Arthritis (Back Pain)


I am Austin Clift of Yakima, Washington. I was introduced to (iGH3) and (iGH7)  (Zell) by my son. At first I was very skeptical and could not believe the miraculous results he stated, as I have tried everything myself and everyone else could think of. At his insistence, I agreed to try (iGH3) and (iGH7)  for three months. For his insistence and perseverance I shall be eternally grateful! As the loss of over six feet of small intestine has left me with almost constant diarrhea and subsequent poor absorption, my son counseled starting with four (iGH7) and four (iGH3) for a least a week. In less than a week, I became aware that the tinnitus of some 30 years had subsided and was almost gone. For many years the two Rhynosyn capsules daily had barely made life tolerable. Gradually the swelling and soreness around my temples was reduced and the sinus drainage stopped. A condition my doctor said would haunt me the rest of my life was gone!

A.E. Clift

Yakima, Washington


I would like to tell others about my family’s experience with (iGH7). I have been suffering from chronic back pain for many years from an injury sustained while training in the Armed Forces. I don t use any drugs at all. It wasn’t till last November (1989) that I heard from my wife‘s friend, Pam Simms, about (iGH7). I was quite dubious about how it had helped others at first. I suffer from degenerative osteoarthritis, disc wear and nerve pressure. I have a lot of pain injury neck, mid-back and lumbar area, which affects my left hip and leg. Only people who suffer this pain can appreciate how I feel! When a spasm occurs, I have to take to bed rest and/or walk around the home with crutches at times. This leads to some depression and anger on my part, and it is difficult for my wife and my son, Michael 4 years, and my daughter, Rachel 5 years. I am 52 years old and have lived for years with the fear of being put in a wheelchair eventually. C wily a few days after I began using (iGH7), I noticed a tremendous difference that this started to put on my daily living. I know this may sound corny, but my crutches are now in the basement unused. At first, I had a few spasms like a lightning bolt it would hit me. While feeling pain, it would eventually go away to the point that I could even weight-lift the same day. My daughter, Rachel has a problem with her immune system and gets colds quite often. Her upper lip and nose would flare up and get red and crusty. Like many others, I thought I would put her on (iGH7), one a day for a week or so. Well, to my surprise, not only has this problem leared up, but her personality has mellowed and she is more pleasant. She also sleeps better a longer. Whenever we notice the “sniffles” coming on, we give her (iGH7) and it clears it up. It a o is helping her hair thicken and grow, as she was born with very fine and short hair, which a live years of age is not much longer than her brother Michael’s hair. We have really noticed a difference, as it is quickly becoming thicker and growing longer. “wife, Lesley, for many years has suffered from a 15-day menstrual period and has been quite an LfllC from this factor. As well as being very, very miserable! So I gave her a few (iGH7) for a week and her menstrual period stopped at six days! She is taking (iGH7) on a more regular basis and fed much better emotionally; and in time we can see improvement, as it is cleaning out her uterus. d overall she is feeling better, have little if no pain now, as long as I take my (iGH7) regularly. I tell my people about Dr. Koch s )duct, as so many suffer from so many allergies, bad diet, pills and drugs. I just can’t get over how much energy I have now and how it has helped our family. By the time of this letter, Rachel has chicken pox, with only a dozen spots. People can’t get over it, well she is doing, as we are giving her (iGH7)  every day to help fight this. We took her to the doctor yesterday and considering the minimal itching, she is doing well. I m sure (iGH7) is helping the cause. I wish to thank Dr. Koch and all the people I’ve met at the seminars in the Vancouver, B.C. area for sharing their experiences and the zeal they show for the benefits they’ve had by sharing the (iGH7) products.

Willis, Jesley, Rachel, & Michael Devitt

Vancouver ,B.C. V5N2X1 Canada


I have noticed a lot of changes in my self since I have been taking (iGH7) and (iVision). I have had severe back pain for years and just of late one ear has been giving me problems along with blurred vision. What is it they say? Hit 40 and everything goes to hell? Well, all of these things have cleared up. The most important is the back pain which I have had since 17. That is a great relief, no more pain. The only thing that has not changed is my spelling, ha, ha. In that I will always be hopeless.

