

I felt that I must write to tell you how pleased and excited I am with (iGH7).1 have been taking two tablets twice a day for two months and have already experienced many positive results. After about one week I noticed that my eyes were much clearer and brighter and my skin looked better. At first I just noticed the changes on my face but now my whole body is much smoother and softer. I now use the wonderful Vitalize skin cream and the results are more noticeable now. I also sleep much better. Insomnia was a problem for almost two years. Every day now I feel very mentally alert and have lots of energy – both physical and mental. For sometime I have been under quite a bit of stress. I have been feeling very moody and feeling down. I just couldn’t seem to snap out of it. Since I have started taking (iGH7) I have felt great every single day! I feel serene and confident and able to handle anything. It’s wonderful to have a good attitude every day. If this product did nothing else~ I would continue to use it because of this great benefit to me. I had a wart on the tip of my finger for a year that resisted every possible treatment. After about one month I noticed that it had vanished! My whole family including my husband, three sons, my mother and sister are now using (iGH7). I am so excited to see what positive health benefits they will experience. My mother already notices that she is sleeping better and her restless leg syndrome has vanished. It s great to be able to share something so great with the ones you love and care about. We run the whole spectrum from young adults, middle aged and senior citizen. I m sure that all of our futures will be healthier and happier with (iGH7). I love it! thank you.

Kathy B. Taunton

Riverview, Illinois



It s not possible to reach all of you quickly with the story of the miracle God has brought to me. Most of you know I was very ill. Only faith and the loving care of mu family and our church friends kept me together. Many grateful heartfelt thanks to al of you. The sharing of God s love means a lot to the suffering; more than is possible for the one hurting to know. I was tested and found to have toxicity and mineral imbalances due to toxic levels of copper, cadmium, and mercury in my tissues; hormonal imbalance, protein deficiency (due to improper absorption by my cells), many food intolerances, allergies (hayfever), candida yeast infection, and depression. My symptoms from all of these ills were: severe tireness, periodic dizziness, ringing in my ears, frequent headaches, forgetfulness, burning sensations running along certain nerve pathways, some involuntary twitching of muscles, joint aches, stiffness of fingers, stomach and colon gas, weight loss, and insomnia. Is that enough? I dreaded the Fall weed pollen and field harvest wishing for the first freeze to kill off the pollen and mold spores. Yet I dreaded the cold weather because I could not keep warm. All of this showed in my countenance, and no amount of makeup could hide it. What happened to get me on the road to recovery is some story! A friend knew, who was praying for me, that I had finally given up hope. She and another friend prayed with me that I would again receive a renewed hope. I did immediately sense that renewed hope even though I still was weak and still hurt. Restored hope is a must! Very shortly after this, my husband Dan was in the right place at the right time where he was working in Chicago. A client came in with a pet which had been very ill. This older dog had experienced a full recovery and was now in superb health. The client was an older lady, and she too had a lot of vitality. Dan questioned her as to what she had done for her dog. She had given the dog her own vitamin nutrient compound known as (iGH7). The client had herself been taking this compound for some time, and her own story concerning illness and recovery was itself impressive. Some (iGH7) was obtained, and I started taking it as directed. Over several months time my symptoms have improved, some are completely gone, and others are getting better each month. My vitality is back, and I am thrilled! Our own dog, who is thirteen years of age, was sleeping most of the time, she had difficulty going up and down our stairs, and she was losing weight. Dan started her on (iGH7) also. After a few weeks her energy level was up, and she began to go up and down the stairs with more ease. She has now regained much of the weight she had lost, and she does not sleep unusually long now either. After seeing our dog s response, Dan began to try (iGH7) on various patient s in his veterinary practice. Some of the conditions which have shown a positive response include arthritis, degenerative disc disease, Wobblers Syndrome, chronic skin infections, chronic hepatitis, feline leukemia, and bone infection. (iGH7) is not a snake oil. It is not even a cure for what ails you. What it does do is improve the permeability of cell membranes so that they can again receive nutrients within the cells. If a cell can receive the nutrients that it needs to function, it seems to be able to correct whatever is wrong. Results are not instantaneous; healing takes time. Neither is (iGH7) a replacement for good nutrition. However, it will certainly facilitate the absorption and utilization of those nutrients. I want to encourage all my friends and all people who have any loss of vitality be it big or small to learn more about (iGH7). God has used it in my life to restore me to good health and vitality.

