Alopecia (Balding Hair)



Alopecia is a common condition that results in the loss of hair on the scalp and elsewhere. Many times the hair falls out in patches. It occurs in both males and females of all ages, but young persons are affected most often, requiring that they wear a wig. The signal that triggers the condition to start is not clearly known. It is hinted that an immunological signal is involved. In an emotional sense, it can be very challenging, especially for those with extensive hair loss, often necessitating that they attend support group meetings. I work in a produce store. One day while at work, a woman approached me and asked if I had alopecia. Not knowing what she meant, I just looked at her quizzically. She explained what alopecia was. I took off my cap, and she said that it appeared to resemble alopecia. I said, “Is that what they call it?” The doctor never told me what it was. He just prescribed some pills and told me to take Maalox if I had any side effects. The Maalox did not help and I became quite nauseated with vomiting. The customer sent me some literature regarding these tablets. The literature said many people were helped in the areas of hair loss. I ordered the vitamins and started using them. There were no side effects and I felt good. In about six weeks, the hair started growing in, first on the top, and then the sides, and then in the back. I still have one spot in the back that is bare, but I know it, too, will fill in. One of the customers who hadn’t seen me in quite some time came into the store and was surprised to see the new me. He also has alopecia, but only in the back. Fortunately, he can cover the bald spot with top hair. He has gone to the Veterans Hospital, and the doctors prescribed cortisone. That was of no value and he quit going. He is now taking (iGH7). I know he will be writing, telling of his success with the tablets and his luck in finding out about them.

Victor Zalatoris

Chicago, Illinois



It was thanksgiving of 1989 that I noticed a small bald spot on the top of my head. Before Christmas all of my hair was gone and I started to wear a wig. From time to time I noticed sparse fuzz in various places on my head. Later the fuzz came in somewhat thicker and white. That seemed strange as I wasn’t a blond. I continued to wear a wig and had much stress in my life. In January of 1992 the fuzz that I had fell out in patches in the back. In May my hair started to grow in normally. Yet when I would run my fingers through it, strands would come out. Once again my hair was starting to fall out. I tried various nutrients hoping to find something that would stop the hair loss. I did feel better but nothing worked as far as my hair was concerned. I dreaded going to the doctor. Medication is not without side effects, and also very costly. A friend told me about (iGH7). Although she didn’t have alopecia she found remarkable changes in her health. In July of 1992 I ordered and started using (iGH7) twice a day. In about 3 weeks all my hair grew in and all the bald spots were covered. It is now 5 months since I started taking these great tablets and my hair is healthy and continues to get thicker and is curly again. I also take Cal-Mag and Vitamins and have good strong nails again. My psoriasis has just about cleared up. I am certain that with continued use of (iGH7) and applications of the vitalize cream it will soon be gone.



Although I didn t realize it at the time, my introduction to (iGH7) was the luckiest day of my life. Little did I know or anticipate the results that were in store for me. Six months ago I ordered (iGH7) after reading and hearing about others experiencing an improved quality of health after using this special vitamin. No one had anything negative to say after using it and I hoped to find benefits also. I waited for the good results, but to my amazement, instead of feeling better, I felt worse and almost discontinued using (iGH7). I knew that sometimes you feel worse before getting better and I hoped that was what was happening to me. This feeling lasted for almost two months and then gradually I started to see an improvement. My knees that had pained me for years and made going up and down the stairs almost unbearable were not giving me any discomfort. The Arthritic pain was gone. Indigestion was a problem and kept me awake most of the night. Sleep would have been impossible without Tums. One day my wife brought to my attention that the drawer still contained plenty of Tums and that I wasn’t using them anymore. I hadn’t noticed! The real shocker came when people noticed hair growing in the bald spot that I had had for years. I couldn’t see it, but after more people noticed I looked and yes, they were right, it was growing in. Today it is completely filled in and all this in just 6 months.