Janice Palmer

Dickinson, North Dakota


The medication that was prescribed for my hiatal hernia I soon learned was addicting. I still had discomfort even though I continued to use the medication. I felt like I was walking around in a daze. I discontinued the drug and lived with the condition and pain. In 1975, I was in an accident and injured 2 vertebras and Darvon was prescribed. X-rays at the time showed Osteoporosis. I was told that there wasn’t any cure, it was old age and I had to live with it. In 1982, I started what was then available and known as (iGH3). In two months, the pain from the hiatal hernia was gone. In 1983, I re-injured my back. The doctor wanted to prescribe medication but knowing the side effects I refused it. X-rays were taken and to my amazement, they did not show any osteoporosis. I was told that I had the back of a forty-year old woman. The ridges on my nails are also gone.

Rita Johnston

Evanston, Illinois


On April 1, 1989, I was reluctantly introduced to (iGH7). I had numerous aches and pains and broken bones and sprains of yester-year. In August of 1980, I rolled a truck loaded with oil north of Winnebago, Minnesota. My thumb and arm became tangled in the steering wheel in the spin out, and I later learned I had a dislocated thumb that I had suffered with all these past years with terrible pain and arthritis had set in to add to my discomfort. After 2 weeks on (iGH7), the pain was completely gone. In 1984, I was loading a hose in a storage tank and as I was climbing up the ladder, pulling a 2 inch 40 foot hose, it slipped out of my hand. As I grabbed for it, I missed the top rung of the ladder and fell about 18 feet. I was all alone. I laid there for about 2 hours before I was finally able to get up. My arm hung like a dead piece of meat. I drove the 120 miles home in my truck and was only able to use my left arm. The doctor told me it was injured so badly I probably wouldn’t be able to ever use it again. I now have little or no pain. Lower back pain is something I had learned to live with for the past 35 years. Now it’s gone, but it did come back once to haunt me. I also had an ulcer, hiatal hernia, and my arms and legs from my hips to my toes would go numb, after a long day s drive. All of these problems no longer bother me. Plus I can see better, think more clearly, I am more alert, and I no longer have any depression. I feel like a new swiss watch.

P.S. Since this letter was printed, the ringing in my inner ear has stopped. After driving the truck all these years, the numbness in my hips, legs and feet is completely gone. Thank God for (iGH7).

Clair Schmidt

Plymouth, Iowa


Being a skeptic, I decided to use (iGH7) for six months, before mentioning the product to anyone. My back, knees and thumbs gave me so much pain that I consumed six to eight aspirins daily. In two months my arthritis simmered down considerably. No more aspirin. Varicose veins that plagued me for over forty years disappeared in four months. My wife and I gained a feeling of web being and energy far greater than we anticipated at age seventy two. (iGH7) is magic for us and we tell others of our sense of web being. I must add that our patience is not short anymore and we flow along with the tides that come to us.

Joseph & Rose Ehbers

Mesa, Arizona


The following concerns immediate members of my family. My mother, my son and my wife. My name is Charles Still of Stephenville, Texas. My mother is 84, a widow and lives alone. My son is 13, and until recently was a vigorous and active young man. First, my mom. Hazel, two months ago began experiencing intense pain between her shoulders in her back. After thorough examinations by two orthopedic specialists, she was diagnosed as having osteoporosis. Fitted with a brace, she was sent home with “pain” pills to more or less live with it. Taking up to 15 extra strength Tylenols daily plus the pain pills offered little relief. This continued until June 9th. My son for the past two months has had difficulty swallowing due to stress/anxiety as diagnosed by his pediatrician. Upper GI barium x-rays and complete lab work showed no physical disfunction. We were sent home with valium and hoped for the best. Perhaps the cause was school and we would see improvement as summer vacation was here. He had lost 30 pounds to his present 120. June 9th, (iGH7) arrived. A friend told us of these vitamins. June 11th, 48 hours after starting my son on (iGH7), his symptoms began to vanish. His appetite returned, his fear of choking was gone, his overall demeanor was visibly improved. His sense of humor returned. This day, his weight loss stopped. Since the 9th, he has continued to return to normal. Now, he s fighting again with his little sister, into everything and is eating with no problem. Only a slight sinus problem remains. After beginning (iGH7), within 48 hours, we saw results. Now, my mom starting her (iGH7) on a tuesday, in bed, unable to function, by thursday she was out of her bed clothes, up and about. She was around town in her car, grocery shopping, going to her bank, taking care of business. Two days. Today is the 2 1st. It s been 12 days since Hazel began her 1st (iGH7). She now is taking 6 daily. She has had one Tylenol in four days. Yesterday, she was again visiting her friends, out in her car, living a pain free, drug free normal life. Her varicose veins have flattened and are fadding in color. A “hammer toe” which was curled up is now flat and the callous on top is gone. Age spots on both arms have completely vanished. Her legs have quit cramping at night as they have for years. Her eyes have quit tearing which they have done for 40 years. Several bumps on her forehead which would not go away, plus they itched, are gone. My wife Kati for the first time in 7 years has no lower back pain at night. As if this isn’t enough, Tank, our 160 pound Bull Mastiff dog is starting to hear better. He’s been getting one (iGH7) per day for 3 days now. Me? At 50 and a heavy smoker you’d think there would be something I could comment on. Please excuse me, I must go now. I am going to chase my child bride, Kati around the house some more. It’s kind of fun. She’s getting easier to catch.

