicose veins in my legs have gone down and they don t hurt as bad. Also, I’ve lost 10 pounds. Try it. It has worked great for me. I will be glad to talk to anyone about it. You may use my full name and mailing address if you wish to do so. Just keep my orders coming. It s great!

Earlene Sharb

Rockwall, Texas


My husband and I started taking (iGH7) two years ago upon the recommendation of a friend. At that time, I weighed 191 pounds and my husband weighed 225 pounds. I now weigh 167 and my husband weighs 180 pounds. This was done without dieting or any medication. Yes, we were a bit overweight but both of us look and feel great now.

Before taking (iGH7), my husband had a problem. There was a blood streaked discharge coming from his eye. I became worried and thought he should see a doctor, he didn’t want to. With the continued use of (iGH7), the discharge stopped.

We both enjoy telling folks about this wonderful vitamin and what it has done for us.

Mrs. Martha Madison

Chicago, Illinois


I’ve been actively involved in sports most of my life and have been blessed with good health. For the last ten years I have been playing full-court basketball three to four times a week with 20 and 30 year olds and competitively in Senior Masters basketball tournaments (50 – 55 and 60+ age brackets). Last year, I started playing in mens Senior baseball League (hardball) after a 32 year layoff. We just returned from a 30-40+ Baseball Tournament in Puerto Rico where I played in five games in four days. Young and older players and spectators ask where I get all my energy. I tell them that I take care of my body and have been using (iGH7) faithfully for over 12 years. They can’t believe I’m in my early 60 s and still going. (I pitched a full 9 innings in Phoenix last November in the National MSBL Tournament (50+)… we won). Thanks for introducing me to (iGH7).

G.F. Belko

Winnetka, Illinois


On December 30, 1988 I started taking (iGH7). I was having lots of pain in my lower back, knees, ankles, elbows, wrists and shoulders. I would only sleep about 2 hours at night because of the pain in my lower back, hip and knee. The rest of the night I tossed and turned trying to relieve the pain, but it persisted. Within the first 2 weeks of taking (iGH7), I was much relieved and sleeping much better. Now I sleep all night with no pain (May 1989). I also used to be plagued with hay fever every spring. This year I didn’t have it. I also have more energy and just feel better generally and the constipation which had bothered me all my life is much improved. I am 56 years old and feel much younger since (iGH7). My husband, Ken, started taking (iGH7)  about 2 weeks after I did. He had a knee and hip that was giving him lots of pain and was stiffening up on him after exercising. He is much improved and is sleeping better at night also. We would both recommend this wonderful supplement to anyone. We ll be happy to talk to anyone about it.

Ken & Evelyn Causey

Pahrump, Nevada


In October 1988, my sister introduced me to a product she was taking. I started it not thinking it would do anything for me. In other words, I was skeptical. I knew since she was on it, I felt there was no harm. Also my mother was taking it. Several months later I noticed a complete change in my physical condition. I had been retaining fluids, which I am no longer doing, my sinus problem had lessened, and my cholesterol was lower than it had been in years. My mother who had been in constant pain now was doing great. The only thing we were doing different was the vv product we are still using. Every one wants good health. (iGH3) is inexpensive, harmless, and been around since 1947. Sixty Minutes did a complete segment on it. You will look and feel younger because v penetrates the cell membrane. When our cells die this causes many major diseases.

Margaret Roberson

Memphis, Tennessee


For the past 20 years, I have had arthritis in my hands. Fortunately, the arthritis is confined to my hands only. During this period, the pain was up and down. I took medication when the pain was somewhat unbearable. I always managed to type since my livelihood was that of an executive secretary. Typing kept my fingers nimble. I played the organ and this, too, helped. In January 1981, the arthritis flared up as it had never done before. As the months went by, the condition became progressively worse. I was taking medication, but no amount changed the status of the condition. I feared the next type of medication would be cortisone which I will not take because of the side effects. My fingers were so painful that I couldn’t type or play the organ for over one year. Just touching the keys on the organ or the typewriter with the pinkie on my left hand was painful to tears. The pain would shoot up all the way to the shoulder. By June 1, 1982, the pinkie on my left had was almost stiff. On June 1, 1982, I started taking (iGH3). After two weeks, I noticed a tremendous difference in the pinkie, as well as the other fingers on both hands. After two (2) months on (iGH3), my fingers were very flexible. I continue to take (iGH3) and I have no pain in my hands whatsoever and no stiffness upon awakening in the morning. It s hard, at times, to believe that this is happening to me after some prolonged pain. I am most grateful to (iGH3) and want to tell the whole world about it. For two (2) years, I have been taking a small dosage of medication for a “borderline” thyroid condition. The last thyroid check was in January, 1982 and I was to continue with the medicine.

