

This experience is about my son, Tray. He was getting ready to graduate from high school in May, 1988 with honors. I was so proud. He had worked hard not only at school, but sometimes 40 hours a week at a job. The stress was unbelievable. We had no idea what was happening inside his body. He mentioned to me that he had noticed some blood when he went to the bathroom. We discussed it and believed it to be from constipation. Tray went to visit his father and when he returned in July, 1988, the doctor started running tests because he was bleeding again. A diagnosis was made and in November, 1988 an all clear and healed was given by the doctor. Tray was a freshman in college, so as it goes, more excitement and stress. Christmas came around and Tray was thin, pale and just not himself, but he never complained. He told me in the spring, he was having some diarrhea but not to worry. He said it was a virus. He finished his finals and by the time he got home, May 16, 1989, he was coughing up a storm, dry skin and what the doctors called plagues on his elbows. I took him straight to his old stand by pediatrician. Tray had this cough since the fall on and off. The doctors at college and here at home had given him several rounds of antibiotics. The pediatrician prescribed more antibiotics. Tray weighed in at 156 pounds, which was a weight loss. May 19, 1989, Tray was having severe bloody diarrhea and abdominal pain. The colon specialist saw him and ordered an Upper G.I. By that evening, he was in more pain, fever, grossly bloody diarrhea and dizzy. He passed out from dehydration. May 26, 1989, Tray was finally admitted into the hospital. He had rectal bleeding, rectal ulcers, abdominal pain, chronic diarrhea, weight loss, fever, sore throat, mouth ulcers, fatigue, weakness, dizziness, nausea, cough and congestion. May 30, 1989, Tray was released from the hospital and diagnosed with Inflammatory Bowel Disease – Ulcerative Colitis and borderline Bronchial Asthma. He was sent home with Azulfidine (sulfa drug), steroid enemas, antibiotics and steroid nasal spray. Thursday, July 13, 1989, Tray was having rapid heartbeat, a 102 degree fever, cramping, abdominal pain, diarrhea – 10 times a day, chest pains, back pain, weakness, cough, anemia, vomiting, nausea, poor appetite, 20 pound weight loss from May 16, 1989 and psoriasis like plagues on both elbows. I took him to the Gastroenterologist, who recommended he drink over a gallon of laxative (Gloamx) and sit on the commode for 2 1/2 to 3 hours, so he could have a Sigmoidoscopy the following Monday morning at 6:00 a.m. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I took Tray straight back to his pediatrician and he couldn’t believe this story either. He referred Tray to the Arkansas Children s Hospital for immediate admission. Tray was in the hospital until July 17, 1989. He was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease, an incurable illness. Tray was prescribed Prednisone, sulfasalazine, folic acid and iron. We went back home, Tray didn t get any better. July 26, 1989, he was admitted back into the hospital where he stayed until August 26, 1989. They tried everything from I.V. steroids to immunosuppressants, tube feeding to hyperalimentation with a central venous line surgically implanted in the left subclavian vein to his heart. Tray s weight dropped to 117 pounds. He wasn’t responding to the treatment. The doctors informed me what the inevitable fate would be. Removal of the large bowel and part of the small intestine. Tray said he would rather be dead; he was only 19.

I know I must find another answer for my son and quick. I started desperately researching nutrition, adding supplements to his diet behind their back. Still with not much response. Meticulously, Tray started improving and went home with daily nurses monitoring. September 9, 1989, we got a call from the hospital instructing me to bring Tray for immediate admission. He lix ci an operating room staff infection in his CV line to his heart. He was transfused with 5 units of blood, J.V. antibiotics and released September 18, 1989. Tray got to feeling better over the fall and returned to college. School started January 10, 1990 and by January 20, 1990 he was having an active case of Crohn’s. He was determined to stay in school but by February 27, 1990 he had to be driven to the hospital week he stayed until March 22, 1990. He finally got out and was on hyperalimentation until the middle of May. April 1990. Tray’s father had sent me information about (iGH3). He insisted I give these to Tray. I was so exhausted and scared that I was afraid to give Tray anything, but because of what the doctors had told me. July, 1990, Tray started having another 11 acts of Crohn’s, by August he was taking (iGH7) and vitamins. He is also taking a lot of the “supplements. Previously, he was taking vitamins but he still ended up in hospital with every flare up. Tray is now 21 years old and has not been in the hospital for 19 months. In August, 1991, he had a check up and they can’t believe how well he is doing. They are following his case with baited excitement. Oh, by the way, Tray had stopped growing pain of malnutrition from Crohn’s; he is growing again. This was not an overnight process but a gradual one. He is still on medication but they are reducing the dosage and he is doing well. (iGH7)  is working for Tray.