Charlie Still


Surgery sometimes is a trade-off. For me it meant swelling and scar tissue, which was quite painful. I started taking (iGH7) to see if it could help ease the pain. To my great pleasure, it not only helped ease the pain but I have a lot more energy and sleep like a baby. Twelve years ago I had a total hysterectomy. Like most women, I experienced hot flashes. Estrogen replacement was out of the question because of already having cancer. What a delight, by using (iGH7) I no longer have hot flashes. Gregory, my husband, is a very healthy man. He has worked in construction for 25 years. His only complaint was that his legs stiffened up after he had been sitting for awhile. After the first week on (iGH7) he didn’t have the stiffness any longer. The strength he experienced as a young man returned and he said he felt nineteen again. He has so much energy. It is difficult getting him to sit down. Our two teenagers are taking (iGH7) to protect their good health. Wouldn’t it be nice if it helped teenagers who have low self esteem get through their teenage years feeling better about themselves? I might even help the parents cope with some of the problems they might experience because of difficulties in dealing with their teenage children.

Lenora and Gregory Lagoda

Blairsville, Pennsylvania


Each morning I would awake with back pain and stiffness. A friend told me about (iGH7) and I decided to order some. After a short time on (iGH7), I found that the pain and stiffness disappeared. I also seemed to be more alert on arising. When traveling a long distance by car, I found that my nap time has been shortened and that I am alert and ready to continue my drive.

Larry Voga

Plano, Illinois


I had not been taking (iGH7) long before I experienced remarkable results. I do alot of standing and walking on concrete and because of this, developed varicose veins. I am a weight lifter and having varicose veins didn t look too good. I started to take (iGH7) and I didn’t realize that it would have an effect on the varicose veins, but within a few weeks I noticed they were beginning to go away. I thought that was pretty special and I was very pleased with that.

I started to notice other very positive effects from the (iGH7). Years ago, I had a back injury from lifting weights and from time to time it would bother me a bit, and since taking (iGH7) I noticed a decrease in the pain and greater mobility and I don t have as many problems with my back when I do work out. I feel in my heart that if I continue to use (iGH7) my back will get stronger and I won’t have the problems that I had before. Since taking the (iGH7) I feel alive, I have a sense of well being with a kind of peace, but a very definite difference in the way I feel.

My father has gout and arthritis. He was initially reluctant to try (iGH7) but decided to give it a try. Within a few days he began to feel better and within a week s time he said you must order me some more product. He has not had a gout flare-up or arthritic pain since taking (iGH7). He is now a (iGH7) fan.

Anthony Savage

Jackson, Mississippi


After using (iGH7) for a period of two months, I have eliminated several problems that had been annoying me for several years. For example, severe back pains resulting from a past injury, hemorrhoids, headaches and pains in my joints. I shall continue to use (iGH7) and the other products that have been made available to me.