Lonnie Neusom

Duluth, Georgia


After someone was kind enough to tell me about (iGH7), I realized that I might also benefit from using the vitamin. My health has always been good. I live a clean life and practice good nutrition. I keep a very busy schedule and felt I needed some added protection. After reading about (iGH7), I ordered it. A month after using the tablets I felt a new surge of energy and a general feeling of well-being. One day I paid a visit to my barber for a trim. He was surprised to see new hair growth in the hairline and in a thinning areas. With each repeat visit he comments on how much thicker my hair has become. The quality is better and less gray. I continue to share my delight with others and they too are seeing the need to use this great product. It is a glorious gift, and we should say a prayer of thanks to those responsible for making it available to us upon our own order.

Elder Hollis Orsborne

Rockford, Illinois


I am Austin Clift of Yakima, Washington. I was introduced to (iGH3) and (iGH7)  (Zell) by my son. At first I was very skeptical and could not believe the miraculous results he stated, as I have tried everything myself and everyone else could think of. At his insistence, I agreed to try (iGH3) and (iGH7)  for three months. For his insistence and perseverance I shall be eternally grateful! As the loss of over six feet of small intestine has left me with almost constant diarrhea and subsequent poor absorption, my son counseled starting with four (iGH7) and four (iGH3) for a least a week. In less than a week, I became aware that the tinnitus of some 30 years had subsided and was almost gone. For many years the two Rhynosyn capsules daily had barely made life tolerable. Gradually the swelling and soreness around my temples was reduced and the sinus drainage stopped. A condition my doctor said would haunt me the rest of my life was gone!

P.S. I feel great and I am getting better all the time. Long live (iGH3)!!!
10-5-84 P.P.S. As a postscript to my earlier testimony, I can now state that I have never felt better in my life. I am physically strong and confident. After 29 years of non-flying, due to lack of confidence in my reactions and eyesight, I have recently passed the flight physical and checked out in three aircraft with complete confidence in my ability. I am currently building an experimental aircraft and hope to fly for many years. I am now 69 years old, work all day, snowmobile in difficult terrain, and do almost anything.

Austin E. Clift

Yakima, Washington


My name is Quincy Stingle and my husband s name was John. Two years ago, I was told that I had cancer of the breast and that it would have to be surgically removed. A date was set and I “steeled” myself for the dreadful ordeal. About a month before the operation, I heard a radio personality tell someone about (iGH7). Fortunately, she did not have cancer, but she told about the benefits that she received from this tablet. I felt that I too might find some benefits and I ordered some for myself. Operation day came and that wasn’t too bad but I wasn’t looking forward to the chemotherapy treatments. These treatments lasted five months and I had not had the balding that others had experienced. My hair just thinned a little in a small area that was not noticeable to anyone except myself. However, the medical staff was amazed at how well I did. The post operation exam went well and my doctor was surprised at how well and fast the scar was healing. Plus, I wondered why I didn’t have the horrible side effects that others had from the chemotherapy. The great nausea and vomiting that I was told to expect, never happened. To say that I felt terrific would be an untruth, but the minor queasiness was worth the trade off for added years that I hope to have. John, my deceased husband, had a disabling stroke and was confined to bed for some time. After trying (iGH7) and feeling the new energy lift and lack of depression that I was experiencing, I decided to give (iGH7) to John. After a week, I noticed that he was more alert and seemed to be in a better mood. No need to say I was pleased! After a few weeks, I noticed brown fuzz on his head. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Each week there was a little more and I soon could comb it. My son, who lives in California, came to visit and was quite amazed at his father s new hair growth. He had never seen his father with any hair. Truthfully, I wish we had heard of (iGH7) years ago. Perhaps John and I would have been spared the heartache that we both experienced when we were stricken with disease. I almost forgot to mention that my arthritis has also disappeared.