Susan King


On July 10, 1978, 6 1/2 long years ago, I became ill. It seemed to happen overnight. When I left my office on that day, I didn’t realize that I would never return or that I was just starting two of the most frightening experiences of my life. My face was swollen, my extended fingers were so swollen that they touched the sides of each other – they looked like sausages. I ached all over. Within days, my feet and ankles swelled to the point that I could hardly walk, my eye-sight diminished almost immediately , no appetite, hair falling out, rapid heartbeats (I thought I was having a heart attack). Any exertion caused utter exhaustion – my days began to follow the same schedule – take a shower, take a nap; fix breakfast, take a nap; answer the phone, take a nap; visit with a friend, take a nap (sometimes while they were still visiting!). My doctor felt that I may have a collagen disease, but tests were inconclusive. My husband took me to Mayo Clinic twice, again, tests were inconclusive. No one seemed to have any answers – at least none that they were sharing with me. I started reading medical books and case histories, but had to stop as I was showing symptoms of everything in the book. I changed doctors on the local level, and finally (almost 18 months later) we had several diagnoses. “Lupus” – “Raynaud s Syndrom” – “Carpel Tunnelism”. . . nothing I had ever heard of –couldn’t be too bad, right? Wrong. I didn’t feel any better, but at least I knew why. Auto-immune disease, my body was its own enemy. The swelling was from inflammation throughout my body -don t forget, it had an 18 month head start and to counteract the swelling, my doctor administered Cortisone. It didn’t help much and the side effects were horrendous. First side effect, which I had been warned would happen, was a rapid weight gain. Fifty two pounds in six months!! How s that for rapid? I was still exhausted and could barely walk. My life had been totally turned around. I went from an energetic, “on the go” individual mother of five, grandmother of one, to a near invalid. I had to retire from a job that I loved -Executive Secretary of the Chicago Marriott O Hare Hotel.

AND THAT MUST HAVE BEEN THE GOOD NEWS! Three years later, on March 28, 1982, my 18 year old daughter, Meg, was involved in an automobile accident. A backseat passenger, she had a head injury and lay in a coma for two months. At that point, my stress level went through the roof. It took me at least that long to scrape myself off the ceiling. We never left her. We were told that she would die. Then, when she didn’t die, we were told that she would be a vegetable. It was then that I discovered the doctors didn’t know any more about brain damage than I did. In fact, I had the advantage, I loved her! We talked to her – we helped to pattern her – we stimulated her. Our efforts paid off -she started the long slow process of coming out of the coma. We had to teach her how to eat, talk, brush her teeth, walk – it was like having a 125 lb. newborn. I don t need to tell you – THIS WAS THE BAD NEWS!

During all this time, I was barely making it. I seemed to be on a merry-go-round that wouldn’t slow down, and I couldn’t get off. I was trying to learn as much about Lupus and head injuries as I could. I’ve always felt that if you re going to live with a killer, you should get to know him pretty well. It was about this time that I learned about (iGH3). I admit I was grasping at straws, but nothing seemed to be helping me. I went to a meeting/seminar, not expecting much. I listened and watched as a lot of people got up and gave testimonials of how (iGH3) had helped them. I heard about high blood pressure, depression, Parkinson s disease, multiple sclerosis, colon problems.. HARD TO BELIEVE THAT ONE SUPPLEMENT WOULD DO SOMETHING FOR SO MANY VARIED ILLNESSES. And yet, the people seemed to be sincere. I was assured that it wouldn’t hurt me and that it might help. I m a skeptic, but felt that if (iGH3) did just one quarter for me what it seemed to do for the people at the seminar, it was worth a try. I borrowed some tablets, placed an order and slowly began my health turn around. I was so busy with Meg that in the beginning I didn’t realize any difference. But, by the end of three months, I noticed I wasn’t so tired. I wasn’t taking naps each day. Sometimes I would go for two weeks without having to take a nap. It was so gradual, I didn’t even know when it happened. I was sleeping soundly during the night after many years of restlessness. Some of my sense of humor was back, I wasn’t so depressed. Within a year my eye-sight was better. I never used glasses prior to the Lupus flare, but couldn’t read anything without them after my illness. My hair is thicker and fuller and I lost some the gray (a bonus!). No more elevated temperatures, no more leg cramps, no more pain in the muscles and joints. I function very well in all areas. I very slowly weaned myself off Cortisone (an action I don t advocate for anyone). I was off cortisone for almost a year before I discussed it with my doctor. He didn’t argue with success. The real kicker came when I realized that it had been almost a year since I had seen the doctor. I made an appointment and he went over me thoroughly – several days later he called with my test results. All tests were normal. I was elated. He was amazed! Meg also takes (iGH3) and it has helped her depression. She made three attempts to destroy her life prior to (iGH3) and has made none since. She was told that she would never walk without an aid (cane or crutches). She walks by herself. They said that what she didn’t have back within a year, she would never get back. She is still progressing. She handles her own checkbook, does her own shopping, is starting to drive – and is alive and intelligent. I realize that we all take our daily life for granted. We always know when we were happy, and we always know when we ~j~‡1 feel good. It s quite a shock when “feeling good and being happy” disappear! I still go to meetings and I still hear people tell how much (iGH3) had helped their arthritis, etc. (iGH3) works at the cellular level and seems to get the job done. THIS IS THE ONLY LIFE WE GET – AND THIS IS THE ONLY BODY WE GET TO LIVE IT IN. DO YOUR BODY A FAVOR, GIVE IT (iGH3).

