


What I have to share with you is nothing short of an awakening! My sister, who has a brain injury from birth; my roommate, who has severe cerebral palsy; and myself, who suffers from arthritis, phlebitis, colitis and severe dermatitis (that I feel has progressed to psoriasis), as well as having had several bad back injuries, all began taking (iGH7) in February of 1988. We all noted remarkable changes in our lives. We felt better in every way. We had more energy, needed less sleep, had no more bouts with depression, experienced no more pain from arthritis, and my phlebitis disappeared. I had no more bouts with colitis, and a bonus… my hair started coming in black again! Friends noted how much brighter my sister was and how well she was progressing. Indeed! She progressed from February to December through two complete developmental stages and is continuing to progress. We felt so good that it was easy to forget how rotten we had felt before (iGH7). When money began to be short and we were scraping to be able to afford to move to a better location, we let ourselves off the (iGH7) and had been off it since December. Oh, what a mistake that was. Our move was the most horrible of all we could imagine. The stress was greater than it had ever been before. My roommate mentioned to me, “It s too bad we got off (iGH7)!” Oh, how right she was. It was then that we realized how much we had given up when we let it go. We will never be without it again! My roommate s balance improves and she had no more cramping of her muscles and no more pain from her arthritis. My sister did not complain of hurts either. The memory problem that my sister and my roommate had was greatly improved, and so was mine! I also had people who had not seen me for ages tell me how much younger I looked. And they had remembered me from six or so year ago! I know, now, that we will make sure we have (iGH7) on hand, always. God really blessed us when my friend introduced me to (iGH7); tid we don t intend to be without those blessings again. We are sharing it with our neighbe s here in our new place, and we hope to see their success with (iGH7) too. I thank you for marketing such a fine and wonderful product. I was sorry to learn that Dr. kna Aslan, the discoverer of Gerovital H3 (GH3), the forerunner of (iGH7), had passed on. It would have been nice if she could have lived to see GH3 acclaimed, as well as learned what Dr. Robert Koch had developed by expanding on her formula. I believe that its true value should be known world-wide. I am very happy, however, that the demise of Dr. Ask has not inhibited our access to (iGH7). Thank you again.

Arden B. Ray

Onalaska, Washington



On June 8, 1992 my life changed in just one fleeting second! I was in an automobile accident. My car was totaled and I laid on a rescue squad board waiting to go to the emergency room. It was not until the next day that I realized how much pain I was in. After a week in bed, feeling depressed and taking painkillers, a friend called me and told me about his own terrible back pain problems and how he found total relief through (iGH7). He arranged for me to start taking it and after only 3 months on the product I am feeling like a brand new person, even better than I was before! People that talk to me on the phone don t recognize my voice it is stress free. People that see me say that I never looked better … my hair, my skin, my eyes are radiant! Sharing this product with others is my special gift. I also want to thank all of those people who not only shared with me, but provided my support system through those very difficult days. I love you.

Gail Noel Kee

Virginia Beach, Virginia


Oh, my goodness! I had forgotten what a wonderful world this can be if you are feeling well, and I was not feeling well at all. My wrist started to ache and my hand also. The doctor said I needed surgery to correct what he diagnosed as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Unfortunately, surgery was not the answer and the pain still persisted. Sometime later, the other wrist started to pain me. Foolish, I consented to the surgery hoping this time that it would be successful. It was wishful thinking on my part because the outcome of the surgery was the same the second time. Now I had two painful wrists. Sleep was difficult as swelling and pain occurred nightly. In the morning I would have to soak both wrists for 20 minutes before relief was felt. I happened to hear someone tell about the good results with (iGH7) and I ordered it. After using it for two weeks, all pain and swelling disappeared, as did the depression. My memory has improved, and with it came a general feeling of well-being. I operate a calculator at work and find my speed accuracy has improved. Try (iGH7) before you consent to surgery for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. It might work for you, too!

