Diabetes & Cyst
I had become ill a year ago and the doctor, through tests, told me that I had diabetes. Allergies were also tied in with it. I was told to take 50 mgs. of Benadryl and 60 units of Insulin. Not wanting to suffer the side effects of drugs any longer, I told my doctor that I wanted to try (iGH7). He had never heard of it and I gave him a piece of literature to read about this amazing vitaminic supplement. After reading it, he agreed to let me use it and said there was nothing in it that would be harmful. That day, my sugar count was 301. The doctor said he would monitor me, and that he wanted to see me in three weeks. When I returned, my sugar count was down to 129. The doctor was pleasantly surprised! He said that he could take me off Insulin, but that might shock my system, and it was decided I would do that gradually. It was first reduced to 15 units and then 10, then 5, and then I was taken off Insulin completely. Praise the Lord!!! I would also like to add that I have not needed to use my allergy medication since I started taking (iGH7). My fibroid tumors are shrinking and I know in time that they will also disappear.
At this time, I would like to express my high recommendation of your product. My daughter, Tricia, who is 18 year old, is a juvenile diabetic. She has to take two needles a day. In the past, Tricia has gone to naturopaths which have really helped, but the number of vitamins she had to swallow daily were frustrating and often difficult for her to swallow. She quit out of rebellion and the awkwardness of having to carry and count out so many different pills.
Your product (iGH7) contains all the combinations of minerals and vitamins that I used to buy separately and at a much greater expense. Because Tricia is fed up with her mother trying to “fix her up,” I just left the Nutri-Zell in her room and said try these if you like. Nothing more was said. After one month I noticed she was far more lively in the morning and she seemed more cheerful and very much less tired. It is very painful to watch your child “drag” herself around every day. After two months, she had really noticed a difference. I see it in her eyes, her hair, and her disposition. Thank you.
You may use this letter as a recommendation.
May I tell you a story about me that started back in the best years of my life when I was in my middle fifties. I was very happy at that time. The world seemed good to me and then I lost my mate. My experience from a heart attack and suffering from kidney stones then forced me to sell our family business. Some months after that, the medical profession determined that I needed spinal surgery for osteoporosis (soft bones), which I refused. I already had considerable reduction in heath, vitality and ease of movement. The anxiety and strain from my daily life was destroying me mentally and physically. Arthritis and diabetes set in and the glandular system was breaking down from stress. Later on, other things happened to me in my life, but I was too confused in my thinking to know what it was, and I didn’t care. For someone who was once a dignified human being, I was now too sick to work or to drive my car. For me to walk without lifting my feet was a shambling gait of shuffling. I was so ashamed that I stayed behind closed doors for a long time, just waiting to let my body die. I cried and prayed. I wanted to go home to God, I really did. Several friends were concerned and came into my home to take care of me. One day, a very close friend called to check on me. I told her that when I looked out of my window that day, the grass and trees looked gray. I said, “There’s not much time left for me to be on this great earth.” “Oh, please!” she said to me, “I’ll find a way for both of us. For I, too, am very ill.” One week later, she called back to give me a physician’s telephone number. She said that he had a different approach than most doctors and he may be able to help me. The call was made and a lovely voice answered, but this doctor was away on a trip. Hearing the panic in my voice, she then referred me to one who handled emergencies. I was taken to his office and he saw that I had no energy left. For two weeks he cared for me, but I did not improve. By that time, the regular physician was back and I was placed at the head of a waiting list. When I entered the office, he seemed to know exactly what had taken place. His words were, “I will ask our God for your healing. I now have a new treatment from the old country and it seems that they are far ahead of us here in America. You are going to start taking vitamins, plus some other nutrients. It will take several years for you to get well and you will require much rest. Body repair begins in the cell, and healing takes place whether we know it or not.” I did need much rest. Five years have passed and today I am walking and driving my car. I do my own housecleaning and lead a normal life. I forgot to tell you that this product is stopping the aging process and, yes, it is even reversing it. It also keeps the arthritis and my other problems in check. My thoughts are that this is a miracle tablet that will not hurt me in any way. It is not habit forming, and it works. However, each one must find out for themselves what it can do for them. Remember that there are no two body chemistries exactly alike.