Joan Halberg

Loudon, Tennessee


I am Austin Clift of Yakima, Washington. I was introduced to (iGH3) and (iGH7)  (Zell) by my son. At first I was very skeptical and could not believe the miraculous results he stated, as I have tried everything myself and everyone else could think of. At his insistence, I agreed to try (iGH3) and (iGH7)  for three months. For his insistence and perseverance I shall be eternally grateful! As the loss of over six feet of small intestine has left me with almost constant diarrhea and subsequent poor absorption, my son counseled starting with four (iGH7) and four (iGH3) for a least a week. In less than a week, I became aware that the tinnitus of some 30 years had subsided and was almost gone. For many years the two Rhynosyn capsules daily had barely made life tolerable. Gradually the swelling and soreness around my temples was reduced and the sinus drainage stopped. A condition my doctor said would haunt me the rest of my life was gone!

P.S. I feel great and I am getting better all the time. Long live (iGH3)!!!
10-5-84 P.P.S. As a postscript to my earlier testimony, I can now state that I have never felt better in my life. I am physically strong and confident. After 29 years of non-flying, due to lack of confidence in my reactions and eyesight, I have recently passed the flight physical and checked out in three aircraft with complete confidence in my ability. I am currently building an experimental aircraft and hope to fly for many years. I am now 69 years old, work all day, snowmobile in difficult terrain, and do almost anything.

Austin E. Clift

Yakima, Washington


After thirty years as a hairdresser, I suffered severe pains in my lower back when I was working on my customers. Fifteen years ago, it became so severe I was forced to leave my profession. It was necessary to seek other means – real estate, marketing or anything -for income as sole support for a maturing family. Pain was a constant companion. Standing or walking on a hard surface, for instance shopping, had to be done in short spurts. Sound sleep escaped me. Waking in the morning exhausted was a common experience. Two months ago, a friend suggested that I try (iGH7). He explained some of the benefits he had experienced. He hoped it would help. However, he was conservative and made no prediction as to what it might do for me. Within a week I was aware of an improved sleep pattern. It made me feel better. After a month or so,I was also aware that the pain in my back had almost disappeared. As a great-grandmother, I expect to be careful and not overdo. But the improvement I have experienced already is thrilling and beyond anything I had anticipated.