Paul Fenner

Chicago, Illinois


I am writing this testimonial because I am excited and happy to have been introduced to (iGH7). For over two years, my husband has had a terrible problem with his back, legs and feet to the extent of not being able to walk without limping. He couldn’t stand any pressure on his foot. When he got up in the morning, it would be an hour or so before he could be mobile. His back and legs would give him so much trouble. He would have difficulty getting up from a seated position, holding his back and not being able to stand erect for a few minutes. He has always been one who would not go to the doctor or take medications of any kind, not even vitamins or aspirin. But his back got so bad this year that after much persuasion he finally agreed to see a chiropractor. Along with a touch of arthritis, he had other problems with his back. He continued to see the chiropractor 14 who offered some relief but didn t get rid of the problem. I was introduced to (iGH7) by Bob Vonkleist. After much reading about the product and all the testimonies, I was very excited about what I had read. I told my husband about the problems people had said it had helped. To my amazement, he decided to try (iGH7). We both started taking it on October 6, 1988. Now, I know what I am going to say sounds unrealistic but it actually happened. On the morning of October 7, 1988, after just one tablet, he walked down the hall without holding onto the wall. He was walking erect with out back pain. He could also put all his weight on his foot, he hasn’t been able to do that for many months. He could get right up out of a chair without his back catching and walking bent over for a few seconds. We were both amazed to say the least. We said it couldn’t be (iGH7). It couldn’t have worked that fast! It is now 19 days later and the pain and stiffness haven’t returned. He has more energy and a sense of well-being that he didn’t have before. Since he hasn’t had so many good days in over two years, I can truthfully say I know it was (iGH7). I have also had a pleasant effect from (iGH7). I have had a problem in my hip and leg for several years. I never consulted a doctor with it, but just suffered it out. Thanks to (iGH7), I feel that problem is over. I’ve always had a constant back ache that I don’t have any more. Stressful situations don’t seem to bother me like they used to. I also sleep better, and have an all around better attitude. I also had a problem with my foot. I have a structural bunion. This condition caused a plantar callus. The bunion would get irritated and I couldn’t put my weight on my foot. This was very painful. I have noticed that my foot doesn’t bother me like it did and the callus is softening. I feel that by taking (iGH7) those problems will soon be a thing of the past. I am so pleased with what has happened to us since we started taking (iGH7)  that I have been sharing our results with everyone I can. I just thank God for having found this new lease of life. It has been a real blessing. My prayer is that everyone has the same good effects we have had since starting (iGH7). I wouldn’t be without it.

Delores Embry

Ft. Walton Beach, Florida


My first symptom occurred in 1980. I was assisting with a music program for the Boy Scout chapter of which my son belonged. I bent my head down to adjust the record player, and a sharp tingle was felt from my waist to my toes. This was alarming and certainly not normal. I made an appointment with a doctor and tests were ordered. The worst one being a myelogram. If you ever had one you know how bad they can be. The neurologist informed me that he couldn’t help me until my condition got worse. I went through six doctors before I found one that knew what I had. He tested my reflexes with an instrument and reviewed my myelogram and spinal tap reports. He said I had Multiple Sclerosis. What a relief I felt to at least know what I had. Prednisone was prescribed. I was told to eat bananas for the potassium. Although they are nutritious and tasty, I soon tired of them. One of the side effects to Prednisone is bloating. I bloated so much that my clothes didn’t fit. I started wearing maternity clothes. It was at this time that I discontinued taking it. It has been two years since I have seen my neurologist. A visit was $45.00. For what, to chat? There is no cure for M.S. A friend, who was aware of my discomforts associated with my disease, asked if I had heard of (iGH7). She saw letters written by others who had M.S. Although it didn’t cure their disease, it helped them find relief in many areas.

I have been using (iGH7) for two months and have been experiencing some very good benefits. My eyes no longer tire. Having 4 children requires much reading in order to help them with their homework. Before (iGH7), I could only help them for 20 minutes without tiring. Now I can read for an unlimited time. My walk has improved. A relative who hadn’t seen me since I started taking (iGH7) commented on how well I was walking. I have a great abundance of energy that was put to good use when we recently moved. I breeze through chores that would tire anyone. Hot weather would take it’s toll on me. Like most that have M.S., I would escape the heat by staying indoors. I spent many hours weeding in my garden when it was recently up in the high nineties. My disposition has improved because I am free of stress and depression.

