

Ear problems and hearing loss runs in my family. Thousands of dollars have been spent on medications, hearing aids and doctor visits. As a youngster, I had to place the radio on my lap in order to hear it. I was institutionalized as a young adult, and while there, developed an ear infection that bled for a week. The nurses saw the bloody towels and reported it to the doctors. No one ever came to examine me. After I was discharged from the institution, my ear drained often and my hearing became distorted. This was indeed dangerous, particularly when crossing the street and not hearing a car coming or 15 having it sound like it was far away only to find it was almost on top of me. My friends encouraged me to have a hearing test. Yes, I did need a hearing aid. The doctor said it would help, but I couldn’t afford it. The phone company had a program where they funded the money and then would let me pay them back in installments. After wearing one in each ear, I found that there were strange noises and adjustments were frequent. Because I lost one of the hearing aids, my hearing was not balanced so I removed the one I was wearing, hoping some day to be able to replace the one I lost. People again had to shout and I still missed most of what they said. Then (iGH7) came into by life. Within one month, I could hear! People don t have to shout anymore. I can even hear what is being said over the noise of the vacuum cleaner, and to hear the telephone ring is music to my ears. My hearing now is what it should have been after I was born – Perfect!

Verla Nielsen

Minneapolis, Minnesota


Hi! My name is Mary Lou Clark. Something fantastic has happened to me and I wish to share the experience. On June 10, 1990, I was introduced to (iGH7). After taking it for only two short days, my life was changed forever for the better.

In that length of time, my hearing in my left ear was restored to me. It had been almost 10 years since I had heard anything very well due to a severe sinus condition. Oh, yes, the sinus condition is gone also. Even my energy level is extraordinary. By the way, my daughter tells me I m much easier to get along with now that my stress level has been reduced.

Thanks for taking time to read this. It could be the beginning of a new and better life for you. Write or call me and let me know.

Mary Lou Clark

Lenoir, North Carolina


Dear Friend: If your health means as much to you as mine means to me, then I have good news for you! I have been introduced to a product that is a must for me. Dr. Ana Aslan, Director of Bucharest Institute of Geriatrics in Romania says that if you anticipate growing older and developing degenerate diseases that are associated with growing older, such as senility, arthritis, hair loss or loss of hair color, angina pectoris, heart disease, loss of hearing, eyesight, memory, high blood pressure, lack of energy and vitality, cholesterol, ulcers, depression, stress, sleep and many other, by all means, please check out this marvelous product. I will never be without it, if at all possible. The product has not been approved by the F.D.A., and we can only give our personal testimonies. In just a short while, the product really helped a very sensitive ear, and has given me much needed energy and vitality.

Anna Richardson

Huntsville, Alabama


I have noticed a lot of changes in my self since I have been taking (iGH7) and (iVision). I have had severe back pain for years and just of late one ear has been giving me problems along with blurred vision. What is it they say? Hit 40 and everything goes to hell? Well, all of these things have cleared up. The most important is the back pain which I have had since 17. That is a great relief, no more pain. The only thing that has not changed is my spelling, ha, ha. In that I will always be hopeless.