Brenda Sweatman

Hot Springs, Arizona


The person in the accompanying photo is now in his mid-eighties. He will repeat the same pose for a valid witness request. He also will submit to a thorough physical examination to verify superior health. He no longer feels the need nor does he take one prescription-based medication. This was not always the case by any means. For the record, let us review, in condensed form, the record of his physical history from childhood to present.

A small town in Eastern Oregon was home in his youth. A community 85 miles from a mainline railroad. Except for a narrow gauge logging railroad, communication was by dirt roads. He was fortunate to have survived to his first birthday; the problem a near fatal case of whooping cough. Within the next several years he experienced mumps, German measles – or rubella – chicken pox and rheumatic fever. The country doctor diagnosed leakage of the heart. Parents were warned to not allow the boy vigorous play. A pronounced heart murmur and arrhythmia remained. This non-debilitating, but reason for concern, “glitch” disappeared seventy five years later. Refer to later years resume.

Tonsils and adenoids were removed surgically by the same country doctor. The operating facilities included the family kitchen table plus a little black satchel. A hospital was not part of the rural scene at that time.

92 During his twelfth year, he experienced the deadly virus known as the Spanish influenza. The one local undertaker was pressed to maintain his service. Followed by a relapse which proved worse than the original illness. Within the next ninety days, he survived the red measles and typhoid fever. His weight dropped to that of a seven year old.

Before his fifteenth birthday, an accident with a horse resulted in a broken ankle. The foot was positioned 90 degrees out from the leg calf. He was packed by friends a quarter mile to a waiting car. The same doctor on the same kitchen table, assisted by three strong men, managed to set the bones. Chloroform, yes; x-ray, no. It was necessary to interrupt the routine to apply cardiac resuscitation. The following two-plus years of exercise, exercise, exercise were required to regain a good measure of strength and flexibility.

He was plagued with hay fever~ or sinusitis during high school. At that time, it was referred to as catarrh. A risky radical operation involving the maxillary sinuses proved of little or no value.

He had a sincere desire to be a Medical Doctor but was forced to walk away from the University of Oregon Medical School in 1932 because of a deteriorating eye problem. The resulting trauma lasted for years. Got hooked on cigarettes and spent 38 years trying to quit. Experienced a bout with pneumonia. A back injury required spells of confinement in bed. Treated periodically for right shoulder bursitis-inflammation for several years professionally.

During the last two years of his 70 s, he learned about and studied the history of procaine hydrochloride. He and his wife, Doris, have maintained a steady regimen of a special formula of procaine hydrochloride known as (iGH7). For both, the physical benefits have proven to be outstanding. At the present, (iGH7) is ordered from the Grand Cayman Islands, British West Indies.

Within these last few years, the heart arrhythmia disappeared completely, totally. Blood pressure has dropped to normal, cholesterol is now that of a young man; not one joint in his body is subject to pain or restriction. Twenty years of semi-annual treatment for prostatitis now has been discontinued. He jogs ten miles each week slowly, of course, and spaced.

Without giving total credit to any one thing, here is a picture of him as he is today: In the company of a devoted wife of over fifty years, five wonderful daughters with their families of ten grandchildren and now starting with great-grandchildren. Each one worth more than the rest of the world. Living has a golden hue. The writer is in robust health. He and Doris find their eighties to be the most enjoyable of any previous time. And this is the way it should be!