Mrs. Quincy Stingle

Maywood, Illinois


Seven months ago I started taking (iGH7) after I saw the benefits that a relative of mine received. He encouraged me to try it as I had asthma and even with medication I had difficulty breathing. I tried (iGH7) and found more beneficial for my asthma. I am 30 years old and lost much of the hair on the top of my head. What was left wasn’t of good quality so I decided to wear a long pony tail and shaved off what little I had left on the top. I also started to apply the Vitalize cream to the bare spot. Recently people wanted to know what I was doing or taking, as my hair was growing in thick in the area that was sparse. When I noticed this new growth, I stopped applying the cream and now take six (iGH7) a day. I especially enjoy taking them before going to bed. It makes sleeping and breathing so much easier.

Lenny Romano

Garden City Park, New York


I was diagnosed as having sarcoidosis in 1986. I refused to take prednisone for six years until 1992 when I had pneumonia twice. I was hospitalized for one week, off of work and on disability for three months.

An old acquaintance introduced me to (iGH7). God is good, and he does work in mysterious ways. I said that this year I was going to find something to get rid of the cough, allergies and mucous. I knew of GH3 years ago so I was glad to try it in the advanced product (iGH7).

After a few days on (iGH7) I felt an energy boost and was starting to feel like I did before having sarcoidosis. Two weeks later I drove myself 300 miles to see my mother. The next day I pulled the rugs off my parents floor and remove the nails used to tack it down. I then moved furniture and cleaned the porch and basement. After visiting with my parents, I drove 300 miles back home in the dark. I wouldn’t have attempted all of this two months earlier. I just didn’t have any energy. Driving used to tire me out. Usually after I leave my parents house I am sick and unable to go to work the next day and it takes me two weeks

I had to get myself together. I went to work the next day and felt fine. I also found that much to my surprise, old scars from sarcoidosis are peeling and fading away.

I also use Vitalize cream for my face and hair. My hair is much softer and I don t have to wear rollers to bed each night. My hairdresser applies it to my hair before styling it each week. She said that it makes my hair more manageable. My son finds that since he started using Vitalize cream on his hair it has become curlier. I continue to take (iGH7), Vitamins, and C-dophilus, all of which are excellent products.

Mrs. Pat Churchill

Westchester, Illinois


I had been taking (iGH7) for many years and will continue doing so. When introduced Vitalize cream I knew it had to be good and ordered a jar. After showering I apply a small amount to my body, paying particular attention to areas that need it the most. Then I take a smaller amount and apply it to my hair. As a result my skin is always soft and so is my hair. Plus, much more manageable.

My sister recently had a baby. From the first day after bringing the baby home she started applying Vitalize cream on her baby. As a result, no diaper rash.

Robert Foster

New York, New York


Let me tell you about my affair with (iGH8).

Our dramatic meeting, about June 1989 cleared up my edematous left leg problem I presumed to be related to my hypertension problem, which I regretfully elected to ignore until it nearly killed me.

Unfortunately we grew apart until After having suffered a major CVA (stroke), with blood pressure of about 250/150 at the time, June 1992, which left me crippled and in deep mental depression, I began taking (iGH7), six to eight tablets everyday. It wasn’t long before my depression lifted and my paralytic condition improved so much that I started learning how to walk again, for the third time in my life. My doctors were impressed with my progress, but not as impressed as I was.

Then, after taking Flavanol and (iGH8), six tablets of each everyday for 10-12 days, I began to walk a longer distance without having to stop and rest. I haven t had so much energy since I was a youngster playing little league football. I can’t remember ever feeling so good!

My blood pressure has never been as acceptable as it is now (105/70), even with medication, so I may soon be off Hydrochlorothiazide and Zestril, and their major side effects. The next time my Doctor tells me I need blood pressure medication to live, I’ll correct him, by respectfully replying, “I need Flavanol, (iGH7) and (iGH8) to live, and you can keep your drugs, thank you!”

The money saved by not taking these drugs will easily pay for my continued affair with (iGH7).

P. S. My blood pressure went up after I ran out of (iGH8)– which I believe to be the most effective substance available today for circulatory problems. (iGH8) does a good job stabilizing my blood pressure, but I need to take it every day. No matter it s cheaper than my regular medication.