Janice Palmer

Dickinson, North Dakota


I am a very excited to share this with you. We ve been taking these products and supplements for about three months. I have my six-year-old son on (iGH7)  for a swollen tonsil. About three months ago, the school called stating that one of my son s ears showed signs of a hearing impairment, and they recommended I take him to the doctor for possible ear infection. I told her I was already giving him “something.” A month later, I received another call stating the same and that an appointment would be set up by them with an ear, nose and throat specialist, and that I would hear from them in a couple of weeks. I never did hear from the specialist, but I did hear from the school today, a month later, stating that his hearing tested NORMAL! I knew this hearing impairment was related to his swollen tonsil, because they were on the same side. He developed this swollen tonsil when he came down with a case of strep. Antibiotics proved to be ineffective on the swollen tonsil. A sand-papery rash around his mouth has also cleared up and I have read that it goes hand-in-hand with strep throat. So I know I am on the right track. Also, he began getting a deep, raspy cough a couple of days ago. I gave him (iGH7)  and a hot lemon juice and honey. The next day, the cough was gone. He s usually our sickly one. I also have my eight-year-old on (iGH7)  for stress headaches, and it has helped. I m a thirty-year-old mother of four boys. Pain has been alleviated in the following: lower back pain, previously injured knee, strained wrist and shoulder, and a sprained knuckle has finally responded. A bladder-yeast infection has cleared up. I sleep sounder and need less sleep; have improved muscle tone and flexibility. I read faster-especially aloud; hair grows faster, wounds heal faster, clearer lungs; and some laugh-line wrinkles have lifted. My husband is thirty-six. His bad knees hurt so bad after a hard day s work that he couldn’t sleep. He took a couple (iGH7). By the next evening the pain was gone, never to return. (Old football injury and surgery.) He s the assistant wrestling coach, and gets right in there with the best of them. He strained his shoulder, took his (iGH7)  that night, and the next day the pain was gone. His hemorrhoids are also gone. We also seem to play a lot more “catch,” he chases me around and I let him “catch” me. The statements I have made may sound extravagant, but they are true. I sometimes have a hard time believing it. It is important to know that (iGH7) works on the cause and not the symptom.

Gary & Linda Anderson

Beach, North Dakota


Dear Friend: If your health means as much to you as mine means to me, then I have good news for you! I have been introduced to a product that is a must for me. Dr. Ana Aslan, Director of Bucharest Institute of Geriatrics in Romania says that if you anticipate growing older and developing degenerate diseases that are associated with growing older, such as senility, arthritis, hair loss or loss of hair color, angina pectoris, heart disease, loss of hearing, eyesight, memory, high blood pressure, lack of energy and vitality, cholesterol, ulcers, depression, stress, sleep and many other, by all means, please check out this marvelous product. I will never be without it, if at all possible. The product has not been approved by the F.D.A., and we can only give our personal testimonies. In just a short while, the product really helped a very sensitive ear, and has given me much needed energy and vitality.

Anna Richardson

Huntsville, Alabama


Some time ago, my friend from work got me to try (iGH7) to help with my high blood pressure. I was also taking blood pressure medication. My blood pressure went down, but I gave credit to my medications, increased exercise by walking, diet change, etc., and I stopped taking (iGH7). Then about three weeks ago, I got a middle ear infection (virus?) called Labyrinthitis. I had this about 1 1/2 years ago and was very sick, to the point of being immobile on the floor, bed or wherever I happened to be when these attacks hit, till they eased. I spent 6 weeks feeling very sick and then it gradually eased off. Again, this was on the mend, only slightly bothering me, when I took (iGH7). This year during the holidays, I again got Labyrinthitis and had to be driven home. I couldn t drive and my daughter bussed to pick me up and drive my car and me home. My friend saw me 2 weeks later at work (I was trying to work when I felt not too bad) and said, “Why aren t you taking (iGH7) anymore?” My blood pressure was up (I was still taking my medications) so I took (iGH7) and noticed a difference right away (2 tablets a.m. before I went to bed as I came off the night shift). In 3 days, I had p~ symptoms at all and people said I “looked alive.” At my doctor s appointment, my blood pressure was back to a good range of 142/80 from 160/100 the previous week! Then for 2 days, I did not take (iGH7) and was dizzy again! 70 This morning I m taking them again. I know the Labyrinthitis is still waiting to take over, and (iGH7) has made it possible for me to live a normal life and work. The doctors here and in Edmonton told me, “It s just something you have to live with and it will probably recur off and on the rest of your life.” But now I know I can do something about it. The drug, Antivert that they prescribe for this is to control the nausea and dizziness, but I still feel very sick and have very bad spells even with Antivert. However, with (iGH7), I noticed 4 hours after my first 2 pills it was gone for all intents and purposes and I can function normally. One month s supply of (iGH7) costs about the same as 30 Bonamine 25 mg. tablets (similar to Antivert, but not as many medications), and the instructions are, Take 1 tablet 4 times daily as needed.” One bottle doesn t go far and my doctor said when I needed more, just let him know. After 3 weeks, I still have Bonamine left! With (iGH7), I don t need them at all!

Patricia A. Sneath

Dawson Creek, B.C. V1G 1V7 Canada