Arden B. Ray

Onalaska, Washington


Dorland’s Medical Dictionary defines depression as, “A psychiatric syndrome consisting of dejected mood, psychomotor retardation, insomnia, and weight loss, sometimes associated with guilt feelings and somatic preoccupations, often of delusional proportions. Profound anxiety accompanied by psychomotor agitation.” Several times in my life I have suffered from depression. I have always put it down to having a weak mind, laziness, being too dependent on others, and usually ending up very stressed, along with the depression because I could find no reason why I should feel depressed. I cannot recall exactly when my depression started. I feel it is a very insidious illness and you soon find yourself in its grips before you realize what has been happening. I cried frequently and at length. I woke up with the weight of the world on my shoulders and felt that, if I could sleep and sleep and sleep, this feeling couldn’t find me. I found good in nothing, especially myself, and wanted to go nowhere. I was consumed with despairing thoughts of death, not always my own, crippling illnesses, broken families, and mental illness. These thoughts sometimes pushed me into an all-consuming state of anxiety that only tranquilizers could alleviate on a temporary basis. I had heard about Gerovital from my mom and saw what wondrous things it had done for her arthritis, migraines and feeling of well-being. I was very skeptical, but finally in July of 1982, I was persuaded into taking GH3. At the normal dosage of two a day there was no effect on my depression. I then took four a day for another week and within the first two days of that week, I physically felt my depression lifting. I became more interested in my general life and people around me. My anxieties began to lessen and I could reason out all of the irrational, negative thoughts for myself again. My family and friends could see the improvement in my life. I then had a terrible bout with a cold and the flu. I was taking medication of various sorts. I made a bad judgment. I decided to stop taking the GH3 until I was through with the other medication. After two weeks, depression started creeping back into by life. I was back into staying in bed, having crying jags, irrational thoughts, and clinging to my husband almost begging him not to go to work in the mornings. When I finally realized what was happening and stopped blaming it on my illness, I immediately started back on my GH3, taking four a day for a few days. My life again smoothed out. The anxiety slowed and the depression lifted. I am now taking two tablets of (iGH7) a day. This is an improved GH3 formulated by Dr. Robert Koch. I don t adhere to the recommendation of a rest period. When I have any undue stress in my life, I just increase the dosage. For me, (iGH7) and before that, GH3 has renewed my life. It is wonderful to be able to share my feelings. I praise God for Dr. Ana Aslan and the gift God gave her to develop GH3 and, also, for Dr. Robert Koch for the gift God gave him to improve on the formulation. I know in my heart that, if it weren’t for (iGH7), I would not be enjoying my life as God meant it to be.

Diane Hoen

Seattle, Washington


I’m 64 years old. A few months ago, I started taking (iGH7), an improved version of GH3. After a few days, I started feeling tired and had some occasional, mild headaches. But by the start of the second week, I was feeling much better than normal; and after another week passed, I noticed that my usual morning back pains from spinal arthritis were almost totally gone. I have a lot more drive and I don t tire as easily as I used to. I also notice that frustrating or unpleasant experiences, which usually had a depressing effect, now seem unimportant and easier to deal with. I have more ambition and I get a lot more done in a day than I did before. In short, I feel much better, both physically and mentally, than I have in many years. It s like starting a new chapter in my life. If you are wondering why I m spreading the word about (iGH7), I think it s one of the greatest medical discoveries of the century, and if enough people learn about it, maybe some day we will be able to buy it over the counter like millions of people in other countries have been doing for years. I am so pleased with the results I have had with (iGH7) and get much satisfaction from telling others about it. That s all I have to say. No hype, no big claims, not high pressure. I use (iGH7)  regularly now and it works! Read about it and make your own decision. Better yet, why wait? Wouldn’t it be worth it if it does for you what is has done for me and thousand of others?

Bob Vonkleist

Niceville, Florida


I am Austin Clift of Yakima, Washington. I was introduced to (iGH3) and (iGH7)  (Zell) by my son. At first I was very skeptical and could not believe the miraculous results he stated, as I have tried everything myself and everyone else could think of. At his insistence, I agreed to try (iGH3) and (iGH7)  for three months. For his insistence and perseverance I shall be eternally grateful! As the loss of over six feet of small intestine has left me with almost constant diarrhea and subsequent poor absorption, my son counseled starting with four (iGH7) and four (iGH3) for a least a week. In less than a week, I became aware that the tinnitus of some 30 years had subsided and was almost gone. For many years the two Rhynosyn capsules daily had barely made life tolerable. Gradually the swelling and soreness around my temples was reduced and the sinus drainage stopped. A condition my doctor said would haunt me the rest of my life was gone!