The subject here is 84 year Phil Dale. He does not feel his age nor does his wife Doris think he acts his age. Three years ago this would not have been attempted. Much of the credit beyond question must be attributed to a long term regimen of (iGH7).

Phil Dale

Portland, Oregon


Twenty six years ago I fell down the stairs and have had Migraines ever since. High blood pressure and arthritis didn’t help the situation any. I was unable to work as the pains in my head were frequent. Along with the pain I had the halo of bight with nausea and vomiting. I moved from doctor to doctor and one drug to another. The only relief came from strong drugs that would knock me out. I became hooked on the medication. They were more damaging than relief for pain. The arthritis became worse and the doctor started shooting cortisone into my knees. I tried to commit suicide and asked the Lord to take me as I couldn’t stand the pain any longer. My brother heard about (iGH7) and asked me to attend a meeting in Indiana. It was a bong drive but I went. I ordered some (iGH7) and started using it. Two days later I had to stop as I was detoxifying too fast. I resumed taking these vitamins and slowly increased it to 8 (iGH7) tablets a day. After I started to feel better I cut back to 6 (iGH7) tablets a day and then 4 (iGH7) tablets. The headaches and all pains are gone. I am taking fewer tablets now and I continue to feel great. I don’t know how bong I will be enjoying good health but I will enjoy it while I can. Thank you God.

Marjorie Smith

Detroit, Michigan


I had arterial venous malformation which is a serious degenerative disease causing primary structural defects in both arteries and veins causing capillary blood leakage. Monthly transfusions were necessary requiring 2 or 3 pints of blood a month. I started taking (iGH7) a few years ago and found relief in all of the above except the arterial venous malformation. I decided to take 6 (iGH7) a day starting April 1992. At the end of May my blood count was normal (12) no blood transfusions, June was normal (12.1) no blood transfusions, July normal (12.3) no blood transfusions. August was normal also, no transfusions. I just couldn’t believe it. My blood count jumped from 6.3 in January to 11.5 in August. To date I still have a normal blood count and blood transfusions appear to be a thing of the past. It is nice to have warm pink hands and good nails again. Now my family and friends are taking (iGH7) and have had good results also.

At this time April 1994, it has been two years since I needed a blood transfusion. My blood count is still normal and I am feeling great. (iGH7) has saved me a fortune in medical costs.

Mary Olechna

South Hoffman Estates, Illinois


My son Jonas is 17 years old. About 5 years ago I realized that he was experiencing problems that needed medical attention. Jonas was hyperkinetic and was having difficulty reading, among other things. He was drowsy at times and would fall asleep when he should be awake.

I took him to the University of North Carolina, which specializes in testing for dyslexia and other related disorders. Dyslexia was diagnosed and medication prescribed.

Nine months ago, Jonas was hit by a car and his condition became worse. We then took him to the Winston Salem Baptist Hospital and doctors there said he was epileptic. His medication was then changed to ritalin and tegerall. After he started using these medications we found that they were doing the opposite of what they were supposed to do. His condition outgrew the medication. We then decided to take him off of these two drugs.

A dear friend and professional gave us some (iGH7) and made no claims as to what it would do. As long as Jonas was off of all medication we decided to start him on this dietary supplement.

I am happy to say we found beneficial results. He hasn’t had any petite mal seizures, isn’t sleeping as much, is more alert, reads better and is more calm and less hyper. No need to say how pleased we are with the changes in Jonas. This we credit to (iGH7).

Carl Isenhour

Carl Isenhour


I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease at the age of 22. I am now 32. Crohn’s disease is an inflamation of the bowel. There is no known cause or cure. It can be a very serious and debilitating disease. Steroid therapy, sulfa drugs and or antibiotics are common drug treatments for Crohn’s.

During the 10 years of being challenged with Crohn’s, I have been hospitalized 3 times. My last visit was the most intense. I was hooked up to a feeding tube in the central venous line for a month. I lost 30 lbs. I was very ill. This was 5 years ago. Although I have had several flare ups since, which at the time kept me in bed for 6 months, I have managed to stay out of the hospital, a place that I try to avoid at all costs.