For the record, when I started taking (iGH3) on June 1, 1982, I stopped taking the medication for arthritis and thyroid. I wanted to fully test (iGH3). On December 1, 1982, I had a routine checkup. When the laboratory report came in, I received a call from my doctor s nurse to “stop taking the thyroid medication – the condition is normal.” Another aspect of (iGH3) is that my energy level has never been higher – I m almost tireless! As you can see, I am using the typewriter again. I am also playing the organ once again. Another plus for (iGH3) and Zell H-3. After taking the products for seven months, I notice I don t have callouses! I had been plagued for years with this pain and inconvenience.

Mary A. Dunham

Sequim, Washington


I started using (iGH3) on July 10, 1982, after I had seen how it had helped my wife s heart condition and a friend s arthritis. I did not know in what way it might help me as I had had Polio when I was 16. It had affected all my muscles and left me with only a fraction of the strength I should have. From the Polio and a bad case of Pneumonia years ago, my chest had been tight and I coughed a lot, especially when I laid down. At night when I went to bed, I would cough five to ten minutes before I could clear my chest. The third night after I started (iGH3), the coughing had stopped when I laid down. On the forth day of the five-day rest period, the cough returned, but left after I had taken the first tablet on my second month of use. At the end of the second month of use I went the full five days off (iGH3) without coughing. I am now on my third month of (iGH3). I have not felt any difference in the use of my muscles, but getting rid of that cough and having my chest free to breathe easier is sure worth the cost and, in time, I hope there will be other improvements. This testimony may be shown to others.

Louis Balderston

Norlund, Washington


I had a coronary thrombosis eleven years ago and I have had angina pectoris ever since. After eating a meal, I would have to wait from two to three hours before doing any activity, like walking, or I would get pain in my chest. When I watched ball games on TV and would get excited, I would get pains in my chest. I started taking (iGH7) on March 15, 1984. After the first four months, I noticed much change, but in the last four months, I have noticed even a greater change. I have been able to engage in activities and watch the ball games after eating without getting any pain in my chest. I have had arthritis for several years in my back, and last winter, it went into my feet. If I stood very long, my feet would get so sore that I could hardly walk.

Now about 90% of the arthritis is gone and I feel like I have a new lease on life.