P.S. I feel great and I am getting better all the time. Long live (iGH3)!!!
10-5-84 P.P.S. As a postscript to my earlier testimony, I can now state that I have never felt better in my life. I am physically strong and confident. After 29 years of non-flying, due to lack of confidence in my reactions and eyesight, I have recently passed the flight physical and checked out in three aircraft with complete confidence in my ability. I am currently building an experimental aircraft and hope to fly for many years. I am now 69 years old, work all day, snowmobile in difficult terrain, and do almost anything.

Austin E. Clift

Yakima, Washington


October 6, 1983 My first introduction to (iGH3) was in March 1983. A good friend of mine, who knew my past history of heart problems, came to my house one evening with a bottle of pills and a convincing story. I had been having a steady pain in my left shoulder which prevented me from lifting my left hand above my shoulder, such as in combing my hair or scratching my head. I could accomplish these tasks, but with difficulty associated with pain. In addition, I had been advised by my heart doctor that my heart problems would probably become worse since arteriosclerosis was a major factor. In reading the claims for (iGH3), it appeared that both of my problems could be helped by taking the product, at least on a three-month trial basis. The first month while taking the pills, it was obvious that the pain in my left shoulder was being affected, but for the worse! the pain became almost unbearable, and I almost decided to stop taking the pills. Since I was close to the first five day rest period, I kept taking the pills until that period. The constant pain started to subside during the rest period and gave me confidence to start the second month. Again, the process was repeated, but not as much pain as the first month. It took about three months of taking the pill until the pain went away completely and has never returned! In addition, since my by-pass operation on my heart in December 1979,1 have been religiously taking my pulse every day to be conscious of the strain on my heart muscle while exercising (a three-mile walk under 45 minutes each day). After three (3) months on GH3, a noticeable effect was evident on my pulse rate. My normal resting pulse rate had been approximately 78 counts/minute. After being on (iGH3), for three months, my resting rate was coming down. I have now been on the product for seven months and my resting pulse rate has stabilized at 60 counts/minute! For a heart condition, this has to be very good news! My body is getting the proper oxygen to the blood stream while my heart is working at a much lower rate in accomplishing it. The claims that (iGH3) actually reverses arteriosclerosis has made a believer of me, since the effect on my pulse rate illustrates this fact vividly. In conclusion, besides the benefits mentioned above, I have also noticed benefits of the anti-depressant qualities of v. I have been under mental strain at my office position, that in my mind would have not been bearable if I were not taking the pill. It is one quality of the pill that I would recommend to anyone who has mental depression or anxieties that prey on their mind. Taking this pill has helped my capability to sleep well, without anxieties, which in turn helps my ability to face the hectic routines of normal twentieth century living. After a month s trial I became a firm believer in the efficacy of this product. I have noticed that the benefits of this pill are increased if a person takes the pill on a stomach that has been very empty. By this I mean, take the pill at about six o clock in the morning, and approximately 4 or 5 p.m. in the evening, at least one hour before you eat your evening meal. In normal activities this should ensure an empty stomach while taking the pill. This has to be done religiously by the person taking the pill for maximum benefits.