Since the day I was diagnosed, I always took responsibility. I educated myself on Crohn’s/Colitis and steroid drugs. Deep in my heart I know steroids and other drugs were not going to help but ultimately make things worse. However, I used the drugs at times in combination with other alternative therapies. I have seen a host of G.I. specialists, acupuncturists, naturopaths, homeopaths. I have had all the available drug treatments and at times, I was the “guinea pig” for new drugs. I have done extensive homeopathic remedies combined with acupuncture and Chinese herbs. I saw a Chiropractor, took vitamins and supplements, had ultrasound treatments forjoint pain. I have drunk health drinks including wheat grass, dabbled with ozone therapy and applied herbal ointments. I’ve been to shaman healers, psychic healers, visualizers, individuals and family therapies. I believe doing all these things keep me clear of surgery.

As you can see, I have tried a lot of things. I always felt I couldn’t give up. I had hope and faith that one day I’d lead a normal life and accomplish my dreams. I prayed for a miracle and will continue to do so until I’m completely well.

Presently, I am challenged with weakness at times, fevers, and many uncontrollable trips to the bathroom. Since I’ve been taking (iGH7) for 2 1/2 months, I feel a difference. Especially during the daytime. My energy has perked up so that I am able to go out and do daily errands. Although I am still bothered by low grade fevers at night, they are few. The (iGH7) seems to be working. I recently went on a 6 day vacation to California. When my sister invited me 2 months ago, I hesitated and tentatively said that I would go. While taking (iGH7) I began to feel better. I was experiencing more energy during the day and even feverless days and nights. I decided to go to the ocean with sis, but guess what? I forgot my (iGH7). My mother sent my (iGH7) by FedEX, but it took a couple of days because of the weekend. Needless to say, I noticed a difference. I had more frequent low grade fevers, my energy changed where I had to take more naps. I’m back on (iGH7) religiously and I m still experiencing low grade fevers at times, but I’m feeling much better during the day. Last night I went dancing and out to dinner. It has been along time since I’ve done two big events like that back to back. Although I m not completely without health challenges, I definitely feel better since I’ve been on (iGH7). I pray that this is the miracle for myself and all those who suffer.

I’d also like to thank Millie Allan for her prayers and support!

Barbara Georgouses

Evanston, Illinois


Someone told me about a dietary supplement called (iGH7) and I decided to start taking it, thus postponing shaving off my hair. I started taking (iGH7) three days before I was scheduled to take my first chemotherapy treatment. It was thought that this supplement might get me through chemo with lesser side effects. I started out with one tablet the first day and then increased to 3 tablets in the morning and 3 more in the evening. I felt that by raising the intake I might lessen my chances of side effects from the chemo treatments.

The first treatment wasn’t all that great and I did become nauseated, etc. The doctor prescribed nausea medication in a large amount as he said I would require it thoughout all of the treatments. I took the second treatment and expected the same sick nausea. However, it never happened. I started examining my hair, looking for hair loss. That too never occurred. My color was excellent and I did not lose weight and was able to keep working. My prayers were answered! In fact, I ran for political office while all of this was going on.

My doctor is pleased and surprised at how well I came through the chemotherapy treatments. My outlook is positive and I know that (iGH7) can take credit for all of this.

William Powers

Park Ridge, Illinois


I was diagnosed with both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis and was well on the way to becoming bedridden. I had been medicating with arthritic prescriptions such as Naprosyn, Clinoril and Mecloman, to name a few, along with large doses of Extra-Strength Tylenol. Most of my joints were involved with intermittent inflammation and swelling, in any one or all areas and at any given time. The inflammation was often so severe that the area would turn color as though it had been bruised. Climbing stairs was a monumental task and without the availability of a handrail, sometimes impossible. Changes in barometric pressure would send me to bed with a heating pad and increased medication. Sleeping the night through was unheard of as I would often be awakened with immobilizing pain that literally took my breath away. My husband would have to move my hips and body to a different position so that I could try to go back to sleep. It was difficult to get into or out of bed without help. I was unable to wring out a rag, pick things up with one hand and it was becoming exceedingly difficult to type, which was devastating because that was my livelihood. I could not raise my hands above shoulder height as my shoulders were so painful.