Mrs. Robert Anselmo

Arlington Hts., Illinois


I was introduced to (iGH7) in May of 1988. In 1970, the automobile I was driving was rear-ended by a school bus. I began receiving outpatient therapy treatments for neck and back pain. After four years, and periodic visits, I discontinued treatments as the relief of pain was so short-lived. I consulted a chiropractic physician in 1976, and began spinal manipulation treatments twice weekly, along with nutritional guidance. For twelve years, I continued these treatments, experiencing greater relief between visits. In addition to my neck and back pain, I have suffered widespread allergies accompanied by a sinusitis condition which has prevented a clear airflow through the nasal passages. I have tried most of the drugs related and over the counter products available, with little or no success.

Six months prior to my using (iGH7), I had experienced sharp intermittent pains in my knees, which led me to believe the possibility of the onset of an arthritic condition. I took my first (iGH7) tablet before bedtime. The next morning, I awoke, laid there for a few moments, and realized that for the first time in some 25 years I was actually breathing clearly through my nose instead of my mouth. Was this a dream? I was ecstatic. I jumped out of bed and raced to the cupboard to take my morning tablet.

In the days to come, I began noticing an increased surge of energy, along with a “real” sense of well-being within my body. I no longer need those afternoon naps due to sleepless nights. I increased my daily dosage hoping for quicker results with the neck and back pain. After about three weeks, and let God be my witness, I no longer experienced any neck or back pain and knee pain. I have not had a chiropractic treatment since starting the (iGH7) program. I will indeed share my good fortune with my chiropractor in the very near future.

In addition to my dietary program, I now include Cal-Mag, Vit-Mins and C-Dolphilus and I am feeling terrific. How wonderful it is to feel healthy again. Thank you, Dr.Aslan, Robert Koch, and NEL for formulating and providing me with these wonderful products.

As of this writing, I have returned to a maintenance dosage of two (iGH7) tablets dailyh5