Nello Bonicelli

Idaho Falls, Idaho


It s not possible to reach all of you quickly with the story of the miracle God has brought to me. Most of you know I was very ill. Only faith and the loving care of mu family and our church friends kept me together. Many grateful heartfelt thanks to al of you. The sharing of God s love means a lot to the suffering; more than is possible for the one hurting to know. I was tested and found to have toxicity and mineral imbalances due to toxic levels of copper, cadmium, and mercury in my tissues; hormonal imbalance, protein deficiency (due to improper absorption by my cells), many food intolerances, allergies (hayfever), candida yeast infection, and depression. My symptoms from all of these ills were: severe tireness, periodic dizziness, ringing in my ears, frequent headaches, forgetfulness, burning sensations running along certain nerve pathways, some involuntary twitching of muscles, joint aches, stiffness of fingers, stomach and colon gas, weight loss, and insomnia. Is that enough? I dreaded the Fall weed pollen and field harvest wishing for the first freeze to kill off the pollen and mold spores. Yet I dreaded the cold weather because I could not keep warm. All of this showed in my countenance, and no amount of makeup could hide it. What happened to get me on the road to recovery is some story! A friend knew, who was praying for me, that I had finally given up hope. She and another friend prayed with me that I would again receive a renewed hope. I did immediately sense that renewed hope even though I still was weak and still hurt. Restored hope is a must! Very shortly after this, my husband Dan was in the right place at the right time where he was working in Chicago. A client came in with a pet which had been very ill. This older dog had experienced a full recovery and was now in superb health. The client was an older lady, and she too had a lot of vitality. Dan questioned her as to what she had done for her dog. She had given the dog her own vitamin nutrient compound known as (iGH7). The client had herself been taking this compound for some time, and her own story concerning illness and recovery was itself impressive. Some (iGH7) was obtained, and I started taking it as directed. Over several months time my symptoms have improved, some are completely gone, and others are getting better each month. My vitality is back, and I am thrilled! Our own dog, who is thirteen years of age, was sleeping most of the time, she had difficulty going up and down our stairs, and she was losing weight. Dan started her on (iGH7) also. After a few weeks her energy level was up, and she began to go up and down the stairs with more ease. She has now regained much of the weight she had lost, and she does not sleep unusually long now either. After seeing our dog s response, Dan began to try (iGH7) on various patient s in his veterinary practice. Some of the conditions which have shown a positive response include arthritis, degenerative disc disease, Wobblers Syndrome, chronic skin infections, chronic hepatitis, feline leukemia, and bone infection. (iGH7) is not a snake oil. It is not even a cure for what ails you. What it does do is improve the permeability of cell membranes so that they can again receive nutrients within the cells. If a cell can receive the nutrients that it needs to function, it seems to be able to correct whatever is wrong. Results are not instantaneous; healing takes time. Neither is (iGH7) a replacement for good nutrition. However, it will certainly facilitate the absorption and utilization of those nutrients. I want to encourage all my friends and all people who have any loss of vitality be it big or small to learn more about (iGH7). God has used it in my life to restore me to good health and vitality.

Susan King


For the last six years I have had ringing in the ears (tinnitus). The doctors said there aren’t any solutions for it and that I should learn to live with it. This is common in approximately five million people. I read all that I could about tinnitus and tried a variety of diets. Nothing helped.

It was suggested that I have my teeth realigned in case the ringing was caused by TMJ. I wore braces on my teeth for two years to see if the realignment could help, but there was no improvement.

Three months ago I started taking (iGH7). After the second month I noticed that the ringing was still there, but much quieter. I have experienced other benefits also. For two years I have had knee pain and after two weeks on (iGH7) the pain quietly went away. My memory has improved and I now have more clarity of thought. A general feeling of well being, an inner calmness with less moodiness has come over me. I have no depression and a lot more energy.

I am thankful for (iGH7) and will continue to take it and enjoy all the benefits.

Clayton Covington

Memphis, Tennessee


My son who is 10 years old was diagnosed when he was 6 with Attention Deficit Disorder with hypeactivity (ADDH). He was put on 20 mgs of Ritalin once a day. He would experience headaches, be very depressed and cry for no reason. He would’ t eat and could not sleep through the night.

A friend told me about (iGH7). I took Eric off the Ritalin and put him on the (iGH7). He takes one tablet twice a day. Eric only weighed 46 pounds when he started the (iGH7). After a two week trial period I contacted Eric s teacher and asked her how he was doing. She stated that she could see no difference in Eric s school work, meaning the (iGH7) was doing the same job as the Ritalin but with no side effects. He was able to sit in his seat and concentrate on his work. I have noticed that now Eric can recite the times tables without any problem, and math has never been his strong suit.

Eric has also started eating. It now takes 2 double cheeseburgers and a large order of french fries to fill him up. He has gained 6 pounds. Eric sleeps through the night and actually sings when he gets up. He has actually become very happy.

He has been on the (iGH7) now for about 2 months, as a matter of fact we all have! I have nothing but good things to say about (iGH7).

Kay Dorsey

Memphis, Tennessee


Twelve years ago I was introduced to a very special health product called GH3. Hearing and reading about this tablet, I decided to order some. I noticed some positive minor changes in my health, and that encouraged me to continue taking it. When (iGH7) became available, I decided to use it instead of GH3 because of the added ingredients. Plus, it was complexed 100%. It wasn’t long before I noticed dramatic changes. My bowel movement was regular and complete, without diarrhea or loose stools. My urine changed from dark to a light wheat color. I began to feel a new surge of energy. Depression that was common suddenly disappeared, and I began to feel better than I ever felt in many years. (iGH7) and (iGH8) will be an ongoing part of my life.