I’m really excited to tell you that the person recently cutting my hair told me that new hair is growing over the bald area of my head. I believe (iGH8) is responsible for my new hair because I’m not taking or doing anything else that could possibly promote new hair growth. Praise the Lord, and thank you, (iGH8).

William Powell

Apopka, Florida


My illness stared in 1960. I developed a digestive problem. As fast as I took in food, out it came. I was restricted to the house and only left it for a short time. It would then be necessary to wear a pad for hygienic protection. The doctor diagnosed this as bleeding ulcerative colitis, for which there is no known cure. By 1970, with no improvement and using prescribed medication, with unpleasant side effects, the doctor suggested removal of my rectum and a permanent colostomy. Not wanting to part with an important part of by body, I procrastinated, and I am glad that I did. During that time, I learned about GH3 and decided to use it. Thank God I did!! I am no longer plagued with this incurable disease. Two years ago, I underwent a series of tests to determine just how healthy I was. To my doctor s surprise there was no indication of any health problems. Tests also proved that I did not have any more fibroid tumors in the uterus. I also notice some cosmetic changes. I have less gray hair and better quality hair. I also have a much finer skin tone and complexion. It is great to feel so well! And it is exciting to give my testimony, knowing it will help others who desperately need help as I once did. It has been four years since I started taking GH3, and just recently, I switched to (iGH7), an extended improved GH3.

Aice Esterly

Chicago, Illinois


It is my greatest desire to share with others in need who may have similar or different problems. (iGH7) was introduced to me by a co-worker. Not having any health problems himself, but knowing the value of being a step ahead of disease, he shared the message of this grand tablet with me. I was a prime candidate for a stroke or a heart attack. My blood pressure was 165 over 105. I felt like a walking stick of dynamite. I was desperate and hearing the track record of this product, decided to give it a fair try. I was pleasantly surprised and astounded with the rapid results. In just 3 weeks, my blood pressure dropped to 125 over 80!!! Pleasant side effects became apparent. My age spots were fading. Hair has grown back in the crown of my head and also in the receding hairline. No need to tell you that I am pleased.

I am 58 years old and will continue to use this amazing tablet daily. I will also tell everyone about Vitacel-7 and encourage them to use it also.

Ray Lucker

Oak Park, Illinois


On July 10, 1978, 6 1/2 long years ago, I became ill. It seemed to happen overnight. When I left my office on that day, I didn’t realize that I would never return or that I was just starting two of the most frightening experiences of my life. My face was swollen, my extended fingers were so swollen that they touched the sides of each other – they looked like sausages. I ached all over. Within days, my feet and ankles swelled to the point that I could hardly walk, my eye-sight diminished almost immediately , no appetite, hair falling out, rapid heartbeats (I thought I was having a heart attack). Any exertion caused utter exhaustion – my days began to follow the same schedule – take a shower, take a nap; fix breakfast, take a nap; answer the phone, take a nap; visit with a friend, take a nap (sometimes while they were still visiting!). My doctor felt that I may have a collagen disease, but tests were inconclusive. My husband took me to Mayo Clinic twice, again, tests were inconclusive. No one seemed to have any answers – at least none that they were sharing with me. I started reading medical books and case histories, but had to stop as I was showing symptoms of everything in the book. I changed doctors on the local level, and finally (almost 18 months later) we had several diagnoses. “Lupus” – “Raynaud s Syndrom” – “Carpel Tunnelism”. . . nothing I had ever heard of –couldn’t be too bad, right? Wrong. I didn’t feel any better, but at least I knew why. Auto-immune disease, my body was its own enemy. The swelling was from inflammation throughout my body -don t forget, it had an 18 month head start and to counteract the swelling, my doctor administered Cortisone. It didn’t help much and the side effects were horrendous. First side effect, which I had been warned would happen, was a rapid weight gain. Fifty two pounds in six months!! How s that for rapid? I was still exhausted and could barely walk. My life had been totally turned around. I went from an energetic, “on the go” individual mother of five, grandmother of one, to a near invalid. I had to retire from a job that I loved -Executive Secretary of the Chicago Marriott O Hare Hotel.