Thank you so much for sending your interesting letter to us, the testimonial information and the bulletin about (iGH7).
I do remember when Ginny introduced us at Dr. Koch s lecture last May and the phone conversation in July with you. Well, as for us we are doing fine. My wife Olga, going on 69 (and I am going on 70) is doing very satisfying. As you may know, she is a Diabeticmellitus Type 1 and has had to take the insulin injection twice a day (28 units in the morning and 16 at evening). A few months ago, she reduced it to a half without a doctor s advice, but we hope the (iGH7) and the proper diet will eliminate the insulin injection to zero.
I would like to also mention that about two years ago, Olga became very weak and developed a mental disorder. I had to bring her to the psychiatric clinic. After five days visiting her she became considerably worse so I took her out of the clinic. Two weeks later we arrived at Portland in hope that she would recover. I could not accept that fact that she would be a mental patient the rest of her life. We met Ginny at her office and later I told her about the problem that Olga had. Ginny told us about the (iGH7) and invited us to Dr. Koch s lecture. Olga did not feel well and I was hesitant to go.
As I said above. Olga is well and she is interested and enjoys life as she did before. We both continue the (iGH7) and the supplement vitamins. Thanks to GOD, the eternal guided us to Ginnv. Dr. Aslan and Dr. Koch for helping so many who have been the victim of past ignorance.
I have been a diabetic for 15 years taking insulin twice a day, 40 units in the morning and 45 units in the evening. At that time my sugar count was 380 to 400. My energy level was low and I felt that I couldn’t continue to work. I am a truck driver covering many miles of roads each trip. Getting to my destination on time was becoming difficult as I would have to stop driving periodically to rest. I couldn’t wait to arrive home so that I could rest properly. When I did get to bed it was difficult to fall asleep. I would toss and turn much of the time and would wake up feeling just as tired. I heard about (iGH7) and decided to order some hoping for renewed energy. It didn’t take me bong to feel more energetic and to wake up feeling rested. I am most happy to say that I am no longer taking insulin. My sugar count is now 149 and I feel great. I attribute the remarkable change in my health to (iGH7).
My name is Keith Davis. I m 27 years old, into body building, and I work out 3 to 4 times a week. I m generally healthy, except for the fact that I m a diabetic. I have been taking 20 cc of insulin injections every day for one and a half years. It was suggested to me that (iGH7) might help lower my blood sugar level. After noting that there was nothing harmful in the ingredients, I ordered the product and started taking two tablets a day and also two ounces of Aloe Vera juice from Diamite. After two weeks my blood sugar was down to 140 from 210, and there was an increase in energy, especially my libido. I went to my doctor the following week for a routine check-up for my diabetes Boy was I surprised when he took me off insulin. He cautioned me to continue to monitor my sugar level daily and to keep some insulin on hand just in case. It has been over a month since I’ve seen the doctor and my sugar level is still down and of course I m still taking (iGH7) and feeling great. It s a lot better than insulin injections that I hated so much.