Robert Kriegshauser

St Louis, Missouri


Driving an eighteen wheeler truck 400 miles every day for many years didn t help my arthritis. The problem areas were my knees, ankles and lower back. A friend told me about (iGH7) & (iGH8). After reading some literature regarding this special dietary supplement, I decided to order some. After a few weeks, I noticed a feeling of well being and realized the arthritic pain disappeared.

My wife started taking (iGH7) & (iGH8) also and noticed less fatigue and depression.

Gary Dimpfl

Chicago, Illinois


I just have to let people know what a difference (iGH7) has made in my life. I was first introduced to (iGH7) about two months ago by the owner of a health food store. I was looking for some relief from arthritis when she told me of (iGH7). I started taking it that day and have taken it every day since. (iGH7) has changed my life and saved my sanity. I had sore, hot and swollen hands, along with pain and discomfort in other parts of my body. This is now about 75% gone. For two to three years I had been going through terrible stress and depression where I cried every day. At times, I did not want to go on. Within a few days after taking (iGH7), the depression started to lift and I have continued to improve. I have traded tears for laughter. Another problem I had given up handling was chronic constipation. For 18 years I have taken enemas in order to eliminate. Much to my surprise and amazement, I not longer have the problem. One last thing. I had a small bump on my eyelid that bothered me and I contemplated having it removed. One day, I noticed it was not there anymore. God knows what else will happen! Thanks from the bottom of my heart!

M.J. Williams

Las Vegas, Nevada


It was a surprise coming and it was surprise going. Having lived with good health for so many wonderful years, it was difficult to handle this change that overwhelmed me. The tired feeling and lack of energy was noticed by people that I worked with as well as friends and family. I attributed it to nerves. Lunch time at work meant rest time or perhaps a short nap. Eating became difficult. I couldn’t hold a spoon or cup and had to drink through a straw, or risk spilling liquids. Someone had to tie a scarf under my chin to the top of my head because my teeth and facial bones were sore from the chattering.

Parkinson became evident and was confirmed by a brain scan and two other tests. My physician prescribed Eldopa for the tremors and Librium for the depression. The Eldopa did quiet the tremors at first but with continued use, the tremors increased. I still had the depression and walked around in a daze. I had other incapacities. My memory was impaired and I had to write notes to remind myself to take my medication. Unfortunately, my hand shook so bad that I couldn’t read my notes. I suffered other embarrassing problems. My speech was slurred and I would lose my balance, falling occasionally. Sleeping was difficult as well as rising from bed and preparing my food. It was decided that I would have to move to a nursing home. One evening my son took me for a ride thinking that a change of scenery would be enjoyable. We stopped at a store to make a purchase. The clerk noticed tremors and asked what was wrong. I told him what I had and he asked me if I knew of (iGH3). I listened and agreed to order. I took my medication and (iGH3) but not together. After three months I discontinued the Eldopa and Librium. I had no need for either. Good health returned at last! I have been using (iGH3) for two years and (iGH7) for the last three years. I find (iGH7) makes me feel stronger and I have more energy.

Just nine months ago, I went to the doctor for a physical. He was surprised to see me looking so well. After the examination, he told me to stop taking Eldopa. Parkinson s appeared to be gone or in a remission. Would nt he be surprised to know that I had been off the medication for the past five years!

Harriet Wilkens

Norridge, Illinois


On July 10, 1978, 6 1/2 long years ago, I became ill. It seemed to happen overnight. When I left my office on that day, I didn’t realize that I would never return or that I was just starting two of the most frightening experiences of my life. My face was swollen, my extended fingers were so swollen that they touched the sides of each other – they looked like sausages. I ached all over. Within days, my feet and ankles swelled to the point that I could hardly walk, my eye-sight diminished almost immediately , no appetite, hair falling out, rapid heartbeats (I thought I was having a heart attack). Any exertion caused utter exhaustion – my days began to follow the same schedule – take a shower, take a nap; fix breakfast, take a nap; answer the phone, take a nap; visit with a friend, take a nap (sometimes while they were still visiting!). My doctor felt that I may have a collagen disease, but tests were inconclusive. My husband took me to Mayo Clinic twice, again, tests were inconclusive. No one seemed to have any answers – at least none that they were sharing with me. I started reading medical books and case histories, but had to stop as I was showing symptoms of everything in the book. I changed doctors on the local level, and finally (almost 18 months later) we had several diagnoses. “Lupus” – “Raynaud s Syndrom” – “Carpel Tunnelism”. . . nothing I had ever heard of –couldn’t be too bad, right? Wrong. I didn’t feel any better, but at least I knew why. Auto-immune disease, my body was its own enemy. The swelling was from inflammation throughout my body -don t forget, it had an 18 month head start and to counteract the swelling, my doctor administered Cortisone. It didn’t help much and the side effects were horrendous. First side effect, which I had been warned would happen, was a rapid weight gain. Fifty two pounds in six months!! How s that for rapid? I was still exhausted and could barely walk. My life had been totally turned around. I went from an energetic, “on the go” individual mother of five, grandmother of one, to a near invalid. I had to retire from a job that I loved -Executive Secretary of the Chicago Marriott O Hare Hotel.