Ray Baxter

Seattle, Washington


My name is Alvin Trautman and I m 72 years old. I had arthritis and was so terribly crippled up pain-wise that I couldn’t do anything. I could hardly move, sit for over a half-hour or dress myself. If I got down on the floor, I couldn’t get up without pulling myself up on something. I couldn’t sit down – my knees would let me fall. I couldn’t raise my hands up, couldn’t even wash my face with both hands at one time. My hands were swollen up like boxing gloves and I couldn’t close my fingers. I was in constant pain. The last medication I took was Zomax and it wasn’t helping me one bit as far as pain was concerned. It just kind of doped me up. Just the other day, I read an article in the AARP magazine for senior citizens telling that five people died taking Zomax. I ve still got some tablets left and I wrapped them up in that little notice, and when I take them back to my doctor, I ll tell him I m taking (iGH3). The thing is, Zomax has so many bad side effects. What I like about (iGH3) is there are no side effects to it. It was around the latter part of November, 1982, when I went to a (iGH3) meeting held by Ron and Marcie Abraham and heard of what the (iGH3) vitamin had done for Marcie. At first, I told my wife to go and I d stay home, but she persuaded me to go. I heard the testimonies, but I couldn’t stay for the whole meeting because I was in so much pain. So my wife and I decided then that we d try it for three months. I put aside all my medication and started on two a day. It didn’t do me a bit of good. In fact, I thought I was getting worse. Then I read in Bailey s book on (iGH3) that you could raise the dosage to six a day and it would work faster and longer – similar to a shot. So I went on six a day. I would wake up about four in the morning and take two and then space them about seven hours apart, all day and every day. In a few days, I noticed the swelling had gone down in my hands, and after about two weeks, I could really see a difference. By the time I was on (iGH3) for three months, I was really happy! The (iGH3) had really started working! After about three months, I cut it down to four a day. Then I went on a ten-day rest and started to feel bad again, so I went back on it again and took four a day for about a month and a half. I then went on a rest to see how long I could be off of it, to show that it wasn’t addictive. I just came off of a twelve-day rest and I never did have a desire for it. Yesterday morning, I took two (iGH3) and one Zell and in the afternoon I could just feel it working at the top of my head. I’ve been on (iGH3) for about seven months now, and I can do anything that I ever did before I quit working – I quit two years ago. I’ve got energy to give away. Even the first year I retired I didn’t have the energy I have now. I sleep better and I need less sleep time. I can get up in the morning, work all day, and never get tired. I m so free! I have not one joint that aches. In fact, on August 1st, I felt something on my wrist bones that was just like gravel. Then yesterday I felt again and it was all gone, so it must have been calcium or something that was dissolving. Anyone who has any problems should try it. It does more than just help arthritis. What it did for me also – I didn’t notice it at first, I didn’t pay any attention to it, but I have a hiatal hernia. I had to take Maalox and I couldn’t eat after five o clock in the evening. If I did, I couldn t sleep. I had to prop my bed up. I took Maalox every night and sometimes I d have to get up in the middle of the night and take more. Then I started taking (iGH3) and pretty soon I realized I didn’t have to take Maalox anymore. Always before I had to 46 take that Maalox every night and sometimes during the day for that hiatal hernia, and now I don t have to do that anymore and I sleep fine. I m thankful that I heard about (iGH3) and I m going to continue to use it. We have recommended it to several people. It really has worked. We just came back from Brandon, Manitoba, where my brother-in-law and sister-in-law live, and they are taking it, too. They really see a change and a difference. Everyone we’ve recommended it to, after telling them what it did for me, had results. I wouldn’t be without it! In fact, I just shared with some people today about what it s done for me. (iGH3) has been a real blessing to me. I ll tell you, I m just so excited about it, I d like to tell everybody I see walking down the road about (iGH3) and what it has done for me! I ll never be without it!

Alvin & Margaret Trautman

Bothell, Washington


I had arterial venous malformation which is a serious degenerative disease causing primary structural defects in both arteries and veins causing capillary blood leakage. Monthly transfusions were necessary requiring 2 or 3 pints of blood a month. I started taking (iGH7) a few years ago and found relief in all of the above except the arterial venous malformation. I decided to take 6 (iGH7) a day starting April 1992. At the end of May my blood count was normal (12) no blood transfusions, June was normal (12.1) no blood transfusions, July normal (12.3) no blood transfusions. August was normal also, no transfusions. I just couldn’t believe it. My blood count jumped from 6.3 in January to 11.5 in August. To date I still have a normal blood count and blood transfusions appear to be a thing of the past. It is nice to have warm pink hands and good nails again. Now my family and friends are taking (iGH7) and have had good results also.

At this time April 1994, it has been two years since I needed a blood transfusion. My blood count is still normal and I am feeling great. (iGH7) has saved me a fortune in medical costs.

Mary Olechna

South Hoffman Estates, Illinois


I have been using (iGH3) consistently since June of 1982. My complaints at that time were bursitis, joint pains, headaches and a few other problems. The effects of using (iGH3) have not been as dramatic as with other individuals. The most noticeable within a month or so was that my frequent headaches were gone. I had used “bottles” of Ascriptin, but realized one day that I had not taken any Ascriptin for several weeks. Now, almost two years later, I think I have used less that 3 dozen. My bouts of bursitis have subsided and joint pains are less, but some of these have been due to structural changes following 2 herniated discs in my back in 1974. I have refused to have back surgery, so I will continue to have some discomfort, but it is tolerable. In general, I do feel better.