I thank the Lord for directing me to Arlene Branch at the Oregon State Fair in 1988. It was from her I obtained information about (iGH7). I will try to tell you in the following paragraphs what (iGH7) has done for my wife and me. We started taking (iGH7) the middle of Nov. 1988. At the time I was having real problems with arthritis. The joint at the base of my left thumb throbbed and ached constantly and when I first arose in the A.M. I could not bend the thumb without the middle joint snapping with terrific pain. Because of this condition I could not really grip anything with my left hand. Also I would usually go to sleep on my right side and sometimes during the night I would wake up with my right shoulder and hip hurting. I would turn over on my left side and wake up later with the same problem on the left side. In the first week after starting on (iGH7) the pain in my left thumb was reduced by more than 50%. By Feb. of this year I was, and still am, totally free of arthritis pain and discomfort. I have full use of my left hand and can grip without any pain. I have also had a noticeable increase in energy and a real in-crease in a feeling of well being. The most dramatic story, however, is what happened with my wife. She has bone cancer and is taking Chemo-therapy. At the time we began taking (iGH7) she also had DIABETES and had taken as much as 70 units and more of insulin a day. Because of the Chemo she had a strong body odor that got into her clothes, the bed linen and even the chair she sat in. Within a month after starting with (iGH7) the odor was completely gone and there has been no trace of it since. By the first of this year my wife s blood sugar began to come down steadily and I had to keep cutting back on her insulin. By the first part of April she was only taking 5 units of insulin a day. After three weeks at this level, the doctor said to stop the insulin and see what happens. She is not only off insulin, but she is taking no oral medication nor is she following a diabetic diet. In other words she is no longer diabetic. My wife s bone cancer had been worsening steadily until a bone scan last July showed it had spread all through her system. She had a bone scan taken in April and it shows a definite improvement over the one last July. We will continue to take (iGH7) as long as we live and expect the best is yet to come.
Stanley W. SipleyCYST
Recently, a file cabinet drawer fell on my hand and within 2 weeks, a ganglion cyst, the size of a pea, appeared in the injured area. It gave me some discomfort, but I decided not to see a doctor unless it got worse. I had been using (iGH7) for a few years to maintain good health and decided to step-up my intake of (iGH7) to 3 tablets in the morning and 3 tablets in the evening. About 3 weeks later, I noticed that the cyst was gone.
I was allergic to all medications that were prescribed for my colitis with the exception of one, Prednisone. Unfortunately, that medication had a negative effect on my diabetes and I was unable to control the sugar. Plus, the Prednisone wasn t helping the colitis. I heard about (iGH7) and how some people with similar health problems had been helped by taking this dietary supplement. Within 5 months the colitis, which I had for 2 years, stopped. The diabetes was under control and it was no longer necessary to take medication.
I discovered Gerovital H3 (iGH3) in Germany, where I owned and directed an import-export firm in the Frankfurt am Main area. At that time, it was estimated that over 20 thousand bottles were sold over the counter every month. An interesting fact indeed, considering that other drugs were readily available free of charge through the socialized medicine system. I learned that the German government dispensed GH3 to their national police to help combat stress and guard against related health problems. It was also learned from Professor Dr. Ana Aslan that GH3 was not freely distributed in the United States because of the FDA s complicated and costly new drug approval criteria. In all probability, aspirin, penicillin and its related compounds would not have passed this criteria. So, I decided to make GH3 available by mail to many thousands of Americans that made annual pilgrimages to Europe for GH3 therapy. Doctor Aslan anxiously agreed, and I was introduced to a Swiss pharmaceutical distributor. Yankee ingenuity, Swiss efficiency and Romanian cooperation developed a program for supplying huge quantities of GH3 to American mail order buyers at a very favorable price. However, it ws most unfortunate that too many GH3 mail packages were confiscated by the U.S. Customs service – a total disregard of the FDA s policy guideline 9-71-30 which allows importation of a three month supply for personal use. My anxious customers were advised that GH3 was not an approved drug and that their package would be returned to the sender. Not one package has been received by my Swiss partner to date. I compensated my customers accordingly and closed the business. It’s interesting to note that a class-action lawsuit is being filed by The Life Extension Foundation on behalf of Americans being deprived of innovative medicines by the FDA s illegal and unconstitutional actions. It s no secret, the FDA, unduly influenced by the AMA and pharmaceutical lobbyists, have been working for years to have legislation passed declaring common nutritional supplements (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, herbs, etc.) dangerous drugs making them available by prescription only. Refer to their current effort: H.R. 3642 and H.R. 1662. My unfavorable experience with GH3 and the U.S. Health Service in Atlanta, Georgia happened a decade ago – long before I learned about Dr. Robert Koch, an American biochemist from Utah, and his research resulting in (GH7) – the more effective form of GH3. And just in time, too, I hasten to add, because I was experiencing the most stubborn health problem in 50 years. My lower legs became swollen and developed ugly, weeping sores. I tried every over-the-counter medication recommended, but to no avail. The unsightly condition gave me cause to consider that, if I consulted a doctor, he would surely diagnose gangrene, and that amputation was my only option. It was scary! My trial order for (iGH7) arrived, and was I ever ecstatic that, after five weeks of hell, my problem began to clear up after only one week of (iGH7) therapy. That was three years ago. Side effects? You bet – all favorable.