AND THAT MUST HAVE BEEN THE GOOD NEWS! Three years later, on March 28, 1982, my 18 year old daughter, Meg, was involved in an automobile accident. A backseat passenger, she had a head injury and lay in a coma for two months. At that point, my stress level went through the roof. It took me at least that long to scrape myself off the ceiling. We never left her. We were told that she would die. Then, when she didn’t die, we were told that she would be a vegetable. It was then that I discovered the doctors didn’t know any more about brain damage than I did. In fact, I had the advantage, I loved her! We talked to her – we helped to pattern her – we stimulated her. Our efforts paid off -she started the long slow process of coming out of the coma. We had to teach her how to eat, talk, brush her teeth, walk – it was like having a 125 lb. newborn. I don t need to tell you – THIS WAS THE BAD NEWS!

During all this time, I was barely making it. I seemed to be on a merry-go-round that wouldn’t slow down, and I couldn’t get off. I was trying to learn as much about Lupus and head injuries as I could. I’ve always felt that if you re going to live with a killer, you should get to know him pretty well. It was about this time that I learned about (iGH3). I admit I was grasping at straws, but nothing seemed to be helping me. I went to a meeting/seminar, not expecting much. I listened and watched as a lot of people got up and gave testimonials of how (iGH3) had helped them. I heard about high blood pressure, depression, Parkinson s disease, multiple sclerosis, colon problems.. HARD TO BELIEVE THAT ONE SUPPLEMENT WOULD DO SOMETHING FOR SO MANY VARIED ILLNESSES. And yet, the people seemed to be sincere. I was assured that it wouldn’t hurt me and that it might help. I m a skeptic, but felt that if (iGH3) did just one quarter for me what it seemed to do for the people at the seminar, it was worth a try. I borrowed some tablets, placed an order and slowly began my health turn around. I was so busy with Meg that in the beginning I didn’t realize any difference. But, by the end of three months, I noticed I wasn’t so tired. I wasn’t taking naps each day. Sometimes I would go for two weeks without having to take a nap. It was so gradual, I didn’t even know when it happened. I was sleeping soundly during the night after many years of restlessness. Some of my sense of humor was back, I wasn’t so depressed. Within a year my eye-sight was better. I never used glasses prior to the Lupus flare, but couldn’t read anything without them after my illness. My hair is thicker and fuller and I lost some the gray (a bonus!). No more elevated temperatures, no more leg cramps, no more pain in the muscles and joints. I function very well in all areas. I very slowly weaned myself off Cortisone (an action I don t advocate for anyone). I was off cortisone for almost a year before I discussed it with my doctor. He didn’t argue with success. The real kicker came when I realized that it had been almost a year since I had seen the doctor. I made an appointment and he went over me thoroughly – several days later he called with my test results. All tests were normal. I was elated. He was amazed! Meg also takes (iGH3) and it has helped her depression. She made three attempts to destroy her life prior to (iGH3) and has made none since. She was told that she would never walk without an aid (cane or crutches). She walks by herself. They said that what she didn’t have back within a year, she would never get back. She is still progressing. She handles her own checkbook, does her own shopping, is starting to drive – and is alive and intelligent. I realize that we all take our daily life for granted. We always know when we were happy, and we always know when we ~j~‡1 feel good. It s quite a shock when “feeling good and being happy” disappear! I still go to meetings and I still hear people tell how much (iGH3) had helped their arthritis, etc. (iGH3) works at the cellular level and seems to get the job done. THIS IS THE ONLY LIFE WE GET – AND THIS IS THE ONLY BODY WE GET TO LIVE IT IN. DO YOUR BODY A FAVOR, GIVE IT (iGH3).

Joan Halberg

Loudon, Tennessee