Ginny Ugiss

Portland, Oregon


I would like to tell others about my family’s experience with (iGH7). I have been suffering from chronic back pain for many years from an injury sustained while training in the Armed Forces. I don t use any drugs at all. It wasn’t till last November (1989) that I heard from my wife‘s friend, Pam Simms, about (iGH7). I was quite dubious about how it had helped others at first. I suffer from degenerative osteoarthritis, disc wear and nerve pressure. I have a lot of pain injury neck, mid-back and lumbar area, which affects my left hip and leg. Only people who suffer this pain can appreciate how I feel! When a spasm occurs, I have to take to bed rest and/or walk around the home with crutches at times. This leads to some depression and anger on my part, and it is difficult for my wife and my son, Michael 4 years, and my daughter, Rachel 5 years. I am 52 years old and have lived for years with the fear of being put in a wheelchair eventually. C wily a few days after I began using (iGH7), I noticed a tremendous difference that this started to put on my daily living. I know this may sound corny, but my crutches are now in the basement unused. At first, I had a few spasms like a lightning bolt it would hit me. While feeling pain, it would eventually go away to the point that I could even weight-lift the same day. My daughter, Rachel has a problem with her immune system and gets colds quite often. Her upper lip and nose would flare up and get red and crusty. Like many others, I thought I would put her on (iGH7), one a day for a week or so. Well, to my surprise, not only has this problem leared up, but her personality has mellowed and she is more pleasant. She also sleeps better a longer. Whenever we notice the “sniffles” coming on, we give her (iGH7) and it clears it up. It a o is helping her hair thicken and grow, as she was born with very fine and short hair, which a live years of age is not much longer than her brother Michael’s hair. We have really noticed a difference, as it is quickly becoming thicker and growing longer. “wife, Lesley, for many years has suffered from a 15-day menstrual period and has been quite an LfllC from this factor. As well as being very, very miserable! So I gave her a few (iGH7) for a week and her menstrual period stopped at six days! She is taking (iGH7) on a more regular basis and fed much better emotionally; and in time we can see improvement, as it is cleaning out her uterus. d overall she is feeling better, have little if no pain now, as long as I take my (iGH7) regularly. I tell my people about Dr. Koch s )duct, as so many suffer from so many allergies, bad diet, pills and drugs. I just can’t get over how much energy I have now and how it has helped our family. By the time of this letter, Rachel has chicken pox, with only a dozen spots. People can’t get over it, well she is doing, as we are giving her (iGH7)  every day to help fight this. We took her to the doctor yesterday and considering the minimal itching, she is doing well. I m sure (iGH7) is helping the cause. I wish to thank Dr. Koch and all the people I’ve met at the seminars in the Vancouver, B.C. area for sharing their experiences and the zeal they show for the benefits they’ve had by sharing the (iGH7) products.

Willis, Jesley, Rachel & Michael Devitt

Vancouver ,B.C. V5N2X1 Canada


I have been taking (iGH7) since November 1989. I am 75 years “young”. When I found that I had to have cataract surgery, I started taking 4 tablets per day 2 weeks prior to the surgery. My surgery was Tuesday, May 15, 1990. Wednesday morning, I went to my doctor s office for a post examination. He removed the patch, examined the eye and tested it. My eye had improved 10 points in less than 24 hours. I was reading 20/60 before the operation and then 20/50 the day after the operation. My doctor said it looked like I would be 20/20 in a very short time. He was quite impressed with my rapid improvement. I shared the (iGH7) information with him as I know it was a contributing factor to the success of my surgery. Also, the arthritic pain in my thumb joints has lessened. I no longer have to take anything for sleep. (iGH7) is affordable and definitely a necessity for me. I will never be without it for the rest of my life.

Thelma McElroy

Owensboro, Kentucky


C.S. “Leo, what s been your problems in the past before you got on (iGH7)?”

L.B. “Well, I’ve had a lung infection that I’ve had ever since I was an infant and in World War I – when I had the influenza, and it s bothered me all these years and I m 72 years old now and, you know, it hasn’t gotten any better. I’ve had a cough and infection and I’ve taken a lot of antibiotics to control it and in recent years several times I’ve had bleeding.

This year in September, I went into the hospital with hemorrhaging from my lungs. After intravenous antibiotics, while in the hospital, I went as an out-patient for a week taking the antibiotics intravenously and then another 15 days after I got out of the hospital. I told the doctor I had all I could handle of these 750 mg antibiotics.

I was given a pamphlet by an old friend of mine and I read it over slightly. Then I came back to it – I’d probably had it around 30 days before I went back to it. I finally said, I m going to call him up and get some of this product. So I’ve been on it no, (iGH7), well, I’ve taken two bottles and I’ve noticed a radical change in my cough and in my breathing. It is real remarkable what it has done for me. I have so much more energy and I’ve slept better and I am just elated over what it has done. I m anxious to continue with it and see what all it will do for me. I believe it s really on the track. This product is designed to rebuild these cells and we know that that s an important function of your bodies. I m just real happy over the results I’ve had with The (iGH7). So, I m happy to give you this little testimony, Clair. I’ve been telling few friends about it too. When you find something that helps you, then you are more than glad to share it with someone else. We know there’s a lot of problems and a lot of need among us older people.”

C.S. “I understand you ve already sold your house in Texas, and now you wish you had it back!”

L.B. “We’ve been spending the winters in Texas the last seven winters and we sold out down there because I didn’t think I was going to be able to make it back down, and here I am feeling better than I’ve felt in a long time and I m going to go down there and kick up my heels! So many people tell me, Well, what are you taking that you’re looking so good now? Well, I don t know about looking good, but I do know I have been feeling better. And so we’re headed for Texas for the winter and we’ll be happy to see what will happen!”