I had arterial venous malformation which is a serious degenerative disease causing primary structural defects in both arteries and veins causing capillary blood leakage. Monthly transfusions were necessary requiring 2 or 3 pints of blood a month. I started taking (iGH7) a few years ago and found relief in all of the above except the arterial venous malformation. I decided to take 6 (iGH7) a day starting April 1992. At the end of May my blood count was normal (12) no blood transfusions, June was normal (12.1) no blood transfusions, July normal (12.3) no blood transfusions. August was normal also, no transfusions. I just couldn’t believe it. My blood count jumped from 6.3 in January to 11.5 in August. To date I still have a normal blood count and blood transfusions appear to be a thing of the past. It is nice to have warm pink hands and good nails again. Now my family and friends are taking (iGH7) and have had good results also.
At this time April 1994, it has been two years since I needed a blood transfusion. My blood count is still normal and I am feeling great. (iGH7) has saved me a fortune in medical costs.
My son Jonas is 17 years old. About 5 years ago I realized that he was experiencing problems that needed medical attention. Jonas was hyperkinetic and was having difficulty reading, among other things. He was drowsy at times and would fall asleep when he should be awake.
I took him to the University of North Carolina, which specializes in testing for dyslexia and other related disorders. Dyslexia was diagnosed and medication prescribed.
Nine months ago, Jonas was hit by a car and his condition became worse. We then took him to the Winston Salem Baptist Hospital and doctors there said he was epileptic. His medication was then changed to ritalin and tegerall. After he started using these medications we found that they were doing the opposite of what they were supposed to do. His condition outgrew the medication. We then decided to take him off of these two drugs.
A dear friend and professional gave us some (iGH7) and made no claims as to what it would do. As long as Jonas was off of all medication we decided to start him on this dietary supplement.
I am happy to say we found beneficial results. He hasn’t had any petite mal seizures, isn’t sleeping as much, is more alert, reads better and is more calm and less hyper. No need to say how pleased we are with the changes in Jonas. This we credit to (iGH7).
In May of 1988, I was introduced to (iGH7). After taking the product for approximately one month, I noticed I was sleeping much better and I had a feeling of well-being. I also felt less tired. I then stopped taking (iGH7). (Human nature, I guess.) One morning in November 1988, I became aware of an uncomfortable throbbing sensation in my left cheek. In looking in the mirror, I determined it had to be a sebaceous cyst and there wasn’t much I could do but wait it out. By the second day, it had become much larger and was very uncomfortable. Later that day I made the mistake of squeezing it quite hard and broke it open and a lot of pus drained out. On the third day, it looked just terrible. I again squeezed it hard and this
In time an oily substance came out. I was trying to think of something I could do to help it along and I then thought of the (iGH7). I remembered I had a couple of tablets left. So before going to bed that night, I took (iGH7) and wet it and just patted it on the infected area for a couple of minutes, and finally, just held it right on the infected area for about five minutes. I let it dry and then went to bed.
The next morning, while taking a shower and washing my face, a cakey, crumply material fell off my cheek. When I looked in the mirror, I couldn’t believe my eyes. All that remained from this terrible looking cyst was a faint redness. New skin had formed over the entire area.
This experience has made me a true believer in these products and I intend to make them a part of my life on a regular basis.
Shirley DemeuseUTERINE CYST
I am writing this for my wife Dale, who is 46 and has had problems with bleeding between her monthly periods. Oftentimes, pain and pressure were felt. Last August, after an examination, we were told by her doctor that she had a cyst on her uterus. A D&C (dilatation and curettage) was scheduled to analyze the problem. In September, a 3-centimeter cyst was found and a hysterectomy was recommended. We were reluctant to have the surgery and the doctor agreed to postpone it for a few months. At that time, Dale started to take (iGH7). Starting with 2 tablets a day for a few weeks and then she increased it to four a day. Five weeks later, after being examined again, the cyst was gone! The doctor was pleased and no further treatment was required. Praise the Lord! We feel that (iGH7) had done its job again.