In early 1982, a friend brought the good news of GH3 and its availability to us. I received relief from the inflammation of the arthritis within four days and inside of three weeks almost all of the pain had subsided. I stopped taking my prescriptions the day I started the GH3. This isn’t t a recommendation, it s only because I had to know if it was the GH3 that was helping me, if indeed I received help. Today, almost seven years later, I only have occasional arthritic discomfort. That is when I I’ve either been working or playing too hard and not eating the right foods for proper nutrition.

Migraine headaches had been a way of life to me since the age of 13. Again, every medication available was prescribed to: abort the migraine before it became fully involved; to get rid of the migraine when it did become totally involved; to somehow lessen the pain if we could not get rid of the migraine; to stop the nausea and vomiting. As a last resort, I would use a suppository that would render me unconscious and, hopefully, I would awaken without the migraine. The success ratio for that was very small. Oftentimes, I had to go to the hospital emergency room for a shot and I.V. replenishment of potassium. This was because the migraine medications were also diuretics and would reduce fluid pressure as well. If vomiting occurred, my potassium level would also be dangerously low.

Scintillating Scotoma, the medical term for the light show migraine sufferers often have, together with the partial loss of vision in my left eye, happened at least twice a month. This was often the forerunner of a full-blown migraine that would send me to bed in a dark, quiet room with a bucket by the bed for the vomiting that accompanied it. On occasion, I still have a light show when I m distressed or overly tired, but I have yet to have a migraine in all these years.

I Among the medications prescribed for me as preventative measures for the migraines were: Valium (which I took for at least 15 years in varying doses, and Elavil (which I have been taking for four years when I started the GH3. Valium (a depressant) was not as effective as the Elavil (an antidepressant) as a preventative. The Elavil kept me relatively migraine-free for about two years. However, I had to take at least 75 mgs. every night. The Physician s Desk Reference lists over 100 adverse reactions to Elavil (one being death). I tried to wean myself from the drug. Within four days, I was in bed with a full-blown migraine that left me feeling physically ill for nearly a month. I didn’t t try that again until after I had been on GH3 for a month. I decided to stop taking the Elavil because of what the GH3 had done for my arthritic inflammation and pain. Surely it could do as much for my migraines! My faith was reinforced because of the reading my husband had been doing about GH3 where reference was made to its vasodilatation ability. Was this the reason for my hands and feet being warm again? Better circulation?

Due to cancer in 1973, I has a mastectomy and the lymph nodes under my arm were removed. My entire upper arm and chest were completely numb. After about one week of GH3 therapy, I noticed itching in these areas – itching that just couldn’t t be scratched. I d take a dry washcloth and scrub and scrub. I now have all the feeling back in that area. If you re familiar with what phantom sensations are, I even have feeling in the tissue that isn’t t there! I also had edema in my arm that sometimes encroached into the chest and lower arm. It was very painful and often necessitated my wearing of a Jobst sleeve to suppress the fluid. Or I would wear my arm in a sling because it was so heavy. The edema has subsided to where the arm on the surgical side is only slightly larger than the other arm. A physician friend says he can t medically explain what happened. That s okay!

I’ve been taking (iGH7), an improved GH3, for the past four years with even greater benefits. A feeling of well-being is present, even during times of stress. My sleep is of better quality. My skin tone is more colorful and moist, the dryness is gone and there is a resiliency that wasn’t there before.

The toll on my productivity, due to the many medications, is all behind me. For the first time in my life I am taking no prescriptions and that s a miracle! I get weepy when I think with gratitude of all that (iGH7) has done for me. My husband says he has his “bride” back. I know that I will be taking (iGH7) for the rest of my longer, healthier and happier life!!