AND THAT MUST HAVE BEEN THE GOOD NEWS! Three years later, on March 28, 1982, my 18 year old daughter, Meg, was involved in an automobile accident. A backseat passenger, she had a head injury and lay in a coma for two months. At that point, my stress level went through the roof. It took me at least that long to scrape myself off the ceiling. We never left her. We were told that she would die. Then, when she didn’t die, we were told that she would be a vegetable. It was then that I discovered the doctors didn’t know any more about brain damage than I did. In fact, I had the advantage, I loved her! We talked to her – we helped to pattern her – we stimulated her. Our efforts paid off -she started the long slow process of coming out of the coma. We had to teach her how to eat, talk, brush her teeth, walk – it was like having a 125 lb. newborn. I don t need to tell you – THIS WAS THE BAD NEWS!

During all this time, I was barely making it. I seemed to be on a merry-go-round that wouldn’t slow down, and I couldn’t get off. I was trying to learn as much about Lupus and head injuries as I could. I’ve always felt that if you re going to live with a killer, you should get to know him pretty well. It was about this time that I learned about (iGH3). I admit I was grasping at straws, but nothing seemed to be helping me. I went to a meeting/seminar, not expecting much. I listened and watched as a lot of people got up and gave testimonials of how (iGH3) had helped them. I heard about high blood pressure, depression, Parkinson s disease, multiple sclerosis, colon problems.. HARD TO BELIEVE THAT ONE SUPPLEMENT WOULD DO SOMETHING FOR SO MANY VARIED ILLNESSES. And yet, the people seemed to be sincere. I was assured that it wouldn’t hurt me and that it might help. I m a skeptic, but felt that if (iGH3) did just one quarter for me what it seemed to do for the people at the seminar, it was worth a try. I borrowed some tablets, placed an order and slowly began my health turn around. I was so busy with Meg that in the beginning I didn’t realize any difference. But, by the end of three months, I noticed I wasn’t so tired. I wasn’t taking naps each day. Sometimes I would go for two weeks without having to take a nap. It was so gradual, I didn’t even know when it happened. I was sleeping soundly during the night after many years of restlessness. Some of my sense of humor was back, I wasn’t so depressed. Within a year my eye-sight was better. I never used glasses prior to the Lupus flare, but couldn’t read anything without them after my illness. My hair is thicker and fuller and I lost some the gray (a bonus!). No more elevated temperatures, no more leg cramps, no more pain in the muscles and joints. I function very well in all areas. I very slowly weaned myself off Cortisone (an action I don t advocate for anyone). I was off cortisone for almost a year before I discussed it with my doctor. He didn’t argue with success. The real kicker came when I realized that it had been almost a year since I had seen the doctor. I made an appointment and he went over me thoroughly – several days later he called with my test results. All tests were normal. I was elated. He was amazed! Meg also takes (iGH3) and it has helped her depression. She made three attempts to destroy her life prior to (iGH3) and has made none since. She was told that she would never walk without an aid (cane or crutches). She walks by herself. They said that what she didn’t have back within a year, she would never get back. She is still progressing. She handles her own checkbook, does her own shopping, is starting to drive – and is alive and intelligent. I realize that we all take our daily life for granted. We always know when we were happy, and we always know when we ~j~‡1 feel good. It s quite a shock when “feeling good and being happy” disappear! I still go to meetings and I still hear people tell how much (iGH3) had helped their arthritis, etc. (iGH3) works at the cellular level and seems to get the job done. THIS IS THE ONLY LIFE WE GET – AND THIS IS THE ONLY BODY WE GET TO LIVE IT IN. DO YOUR BODY A FAVOR, GIVE IT (iGH3).

Joan Halberg

Loudon, Tennessee