Just want you to know the good exciting news about John. Two weeks after he began taking (iGH3) (2-24-85), he started having facial movement return in his right side that had been paralyzed since last Thanksgiving. Even the test that the doctors ran in Wenatchee, showed that there would be no return! This is really a testimony for (iGH3), since John was a bit skeptical (to say the least) about the validity of it s healing capabilities. In addition to this skepticism, he is not a “pill-taker” at all. But, he had become very discouraged with his facial paralysis and depressed about his condition, so he agreed to take two tablets a day. The only thing that the doctors had offered him was surgery that had no guarantees, only substantial risks, like permanent hearing impairment with questionable results. They couldn’t give us any hopeful alternatives, either. Bell s Palsy has so many unknowns. The doctors had not ruled out the possibility of a tumor within the nerve, either. We are ever-so-grateful to (iGH3)! When John went back to the doctors last Friday, they were so excited with his improvement, they could hardly believe it was happening. John noticed improvement (slight) two weeks after he began taking two (iGH3) tablets per day. The first movement came in the corner of his mouth when he smiled with his mouth closed. Then a slight frown was evident, next his cheek. There has been no great big overnight healing, but a gradual day-by-day improvement. Last week he thought the healing had stopped, but this week we can both see more improvement. The right side of his upper lip had been so droopy that when I was on this right side I could hardly understand him. I would have to ask him to turn toward me and repeat what he had said. Well, there has been a marked improvement. His lip is coming back to a normal position. Also, the whole side of his face from the corner of his lip to his cheekbone shows more movement; and best of all, he can even almost close his eye shut! Another wonderful benefit has been with his gout. He has taken a pill every day for his gout for the last four or five years. He stopped taking this pill the very day he began taking the (iGH3) and he has not had even a twinge of pain; whereas before, if he missed two days with his medication the pain would begin to return. We are just waiting to see what other benefits John will experience!! Our oldest son, Joel, age 24, has started taking (iGH3) to see what it will do for his asthma/allergies. The eczema has been so bad on his hands since last summer that he has totally lost all the top layer of skin on them TWICE. He has tried every cream, lotion, vitamin and prescription there is with only with a questionable result. His hands are so rough, they look like they are scared with a third degree burn. We talked to him last weekend and he said he had a slight improvement. He has been taking (iGH3) for about two weeks. It certainly can t hurt him! Actually, if nothing else, I know it will benefit his general health. College seems to be quite stressful and taxing on one s physical health and nerves. We will keep you posted on our progress. I am looking forward to seeing you at our next meeting in April.
My name is Carmelo Baysa. I own a ballroom dance studio in Honolulu, Hawaii.
I’ve been taking (iGH7) for about ten months. At that time, my friend Greg told me about (iGH7), but I didn’t expect to see results so soon. You see, I love my job but when you re in business for yourself, there are times when things can get stressful. I’ve had ulcers before and I knew when she called in August of 1989 that I had it again. Well within 3 months, the pain I experienced from the ulcers was gone! Thank goodness. My smile was genuine once again and not an effort to cover up my pain. Also I realized that I was not experiencing the intense stress that I used to have when showcase time came around as I was extra busy with ticket sales, choreographing routines for my students, planning the decorations and designing and sewing the beautiful gowns and outfits for them, most of which took countless hours of hand sewing for the beads, sequins and fur trims. Needless to say, when you’re not tied up in knots, life can be beautiful. Also I have so much energy now! And my vision has improved too! My right eye was so sensitive to light that I needed to wear dark glasses all the time or my vision would be blurry. But it’s just fine now. As I started to share this with my students, I had one woman tell me that the flab under her arms disappeared. Another one almost cancelled all her dance lessons because she had undergone surgery for her varicose veins and her legs were so painful, she could hardly walk let alone dance. I told her about (iGH7) and she agreed to give it a try. In 2 weeks she was back in my dance studio dancing her heart out. No more pain! Several weeks ago, I was doing an exhibition with my student Amy and somehow damaged the ligament of my right leg. I was in pain from the hip down and what made it worse, I had to dance in 2 more competitions! The pain was so bad after that that I couldn’t bend down to put on my socks and shoes or even walk on that leg. And then I thought, why not increase my (iGH7) from 2 to 6 a day. Well, wouldn’t you know it? In about 5 days the pain just about disappeared. My arthritis in my left thigh is gone too. I have presently gone back to 2 (iGH7) a day. We just had our second child in December and my wife is taking (iGH7) while breast feeding our baby who is so healthy! Currently there are 18 dance students who are seriously taking it. Would I recommend (iGH7) to everyone? You bet I would and I do too! It’s one of the best decisions I’ve made.