Clair Schmidt and Leo Boyer

Donna, Texas


I have been a diabetic for 15 years taking insulin twice a day, 40 units in the morning and 45 units in the evening. At that time my sugar count was 380 to 400. My energy level was low and I felt that I couldn’t continue to work. I am a truck driver covering many miles of roads each trip. Getting to my destination on time was becoming difficult as I would have to stop driving periodically to rest. I couldn’t wait to arrive home so that I could rest properly. When I did get to bed it was difficult to fall asleep. I would toss and turn much of the time and would wake up feeling just as tired. I heard about (iGH7) and decided to order some hoping for renewed energy. It didn’t take me bong to feel more energetic and to wake up feeling rested. I am most happy to say that I am no longer taking insulin. My sugar count is now 149 and I feel great. I attribute the remarkable change in my health to (iGH7).

Ubysess Washington

Tinbey Park, Illinois


It was after I broke my back that tests revealed that I had osteoporosis. I was told that I had the bones of a centurion, yes a hundred year old woman. Yet, I was only 52 years old. Following my father s death I had 4 years of traumatic ordeals. I don t know which was worse, the physical pain or all the emotional feelings one experiences with traumatic occurrences. Sleeping was difficult, especially when my husband was away traveling on business. I also had a considerable amount of pain in my thumb joints. I am a librarian and must thumb through hundreds of cards a day. This wasn’t easy. Yet another problem was that one of my front teeth had been loose for 20 years. On March 17th, a caring dear friend gifted me with (iGH7). She had remarkable results from taking this dietary supplement and thought that I might benefit also. Yes, indeed, I sure did. I am feeling and sleeping better. The tooth that was loose has tightened. I now have a deep inner peace or sense of well being. The pains have lessened in my thumbs considerably and with continued use of (iGH7), I think all pain will diminish. What s truly amazing is that all of this has happened in just two months of taking (iGH7). My husband has rheumatoid arthritis and builds scaffolding for construction. Like other occupations that require repetitive motion, he developed carpal tunnel syndrome. Surgery was performed to correct this condition, yet after surgery the pain was still there. After I noticed how much better I felt, I suggested he try (iGH7). He takes 4 tablets a day and he no longer has pain. Our daughters ages 19 and 26 are very healthy. They also take (iGH7) to maintain and preserve their good health.

Mary Anne and Dean Stiles

Homer City, Pennsylvania


My son who is 10 years old was diagnosed when he was 6 with Attention Deficit Disorder with hypeactivity (ADDH). He was put on 20 mgs of Ritalin once a day. He would experience headaches, be very depressed and cry for no reason. He would’ t eat and could not sleep through the night.

A friend told me about (iGH7). I took Eric off the Ritalin and put him on the (iGH7). He takes one tablet twice a day. Eric only weighed 46 pounds when he started the (iGH7). After a two week trial period I contacted Eric s teacher and asked her how he was doing. She stated that she could see no difference in Eric s school work, meaning the (iGH7) was doing the same job as the Ritalin but with no side effects. He was able to sit in his seat and concentrate on his work. I have noticed that now Eric can recite the times tables without any problem, and math has never been his strong suit.

Eric has also started eating. It now takes 2 double cheeseburgers and a large order of french fries to fill him up. He has gained 6 pounds. Eric sleeps through the night and actually sings when he gets up. He has actually become very happy.

He has been on the (iGH7) now for about 2 months, as a matter of fact we all have! I have nothing but good things to say about (iGH7).

Kay Dorsey

Memphis, Tennessee


I cannot sing enough praise for what (iGH3) did for my dog. My vet and I both had come to the end of our ropes in trying to find a cure for her. She is thirteen years old and had developed a skin condition that did not respond to over $100.00 worth of medication and shampoo that we tried on her. I was rather skeptical, but knew I had to try something as my dog was daily losing more and more hair and the eruptions were getting worse. After only three weeks on (iGH3), my dog was completely cured and a full coat of hair was back and real glossy. My vet was astounded! I told a friend of mine about this, as he had a dog who was eleven and had gone through similar conditions. I decided that, if it was that good, I would have to try it for myself. I can only tell you that for THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE I do not have insomnia and I have a sense of wellbeing. I started feeling better about myself and have opened my own business in the health and fitness industry. I have learned what has been taught for many, many years -you must take care of you body if it is going to take care of you. You only have one chance with this life so you must learn to make the most of it. I have met so many interesting people and have been able to share my experience. It does my heart good when I see that I have helped even one person – or dog!

Kathy B. Taunton

Riverview, Illinois