John C. Anderson

Minneapolis, Minnesota


As I bear this testimony, it is my prayer that it will reach and touch the hearts and minds of those people whom God will direct to the benefits of Gerovital as a help in controlling their afflictions. In March, 1967, I was diagnosed as having Multiple Sclerosis. My symptoms were; stumbling (attaxic gait), dragging my feet, (more on the left side than the right), double vision, speech difficulties (phrases came out turned around), dropping objects involuntarily, complete mental and physical exhaustion, depression, lack of bowel and bladder control and spasms. I literally had to hang onto walls, furniture andlor people to get around in my home. I was unable to do my own housework, which made me even more depressed. I had always been extremely active and took joy in caring for my family and home. In 1965, I was hospitalized 8 times in a four-month period and was diagnosed as having I.T.P. (Idio-pathic Tromboscenic Purpia Peticia) a rare blood disorder. The symptoms of this problem were; complete exhaustion, hemorrhaging of the tiny capillaries and blood vessels under the skin and internally. As an example, if a child would sit on my lap, there would be an imprint of his body where the pressure from his weight would cause me to hemorrhage. It was very frightening, but with care and medication, plus much rest, the problem was brought under control. I very seldom have any peticia at all now. Until I started on (iGH3), I would average 3 to 4 slight attacks per year, but I haven t had any since 1982, when I was first introduced to Gerovital. Other of my health problems, since my teens, were anemia, hypo-glycemia, and thyroid deficiency for which I had been on medication since age 19. About 3 years ago, I developed high blood pressure and was put on medication for it also. As I alluded to previously, in 1981, in the month of July, I went to Las Vegas to a health clinic and was introduced to (iGH3), or should I say KH-3, which is a procaine-hydrochloride product produced in Nevada after the pattern of Doctor Anna Aslans Gerovital formula. The clinic I attended was adding (iGH3) to my intravenous drip and jokingly proclaimed they were giving me a “youth serum.” I always want to know what is going into my body and asked to see my doctor. He told me about the controversy and history of GH3 and that there was a possibility that it might help my body to regenerate new cell growth. There were no promises, but I thought the concept made sense, so I asked him if I might have a prescription for when I went home so that I could really test it. He agreed and gave me a prescription to be filled at the clinic in Nevada. I used the KH-3 for about six months, in tablet form, but didn’t see much improvement. I contacted the clinic and they said I could try the injections, if I could give myself intramuscular shots. I could and did! After a couple of weeks, I was out of bed a lot more and was able to walk more steadily. I noticed a definite marked improvement. There was, however, one problem. The prescribed dosage was 5 cc s every other day for two weeks and off one week. Each time I went off, I would begin to exacerbate within a day or two and would be back down again. Not always right in bed, but too weak to do anything productive. I did not give up, but continued on with the injections until June 1983, hoping to give this new substance a fair trial (approximately 18 months).. 53 At that time, I met and talked with Doctor Robert Koch, a bio-chemist who was doing extensive research into the effectiveness of (iGH3). In questioning him, I found there was no danger in my staying on the injections or (iGH3) therapy permanently. The wheels began to turn and I began to pray and soon came up with the idea that a combination of both injections and tablets taken on alternate days might help. After continuing on the injections through June and July, I then added the tablets on alternate days through November 1983. By then, I was doing so well, improving slowly, but consistently, that I began to wean myself off of the injections. I began to maintain on two (iGH3) tablets twice a day beginning about the middle of December and continued that program until April 1, 1984. Then I alternated 4 tablets one day and 2 tablets the next. I do not take the prescribed rest period. I am convinced the (iGH3) is a substance that my body needs to help me to stay well!! As many M.S. patients will attest, severe stress, heat and viruses will trigger an exacerbating, or worsening of the disease and this last 9 months have been the first time in 18 years that this has NOT been the case with me. It s great! I learned through studying, how important good nutrition is in conjunction with (iGH3). In order for any of us to benefit from Gerovital, we must supply our bodies with the proper nutrients with which the DEAE and PABA can do the job they are meant to do. I believe the combination works more effectively than when I don t eat properly. The most important factor is exercise. This is the most difficult for M.S. victims, but even if it means rolling your eyes, moving your toes and fingers and whatever else you can move, do it! I had my yearly physical the first of April and for the first time since I was a teenager, all of my blood profile report was normal! I am now 49, I am no longer anemic, no more thyroid problem, my blood pressure is a high normal (I quit taking the medication for high blood pressure and thyroid last September, 1983). I now have reflexes in my legs and feet, although there is only a slight reflex in my left ankle, at least it is coming. The right side isn’t completely normal, perhaps it never will be, but I believe I will continue to get stronger as I continue the program I have set out for myself. I was one of the small percentage of Multiple Sclerosis patients, who never had had a complete remission. It is so great to be able to teach dancing again, ride a bike, ride horse-back and swim. Most of all … I do my own housework and cooking. I hop in and out of a tub without help, turn over in bed by myself, and only since I have been using (iGH3). Doctors often told me I should be using a wheel chair or at least a walker. Even as late as one year ago last March but I was afraid if I did, I d never get out of it. I began to try to read my body and experimented (under a doctor s care) with vitamins, diets, massage, and under the doctor s prescription, prednizone and ACTH (both of which exacerbated me considerably). Last, but not least, (iGH3). Now after 17 years since I had been diagnosed, I AM IN REMISSION! And I love it! I wish I could come right out and tell you it is all due to (iGH3), but even though I believe it was for ME, I can t stress how important it is for you to read your body signals. Use good nutrition and exercise, and as my doctor said at my last physical, “It can t hurt you and as it seems to be helping you, keep it up.” Meaning of course, the (iGH3) therapy. It is such an awesome responsibility for anyone to say… “Try (iGH3). It may be just the answer for you !” But I say it gladly and joyfully! It just could be, you know! 54 Yours to you in good health and wishing the very best for you!

Beverly Graehl

Idaho Falls, Idaho


I’m 64 years old. A few months ago, I started taking (iGH7), an improved version of GH3. After a few days, I started feeling tired and had some occasional, mild headaches. But by the start of the second week, I was feeling much better than normal; and after another week passed, I noticed that my usual morning back pains from spinal arthritis were almost totally gone. I have a lot more drive and I don t tire as easily as I used to. I also notice that frustrating or unpleasant experiences, which usually had a depressing effect, now seem unimportant and easier to deal with. I have more ambition and I get a lot more done in a day than I did before. In short, I feel much better, both physically and mentally, than I have in many years. It s like starting a new chapter in my life. If you are wondering why I m spreading the word about (iGH7), I think it s one of the greatest medical discoveries of the century, and if enough people learn about it, maybe some day we will be able to buy it over the counter like millions of people in other countries have been doing for years. I am so pleased with the results I have had with (iGH7) and get much satisfaction from telling others about it. That s all I have to say. No hype, no big claims, not high pressure. I use (iGH7) regularly now and it works! Read about it and make your own decision. Better yet, why wait? Wouldn’t it be worth it if it does for you what is has done for me and thousand of others?