All the very best.
I am a very excited to share this with you. We ve been taking these products and supplements for about three months. I have my six-year-old son on (iGH7) for a swollen tonsil. About three months ago, the school called stating that one of my son s ears showed signs of a hearing impairment, and they recommended I take him to the doctor for possible ear infection. I told her I was already giving him “something.” A month later, I received another call stating the same and that an appointment would be set up by them with an ear, nose and throat specialist, and that I would hear from them in a couple of weeks. I never did hear from the specialist, but I did hear from the school today, a month later, stating that his hearing tested NORMAL! I knew this hearing impairment was related to his swollen tonsil, because they were on the same side. He developed this swollen tonsil when he came down with a case of strep. Antibiotics proved to be ineffective on the swollen tonsil. A sand-papery rash around his mouth has also cleared up and I have read that it goes hand-in-hand with strep throat. So I know I am on the right track. Also, he began getting a deep, raspy cough a couple of days ago. I gave him (iGH7) and a hot lemon juice and honey. The next day, the cough was gone. He s usually our sickly one. I also have my eight-year-old on (iGH7) for stress headaches, and it has helped. I m a thirty-year-old mother of four boys. Pain has been alleviated in the following: lower back pain, previously injured knee, strained wrist and shoulder, and a sprained knuckle has finally responded. A bladder-yeast infection has cleared up. I sleep sounder and need less sleep; have improved muscle tone and flexibility. I read faster-especially aloud; hair grows faster, wounds heal faster, clearer lungs; and some laugh-line wrinkles have lifted. My husband is thirty-six. His bad knees hurt so bad after a hard day s work that he couldn’t sleep. He took a couple (iGH7). By the next evening the pain was gone, never to return. (Old football injury and surgery.) He s the assistant wrestling coach, and gets right in there with the best of them. He strained his shoulder, took his (iGH7) that night, and the next day the pain was gone. His hemorrhoids are also gone. We also seem to play a lot more “catch,” he chases me around and I let him “catch” me. The statements I have made may sound extravagant, but they are true. I sometimes have a hard time believing it. It is important to know that (iGH7) works on the cause and not the symptom.
I was feeling miserable with a sore throat and a cold that had lasted 30 days and didn’t seem to be getting any better. I ordered (iGH7) and when it arrived, immediately started to use it. In 2 days, the sore throat and cold were gone and I was feeling much better. Pleasantly surprised with the general feeling of well being that I was now experiencing, I asked my husband to try (iGH7). He had bleeding ulcerative colitis and it was not getting any better, plus it was costing him $78.00 per week for medication. He had sustained a sports injury which stretched and damaged the cartilage in his knees and they had to be operated on. There was some nerve damage to his elbow which added to his discomfort. While in the hospital, his knee was suspended in the air for 7 days as the doctor went away. He was now left with a stiff leg. With much force and pain he could bend it slightly. Today he is not bothered with any more pain and is able to bend and use the leg that once was stiff. The ulcerative colitis is gone and we continue to enjoy good health and use (iGH7) faithfully.
Mrs. Carol Steward