My vision has changed and it is not due to age! I have worn glasses for 47 years for astigmatism and my vision in one eye when reading the eye chart for distant vision was 20/ 40 and 20/70 for the other eye. Recently, when visiting a nurse friend in the eye clinic, I discovered that I could read the eye chart without glasses and my vision was 20/20 in one eye and 20/20 minus 1 with the other. I do need reading glasses, but perhaps in time, my accommodation for near vision may also improve. After taking thyroid preparation for about 15 years, and being told several years ago that I would probably have to take it the rest of my life, I am no longer taking it! Last year after developing a cardiac irregularity (rapid andlor irregular heart rate), the doctor cut my dosage in half. My heart rate became regular after a week or two. Then I started back on the former dose of thyroid to prove to myself that it was the thyroid which had made the irregular heart rate, etc. It did recur, so I remained on the half-dose until last fall when I again began to experience cardiac irregularities. I stopped all thyroid, then had a date with the doctor 8 weeks after stopping the medication. He had blood work done to evaluate tyroid function and other chemistries. He later notified me that it appeared my thyroid ~ (or is) functioning. Also, all other blood work, cholesterol, triglycerides, sugar and others were normal. Some have been elevated in the past. My blood pressure is normal which used to be quite low. Heart sounds excellent. My hair, which was almost white, has more than white in it now. My nails were soft and broke easily, but now they are hard. My callouses are gone from my heels and I am thankful. They used to be very thick and would crack both vertically and horizontally and required much treatment with creams and use of a pumice block. I’ve not used anything on them for over a year. (No corns or bunions either). My skin, overall, has not been this nice since I was a teenager. All in all, (iGH3) has made so many positive changes physically that I do not want to be without it. It also has given me a more positive mental attitude and that is a big plus!

Ester L. Osborne, R.N. (Retired Nursing Supervisor)

Seattle, Washington


It was not long after receiving my order that the subtle improvements in vitality were beginning to be noticed. During this past month, I have noticed a continued increase in physical energy and endurance. In general, my physical and mental well being has improved. This is important to me since my lifestyle has a good deal of continuing stress in it which has the tendency to leave me fatigued and run-down at times. One thing that I ve noticed is the requirement for less food. My guess is that (iGH7) is improving the absorption of nutrients from my food intake and my body simply requires less to sustain itself. I was initially introduced to (iGH7) by my daughter Edith Ann Entingh, and I ordered my first bottle of (iGH7) from Mr. Lamont Parkin. I plan to continue using these products and I am currently taking two (iGH7) each day.

John D. Bryars

Encinitas, California


I started taking (iGH7) in September, 1988, for the arthritis I’ve had real bad, and also, for the swelling in my legs, hands and face that I’ve had real bad since December, 1987. Doctors, hospitals and a lumbar spine test showed arthritis real bad in my back as well as in the rest of my body. I couldn’t get up out of a chair or in and out of my car without help. I started improving in a little over a week, so friends had me ordering (iGH7) for them. I’ve referred 19 people to (iGH7) since I started taking it. I feel so good and get around so much better. People who know me have noticed the new me. The varicose veins in my legs have gone down and they don t hurt as bad. Also, I’ve lost 10 pounds. Try it. It has worked great for me. I will be glad to talk to anyone about it. You may use my full name and mailing address if you wish to do so. Just keep my orders coming. It s great!

Earlene Sharb

Rockwall, Texas


I started taking (iGH3) last November, 1982. I had a goiter for seven years. The goiter was very noticeable, about the size of an egg. I quit going to doctors because they wanted to operate and take it out. After taking (iGH3) for a couple of months, I noticed one day that the goiter was gone. I couldn’t believe it! I didn’t have that huge bump on my neck anymore. I also have had trouble with migraine headaches and hypoglycemia. Both have subsided a lot.

Carol DeRosier

Everett, Washington