Marcie Abraham

Bellevue, Washington


My son, Daniel, was diagnosed with Crohn s disease at the age of 10. He is now 14 years old. In August 1987, he had a very serious flare-up of the disease. He spent seven and a half weeks in the hospital on complete bowel rest. His doctor put him on heavy doses of anti-inflammatory drugs. When he left the hospital, the doctors were not sure how well Daniel would do. They said that, if things did not improve, he would have to go into intestinal surgery. Even after all of this treatment, he still could not eat without a lot of sharp pain. Then, I got in contact with Millie Allen of Chicago concerning the benefits of (iGH3) to my son. He started using (iGH3) in October of 1987. After a three-week program of two tablets a day, my wife and I started noticing some major improvements in our son s condition. Every day he seemed to be getting better and feeling stronger. All of Daniel s pain is gone now. He has normal bowel functions. He has also gained a lot of his weight back. Now he takes NEL s Vita-Mins and C-Doplilus and, of course, (iGH3) (2 per day) for proper nutrition. I am convinced that because of (iGH3) we have turned this very serious illness around. Daniel is back in school now and is doing very well. I am happy to say that my son has had one of the best Thanksgiving dinners he has had in a long time. He ate two big helpings of turkey and all the trimmings and five pieces of pie with absolutely no pain afterwards. “Praise the Lord!” If anyone wishes to verify this testimony, please feel free to call me.

PS. My whole family is now on (iGH7) products to maintain good health and vitality.
3-19-88 Update: My son Daniel has been on (iGH3) for five months. Now he has so much energy. He has gained about 15 lbs. and two inches in height since leaving the hospital. The doctors who have been treating him are very impressed with his recovery and have taken him off all medications now.
11-20-95 Seven years later Daniel is doing very well he hasn’t had any recurrence of Update: Crohns disease. He has been taking (iGH7) for the last few years.

Bruce Woods

Youngstown, New York


Mr. Hakanson introduced (iGH7) to Brother Bernard, who has Paget s disease (Osteitis Deformans), a rarefying osteitis leading to bowing of the long bones and deformation of the flat bones. Brother Bernard s height has been reduced by approximately six inches since the onset of this disease. (following a letter from Father Bernard to Carlton)

Dear Carlton: I want to write this to you and you may use it however you wish. Thanks to you, I have been using (iGH7) for six months. As you know, I was not able to walk without crutches. Now I can walk without them and I feel very good. There is no known cure for Paget’s disease. For four years I have had to use crutches. Of course I have been having hands layed on with prayer, but I believe that God uses normal man to work His cures. I believe both have done this.

Brother Bernard as of March 1993 has gained back 4 inches of height.

Brother Bernard Best

Canon City, Colorado


I started taking (iGH3) last November, 1982. I had a goiter for seven years. The goiter was very noticeable, about the size of an egg. I quit going to doctors because they wanted to operate and take it out. After taking (iGH3) for a couple of months, I noticed one day that the goiter was gone. I couldn’t believe it! I didn’t have that huge bump on my neck anymore. I also have had trouble with migraine headaches and hypoglycemia. Both have subsided a lot.

Carol DeRosier

Everett, Washington


January 16, 1984 I became very ill in November of 1982. I went to the doctor and he did not find anything wrong with me. In December, I went to the hospital after going to the doctor one or more times. They gave me a CAT scan and found nothing. I had lots of medication in the hospital. I guess they thought I was going to die, so they must have given me lots. On the 29th of December, a doctor who was called in on the case found a carcinoma. I had cardiac arrest twice on December 29th, plus an operation with an incision 7 inches deep and 5 inches long. I wound up in the cardiac care unit with a temperature of 109.6, no blood pressure, and no pulse. I don t remember anything from the 19th of December until the middle of January, 1983. I came home and I knew that I was living on borrowed time. I took the drugs they gave me and felt that at anytime I could be gone. In February, 1983, Weston Robinson, a friend of ours, came to visit and saw how sick I was, and he gave me some (iGH3) and Zell H-3. I took it, but all hope was gone by now. After three days on the (iGH3) and Zell H-3, I had quit taking the drugs, and in 11 days, I had improved 100%. Thank God for Margaret and Weston Robinson and (iGH3). I know a miracle happened because of their belief in (iGH3) and bringing it to me. I m getting better every day. I also had a very high cholesterol level and now I do not have it.

Mary Jane Jelwk

Everett, Washington