Bob Vonkleist

Niceville, Florida


It has been about 3 weeks since my family has started taking (iGH7). There are so many things I want to share with you about how this vitamin nutrient has worked for us. Having had active, healthy grandparents for as long as I can remember, I guess I sort of took it for granted that they would always be that way. Well, in the past 4 years, things just started to go downhill for them. I’ve been taking care of them since February of this year and these are the improvements they’ve made so far: ENDURANCE – Grandma has a hard time walking even with a walker so we put her on a treadmill so she’ll get some exercise instead of sitting or riding around all day. Before (iGH7), after 2 minutes, she d want to get off saying that she was sore and she was going to cry, etc, etc. After 1 day on (iGH7), she was able to go for 10 minutes without any complaints. She even walked down the hallway without her walker, singing! ]\IUSCLE STRENGTH – Grandma s back and stomach muscles were really shot. Things like getting her out of bed, putting her in or out of the car and even taking a bath on a special chair was quite difficult as she would always say, “I cannot” or “I’m falling.” Now she s able to hold herself enough so she can get out of bed by herself, get into the car and take a bath with less help. DISPOSITION – Her attitude is happier now. She smiles more and laughs more. When she does have pain at night, she’s very apologetic whereas before, she d be screaming or yelling to no end accusing me of awful things. FEELING WARMTH – For the first time since I’ve been taking care of her, she can feel warmth. She used to always be cold, always wearing long sleeves and a long jacket even in tropical weather while everyone else is perspiring! Now she says that she’s warm, she wears short sleeves and she perspires. The other night when my mom felt chilly because of the cool night air and asked her to roll the car window up, she replied, “I’m not cold.” GRAY HAIR TURNING DARK – Both Grandma and Grandpa have dark hair now where I know wasn’t there prior to (iGH7). Grandma s eyebrows are all dark now when they used to be all gray and Grandpa’s bush eyebrows are half dark when they too used to be all gray. DISCOLORING OF FEET & CALVES – Both their feet and half of their calves had become a black purplish color. Doctors had said there was nothing that could be done. Their feet and calves are slowly becoming their natural color, the back purplish color has left and v o a can see shades of pink coming through. ARTHRITIS – Grandma can open and close her hands without difficulty now making it easy to play the ukulele! MORE ENERGY – Having four children under eight years of age and now two grandpa cuts to care for, I need all the energy I can get. Thanks to (iGH7) I can get through the day without dragging through it. I even feel good after exercising whereas before I would exercise for one hour and then sleep for three to recuperate! WEIGHT LOSS – So far I ve lost 7 pounds. My appetite has decreased and I exercise more because I feel more energetic. Believe me I’m not complaining! LIGHTER MENSTRUAL FLOW – My periods were very heavy before, so much so that I was anemic because of all the blood I’d lose. Now it’s as if time has turned back to when I was a teenager. Although the pain was still there, I felt that in time my body will be free of that also since I never experienced pain with my periods until after the birth of my fourth child three years ago. TICKS & FLEAS – Not me, my dog! Every time I’d wash him, being an outside dog, he’d have ticks and fleas galore! Well, after only one tablet, I washed him and found maybe 5 ticks and 4 fleas all dead! Now I’ve also been giving him brewers yeast which someone told me would keep the ticks and fleas away. Although it had not worked on him, I just kept giving it to him hoping one day it might. So whether it was (iGH7) alone opening up the cells so it could now take in the brewers yeast, I don’t know. But I do know this could never have happened without (iGH7)! Are we excited about it? You bet. Things that our family lived with for years began to reverse itself within a few weeks. Even if it took a few months, it would still be worth every cent a hundred times over! You’ll never know unless you try it for yourself and see what it can do for you and your loved ones. I’d be happy to talk to anyone concerning my experiences as I’d only be too happy to help. Here’s to your great health!!!!

Gregorinne K. Chung

Kaulua, Hawaii